Just wondered.
How do you re-set?
is it possible?
Can you re-learn a game that you have already got preset ideas about?
Is it best to just concentrate on one poker variant / type?
How do you stop yourself raising all in when you know you should be calling / folding?
and so many other questions......
Or is an old dog just too old.
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I do this from time to time and I find it keeps poker fresh and something to look forward to.
Look up something on on Youtube...
Say sb v bb ranges, watch a few videos , decide what ranges your going to try then try to implement it at the tables.
If you like messing with spreadsheets
Something like this revitalises interest in the game and results improve as a by product.
1. Put a small-ish amount on a new poker site. Try and grind it up at smaller stakes than you would normally play. Perfect place to try new things
2. Spend a pre-set time (say 30 minutes) playing precisely the opposite to the way you normally play. So-if tight, play very loose, and vice versa. This works best when you have been at a table for a while. Playing the opposite of your table image is often profitable
Playing more than 1 variant at the same time can be tricky. But good to learn different games. Much like number of tables you can play optimally, it is a case of trial and error.
How to stop raising all-in? Quite player-dependant, both you and opponents. You can never stop it-but you can reduce it. Presuming you don't like setting fire to money
I'm 60 this month. Played game rather a lot since 2005. Still learning. 1 day I hope to be mediocre