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Inside the former Wetherspoons that's been turned into UK's 'most anti-Brexit pub'



  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058
    As you know we have left the EU.
    So whatever they do doesnt affect us much
    Therefore, dont you think it is weird that despite all the things that you could rightly complain about going on in our country, and all the sh1t that our government gets up to, that you still find it necessary to continually have a pop at the EU?

    Just to be clear, I am not saying you have no right to, or shouldnt do it, after all this is the Brexit thread.
    I just find it strange.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058
    Post-Brexit border fee brings warnings of higher food prices and empty shelves

    Food suppliers have warned of higher prices and empty supermarket shelves thanks to a new post-Brexit border charge being introduced at the end of the month.

    Importers will have to pay up to £145 to bring small amounts of products such as cheese, salami and fish through the port of Dover or the Eurotunnel from April 30, according to guidance published on Wednesday.

    The fee is intended to cover the cost of operating the border control posts introduced after Brexit, and will not apply to goods brought into the UK for personal use.

    But importers warned the new charges could lead to higher prices for consumers.

    The Cold Chain Federation’s chief executive, Phil Pluck, said: “Ultimately, this will increase business costs and food prices and potentially lower choices for the shopper.”
    Mr Pluck added it was “extremely disappointing” that the charges had been announced “at the last minute”, leaving businesses with little time to make any necessary changes.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    HAYSIE said:

    As you know we have left the EU.
    So whatever they do doesnt affect us much
    Therefore, dont you think it is weird that despite all the things that you could rightly complain about going on in our country, and all the sh1t that our government gets up to, that you still find it necessary to continually have a pop at the EU?

    Just to be clear, I am not saying you have no right to, or shouldnt do it, after all this is the Brexit thread.
    I just find it strange.
    No more so than your continual barrage of anti Brexit news feeds, as you point out, we have left the EU. I'm simply bringing a little balance. When you cease from telling us how sh1tty Brexit and the UK is, I'll stop telling you how cr4ppy the EU is.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058

    No more so than your continual barrage of anti Brexit news feeds, as you point out, we have left the EU. I'm simply bringing a little balance. When you cease from telling us how sh1tty Brexit and the UK is, I'll stop telling you how cr4ppy the EU is.
    Surely it no longer matters to us what the EU do.
    Although the effects of Brexit will affect our country long into the future.
    The most recent article was an explanation of how the post Brexit charges imposed by our government will increase food price inflation.

    Of the last two articles that you have posted,
    The first showed that Ursula von der Leyen is more popular than our PM.
    The second criticised her for something that could apply to our own PM, and politicians worldwide.

    I would say that the majority of articles that I post will relate to the effects of Brexit, rather than being anti-Brexit.
    Although, I can see why they may seem to be anti-Brexit, because very few advantages flowed from it.
    Therefore the majority of articles will reflect the downside.

    You on the other hand, were claiming only the other day, that the EU forced the UK government against their will, to purchase coal from a non member country, Poland, with a view to sabotaging our coal industry.

    I am not stupid enough to think that the EU is perfect.
    I merely thought that we were better in than out.
    Just that.
    I think the referendum was very divisive, and those divisions are still evident.
    The most recent polling probable points to it being a bad decision.
    I dont think we will be re-joining in my lifetime
    Even the Leave voting so called experts usually struggle to come up with any Brexit benefits.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058
    New Brexit border tax ‘will cause chaos and food shortages' in weeks
    Importers will have to pay up to £145 to bring small amounts of food products into the UK from the end of April.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Blah, blah. blah. Another Back Bencher screaming about chaos and strife thus giving the
    green light to hike prices. This from an MP who's party have no practical stance on the EU, the UK economy, Brexit or anything of importance unless it's promoting liberal woke leftiness.

    I suppose if Putin goes all nuke on the world that will be the fault of Brexit, or how about if that asteroid hits us, certainly the fault of Brexit.

    The problem is everybody has got a ready made excuse to just not work at anything, sit back do sod all and blame Brexit.

    politicians, they're not worthy of a capital letter, big business, financial sector et al had years to prepare but no, they just use Brexit as the excuse for failure. I don't see Brexit preventing the huge salaries, massive bonuses, big dividends and fantastic perks but then again I don't believe that Brexit is responsible for at least half of the problems laid at its door.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058

    Blah, blah. blah. Another Back Bencher screaming about chaos and strife thus giving the
    green light to hike prices. This from an MP who's party have no practical stance on the EU, the UK economy, Brexit or anything of importance unless it's promoting liberal woke leftiness.

    I suppose if Putin goes all nuke on the world that will be the fault of Brexit, or how about if that asteroid hits us, certainly the fault of Brexit.

    The problem is everybody has got a ready made excuse to just not work at anything, sit back do sod all and blame Brexit.

    politicians, they're not worthy of a capital letter, big business, financial sector et al had years to prepare but no, they just use Brexit as the excuse for failure. I don't see Brexit preventing the huge salaries, massive bonuses, big dividends and fantastic perks but then again I don't believe that Brexit is responsible for at least half of the problems laid at its door.

    Blah, blah. blah. Another Back Bencher screaming about chaos and strife thus giving the
    green light to hike prices. This from an MP who's party have no practical stance on the EU, the UK economy, Brexit or anything of importance unless it's promoting liberal woke leftiness.

    So it is not a fact that new charges have been introduced?
    Importers will have to pay up to £145 to bring small amounts of food products into the UK from the end of April.

    I suppose if Putin goes all nuke on the world that will be the fault of Brexit, or how about if that asteroid hits us, certainly the fault of Brexit.

    More likely you will blame it on the EU.

    The problem is everybody has got a ready made excuse to just not work at anything, sit back do sod all and blame Brexit.

    But it is to blame for lots of stuff.

    politicians, they're not worthy of a capital letter, big business, financial sector et al had years to prepare but no, they just use Brexit as the excuse for failure. I don't see Brexit preventing the huge salaries, massive bonuses, big dividends and fantastic perks but then again I don't believe that Brexit is responsible for at least half of the problems laid at its door.

    Its not like we didnt have all that stuff before Brexit.
    I dont really understand what you were expecting Brexit to provide.
    The evidence clearly suggests that it was a bad mistake.
    You have ridiculed the above article.
    Yet the UK government have introduced charges to try and cover the costs of border checks.
    These charges will undoubtedly increase costs for UK consumers.
    That affects you and me.
    Taking control of our borders seems to be going really well.
    As does wasting £24million on border posts.
    There was a recent article itemising 15 ways the Brexit is breaking Britain.
    You didnt dispute one of them.
    Others about farmers, and fishermen struggling because of Brexit.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    There is no point in disputing them because I'm sure that they are indisputable.

    My point, and it's one that none of the Remain, anti Brexit, Europhiles seem to grasp is that you have to move on. Instead it's like my Grandparents friends who used to harp on about the good old days, except they weren't really that good when you examine them.

    How do you expect the wound to heal if you just keep picking at the scab ? It wont it'll just get worse and fester.

    We had shortages, inflation, strikes, queues at ferry and airport terminals (usually due to the French and Spanish striking), and many of the other afflictions blamed on Brexit whilst we were members. So erm what's really changed there. The biggest inconvenience to most people is that they can't just swan around Europe unchecked and whilst that might be seen as a hardship it isn't really.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058

    There is no point in disputing them because I'm sure that they are indisputable.

    My point, and it's one that none of the Remain, anti Brexit, Europhiles seem to grasp is that you have to move on.

    I do and I have.
    I was never a fanatic.
    I just thought that it seemed logical to stay in.

    Instead it's like my Grandparents friends who used to harp on about the good old days, except they weren't really that good when you examine them.

    I am still surprised by the number of people that attributed the good old days, or the bad old days, to our membership of the EU.
    When the likelihood is that how well they did depended very much on themselves, or our government.
    Our government controls stuff like taxes, social housing, benefit rates, social care, the NHS, etc, etc.
    Yet somehow many people seemed to blame the EU, for their unhappiness.
    If as you say those days werent really that good, I doubt that the EU were to blame.

    How do you expect the wound to heal if you just keep picking at the scab ? It wont it'll just get worse and fester.

    I am interested in the actual repercussions of leaving.
    The things that are worsening are things that the government knew about, but put off implementing.
    The latest charges refer to checks that our government delayed, by continually insisting on grace periods, to soften the blow.
    Well we have got them now, and increases in food prices affect all of us.

    We had shortages, inflation, strikes, queues at ferry and airport terminals (usually due to the French and Spanish striking), and many of the other afflictions blamed on Brexit

    I cant see that this stuff could have been blamed on Brexit.
    Brexit wasnt a thing until we left.
    More likely they were blamed on the EU.

    whilst we were members. So erm what's really changed there.

    What has changed is that we are now supposed to be in control of our borders.
    No EU to blame.

    The biggest inconvenience to most people is that they can't just swan around Europe unchecked and whilst that might be seen as a hardship it isn't really.

    I think that grossly underestimates the changes.
    There are now work restrictions, study restrictions for youngsters, retirement restrictions for people that wished to retire in Europe.
    It put a big hole in our economy.
    Some businesses have suffered, as have some industries.
    Stopping freedom of movement has badly affected some sectors, and the NHS.
    When people are struggling to find actual criticisms of the EU, they usually come up with bs like straight bananas, or ideas that have been discussed for decades, but not implemented, like the European Army, or us getting overrun by Turks, as soon as they become members, or they are all unelected bureaucrats.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058
    I am not sure why you would think that anyone in the UK would be at all interested in this.
    You made the point earlier that some people cant seem to put Brexit behind them.
    It seems that you may be one of them.
    I have, and therefore have no interest in the intricacies that may go on in the EU, which dont affect us, as we are no longer members.
    I am disappointed that we left, because it put a big hole in our economy.
    Seemingly, a growing number of people in the UK are coming around to this point of view.

    Just out of interest, how do you think the article you posted may affect us in the UK.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    I don't. I do it to remind people that the EU isn't the be all and end all that they think it is. To show that the model is broken, flawed, biased and undemocratic. To remind those who would rush back to the EU in a heartbeat that it's not all milk and honey, unless of course you are riding the gravy train.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058

    I don't. I do it to remind people that the EU isn't the be all and end all that they think it is. To show that the model is broken, flawed, biased and undemocratic. To remind those who would rush back to the EU in a heartbeat that it's not all milk and honey, unless of course you are riding the gravy train.

    It surely doesnt matter what it is now.
    We have left.
    Although an ever increasing majority now believe that was a mistake.
    Bits of our press love nothing better than slating the EU.

    You have said a number of times that your life hasnt changed since we left.
    My interpretation of this is that the EU couldnt therefore have been responsible for the stuff that you were dissatisfied, or unhappy with.
    So you were blaming the EU for stuff that they had nothing to do with.
    Therefore you are bound to see no difference.
    Although there are many areas in which we are worse off.
    Brexit advantages are few and far between.

    I cant recall anyone mentioning the increase in food prices during the referendum.
    Yet here we are.
    Increased food prices affect everyone.
    Particularly those that can least afford them.
    We have left more than 4 years ago.
    Yet our government have delayed, and delayed imposing border checks.
    They cant delay them any further.
    So we are just about to see further increases, as they have imposed further charges, in an attempt to cover the cost of the checks.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 38,058

    I don't like Ursula because she has an agenda geared toward getting nations to join the EU. This is a bloc in which several member countries have an open dislike and mistrust of each other, a bloc where the poor are propped up by the wealthy and a bloc where genocide was taking place as late as the 90's.

    Why on God's earth would you wish to increase the numbers unless it's for personal gain. It's all jobs for the boys and the main policies are decided by faceless unelected sycophants who remain largely unaffected by their decisions.

    Also have you actually heard her talking about educating the young generation about the glory of the EU. Brainwashing more like. She is not open to any other way of life and regards anybody who opposes the EU as almost agents of destruction.

    However as a proud Englishman I offer this caveat.

    The Welsh, Scottish and Irish have a historical dislike / hatred of us. Most of Europe openly doesn't like us and so to live, work and socialise amongst all this dislike must mean we are the most tolerant Country on earth. Ursula definately isn't in that bracket.

    Von der Leyen urges EU red tape to be cut to boost competitiveness
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