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  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 07/02/23

    Sorry for the delay in updating, all will become apparent soon.

    Weighed in yesterday and recorded another loss, this time 2lbs to take the current total loss to 1st 10.5lbs or 24.5lbs or 11kg in new money and with that recorded in the Slimming World journal it was with a jaunty step that I hi ho'd off to the gym for a very heavy leg and chest session.

    Thinking on what @Tikay10 had said I carried a 10 kg kettlebell around the gym from station to station, even to the changing area, only putting it back when the session was over. Realising that I had been carrying that weight every step of my life for the last several years was both revealing and scary.

    It also served to show that my target of 140 lbs will be truly life changing, that would be 2 x 32kg dumbells carried around, blooming heck.

    The session was great and it was only as I left that I was aware that I felt a bit sniffly, unfortunately sniffly soon became streaming eyes, alternating blocked or runny nose, cough, headache and a general feeling of yuck!

    Hopefully its just a 48 hour thing and I can get back to normal by Friday latest, I've already cancelled tonights cardio session and tomorrows weights and cardio. Thursday should be a rest day but if I'm feeling anything over 60% that will become a workout day.

    Right that's about all from me. As always, live, love and laugh and please stay safe.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,776

    "I carried a 10 kg kettlebell around the gym from station to station, even to the changing area, only putting it back when the session was over. Realising that I had been carrying that weight every step of my life for the last several years was both revealing and scary".

    Amazing, isn't it?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 21/02/23

    Welcome back to the diary, imagine spelling that wrong eh, that would be a whole new blog, you know cows, milk, cheese etc..

    A couple of things to note, firstly the weight is still creeping downward, creeping being the operative word as a whole pound has been shed since the last missive meaning a total loss now of 1st 11.5lbs or 25.5lbs or 11.6Kg.

    Not exactly what I wanted but whilst I was full of a cold I ate what ever I felt like so It's a good result. Back on track now and looking forward to some good results.

    Training wise, after 6 days of not doing anything, I hit the gym with a vengeance and absolutely smashed the last 5 days. Ahh maybe that was the problem, having already pushed the legs with both strength sessions and a big cardio endurance blast I decided to engage in some body weight split squats. The first set went well but as get into set number 2 I lose my balance on the front leg and gracelessly and almost in slow motion have what is best described as a ground, body interface scenario, much to the amusement of my training buddy (Daughter number 2) and the assembled throng.

    I immediately go into a series of push ups and mountain climbers in an attempt to recover the situation and my dignity, however a badly placed palm ensures another unplanned stability situation and I'm left laughing at the absurdity of it all. Just grateful that it wasn't caught on anybody's tik tok.

    So that's about it, week looks like this,
    Today - Rest
    Weds - Strength session am - Pads class pm
    Thur - Cardio 90 min pm
    Fri - Strength session am - circuits pm
    Sat - Endurance session bike 150 min or 60Km pm
    Sun - Spinning am - 2hr walk pm
    Mon - Weigh in and Strength am - Cardio pm

    Ok, have a great week, don't eat too many pancakes and remember, live, love, laugh.

    Stay safe guys.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 27/02/23

    Welcome back to the diary folks.

    This mornings weigh in rounded off a difficult week in fine style as a loss of 5 1/2lbs was revealed. That now puts the total loss to date at 2st 3lbs or 31lbs or 14Kg so I'm well happy with that.

    Training wise it was a bit hit and miss, not with attendance or frequency, just a couple of sessions where I was not feeling it and it all seemed a little flat.

    Got accused of being a little obsessive about my calorie and protein counting, but as the person who said it it is one visit to Greggs away from a heart attack, I'll take it that I'm doing things right.

    In order to keep the cardio training focused I've decided to undertake another of the Conqueror Virtual Challenges, namely the Route 66 Challenge. 2280 miles or 3669 Km with a completion date of 31.12.23. Obviously all the trek training will count toward the distance as approx 12Km a day, every day will be a commitment. Sign up and start date will be Wednesday March 1st.

    Set some new Pb's this week with a 210Kg leg press for 6 reps, a 105Kg deadlift for 6 reps and a 80Kg Bench for 6 reps. I know they're hardly figures to get serious gym bros interested but these come after 3 sets of 10 reps for each, with lighter weight, and as I'm training for strength, weight loss and endurance they keep me happy.

    I've also registered for a barcode to enable me to do parkrun although park waddle is a more accurate description, don't know when I'll have the courage to do one but it's in the to do list for later this spring, and could be worth spectating if only for the comedic value I'm sure I'll bring.

    Well that's about it for another week, if you want a diary of the Route 66 Challenge then just let me know, if not, I might just do it anyway and clutter up your notification box.

    As always, live, love, laugh and stay safe.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 07/03/23

    Welcome back and let me start by saying that this week has been somewhere between average and disappointing.

    Training has been ok but uninspiring, diet has been hit and miss, sleep pattern's shot to heck and mentally right now I'm a basket case, cue Green Day soundtrack.

    Still managed to get 6 training sessions in but quality was lacking and didn't get the usual buzz out of the endeavour although the Route 66 Challenge is up and running.

    Weight wise, I managed another 1lb loss so that's total loss at 2st 4lb, or 32lbs, or 14.5Kg. Think I need to up the calorie deficit, possibly by increasing my step count and also the intensity of the training.

    One upside is that I finally managed to fasten and zip up a pair of jeans that I've kept as "thinsperation" for the last 4 years. Not saying that I'm ready to wear them for any length of time, but hey, it's a visual cue that I am slowly shrinking.

    The "Lent give ups" of alcohol and junk food, my go to options at times of stress, boredom and feeling low are giving my willpower a real test right now. In fact a bargain bucket of chicken and 8 cans of Stella or IPA would be just the ticket. However, I am strong, I have made commitments and 2 chicken breasts with veg and a litre of diet cola will do me just fine.

    So that's about it for another week, I'm off to chuck some weights around and get a long bike ride in later as the Km's need logging for the Route 66 and I have a huge amount of frustration and aggression to get rid of. A couple of hours of Motorhead and Foo Fighters and Maiden in the earbuds, lifting straps on the bar and high RPM in the saddle and I'll be good.

    As always, live, love and laugh and stay safe.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,776

    Hi Mark,

    I missed last week's Update as I was away/busy, but....

    "if you want a diary of the Route 66 Challenge"

    Yes please.

    2st 4lbs weight loss is epic stuff, keep it coming.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 13/03/23

    Well thank goodness that last week is over, what with family commitments, cancellations, appointments, absent training partners, snow and ice and life totally disrupting every effort to train, it was grim.

    Only 1 weight session and 3 lots of cardio meant that I was well down on the planned activity for the week but I suppose that compared to life 3 months or so ago that is still a huge improvement over what it used to be. Small victories eh? Oh and before anybody asks, the Route 66 Challenge cycling sessions were incorporated into the cardio. More on that in the Route 66 Diary.

    Friday night posed a dilemma as a decision needed making. On the one hand it's gym bag with electrolyte drink, towel, clean shirt and headphones or rucksack with flask of Bovril, hat, gloves and hot pockets. GYM v STOKE CITY, all I'll say is I love Bovril.

    However, despite the problems with training the diet is progressing and this mornings weigh in saw a loss of 3lbs, as the scales showed 22st 5lb. That gives an overall loss to date of 2 and a half stones or 35lbs or 15.9 Kg. This is a significant figure as it represents a 10% loss of my starting bodyweight, which with a self congratulatory pat on the back I'm quite proud of. The slightly self satisfied feeling though quickly evaporated when I realised that I still have another 117 lbs to get to target and that seems completely unattainable at the moment so it's a case of breaking it down into achievable targets. So it's get to the next number, then the 3st loss then the 3.5st etc., rinse and repeat and the beat goes on.

    Week started well, seeing some Church friends for the first time in a while and came away with a real feel good buzz.

    Training already off to a great start with a big upper body session this am. and a long cardio session planned for this evening. May 15th sees the switch over to the official Trek26 Training Programme and I feel confident that with continued progression with both training and diet it will be enjoyably difficult and beneficial.

    Ok, I'm outta here, I need protein and coffee. As always, live, love and laugh and stay safe.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,776

    "That gives an overall loss to date of 2 and a half stones"

    Absolutely awesome. Well done Mark.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 21/03/23

    Hello folks and welcome back to the diary.

    Had a decent week to be fair, training went well and a Personal Trainer session resulted in some great functional routines that I will definitely incorporate into my workouts.

    However, disaster struck on Sunday morning when I tried getting out of bed and was left in agony by pain in my lower back, lumbar region. It took me what seemed like an age just to get dressed and downstairs where I became almost stuck in a chair, unable to move without whimpering like a frightened puppy.

    Eventually I was, with the aid of trekking poles, Tramadol, Paracetamol, Naproxen and sheer **** mindedness able to shuffle around. I figured it just might be a twinge or such like but Monday was almost as bad and therefore no training, no weigh in and no immediate relief.

    Today (Tuesday), feels a little better, although whether that's just the cumulative effect of 3 days of painkillers, and I'm really hopeful that Wednesday's training can go ahead, albeit with some alteration to exclude anything that will place the lower back under stress.

    Not sure what is actually wrong, there's little point contacting my G.P. as it's easier to win the lottery than get an appointment, but, the general consensus is that I've pinched the Sciatic nerve. All I know is I have a high pain threshold but this hurts.

    It also means that there has been no progression on the Route 66 Challenge and so the pacer continues to gain on me at 12 Km per day, mind you I'm capable of 60 - 70 Km sessions when fit so I'll let it enjoy it's moment of glory.

    Ok, so the first real setback since I began, but hey if it was easy then it wouldn't be fun. Until next time, live, love, laugh and stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 29/03/23

    Welcome to the diary, not sure if this one makes sense but it's been a mad week.

    So no weigh in last Monday due to having a short holiday. However, this weeks weigh in was thwarted by the fact that the Consultant that leads the group I attend has left.

    This would not usually present a problem, but the temporary replacement is a consultant I know of old and there is no way on God's green earth that they are getting my £6 a week, so from next week it's a new group for me.

    Training wise it's been very up and down and I just haven't felt it. I have had no motivation and it somehow just all seems a bit meh and when I have been up for it stuff just got in the way.

    Take last night, Tuesday, for example. I take the missus to a doctors appointment in the morning and then crack on with my day, a non training day as it happens. Now her surgery aren't happy with things and arrange for her to attend a respiratory clinic in the evening for more specialist examination.

    Three hours before that appointment is due she gets a call from a doctor at a different Primary Care Clinic asking to attend immediately, no problem so far and 10 minutes later I deposit her outside said clinic and wait. 15 minutes after that she is back at the car with a letter for A and E for urgent tests to heart, blood, lungs and can I take her because it's quicker than the doctor calling an ambulance.

    It's now 18.30 and by 18.45 she is at the A n E Dept of Royal Stoke and a mass of tests follows. Heart rate of 160, BP 157 / 92, Oxygen Sats 88 and it's looking slightly dodgy and I'm so glad she can't see what she looks like because she looks terrible.

    I'm trying to stay calm and reassuring but looking at her lying there, hooked up to oxygen and monitors, I am transported back 7 years to a hospital in Menorca watching my Father lose his battle and it's a real struggle to keep my **** together. I have a real need to pray but if she sees me doing that she will only panic more, so myself and God have a quiet time in my head and I'm left feeling slightly less anxious.

    The hospitals problem is they don't know what they are dealing with at this stage and so it's a continuous battery of tests until they have answers.

    Eventually by midnight she's a lot better, the HR is 130 Oxy sats 94 and the results of the blood tests show that she has an infection of the lungs which they can deal with easily enough, Thank God for Alexander Fleming.

    The upshot was that she was allowed to come home with a party pack of Antibiotics and a list of markers to watch for. That's great because I still have her and it's her Birthday on Thursday which would have been a bummer if she'd still been in Hospital.

    So eventually I crawled into bed at 03.15 and the plan for this mornings weight session was shelved in favour of sleep and cuddles.

    Not training at the gym for the rest of the week as I'm taking Alison away for a few nights to Llandudno, so some hillwork on the Great Orme beckons, then its back to a full schedule next week until Easter Sat sees a return to North Wales for a weeks holiday.

    As for the Route 66 Challenge, well just let's say I've given the pacer a real head start and by the time I resume in earnest I will be reeling in some 240Km of distance to pass him.

    So today guys, be thankful for all you have, don't worry about things that you can't change, change the things you can and live in the moment yeah.

    Live, love, laugh and stay safe.

  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,000

    Update 29/03/23

    Welcome to the diary, not sure if this one makes sense but it's been a mad week.

    So no weigh in last Monday due to having a short holiday. However, this weeks weigh in was thwarted by the fact that the Consultant that leads the group I attend has left.

    This would not usually present a problem, but the temporary replacement is a consultant I know of old and there is no way on God's green earth that they are getting my £6 a week, so from next week it's a new group for me.

    Training wise it's been very up and down and I just haven't felt it. I have had no motivation and it somehow just all seems a bit meh and when I have been up for it stuff just got in the way.

    Take last night, Tuesday, for example. I take the missus to a doctors appointment in the morning and then crack on with my day, a non training day as it happens. Now her surgery aren't happy with things and arrange for her to attend a respiratory clinic in the evening for more specialist examination.

    Three hours before that appointment is due she gets a call from a doctor at a different Primary Care Clinic asking to attend immediately, no problem so far and 10 minutes later I deposit her outside said clinic and wait. 15 minutes after that she is back at the car with a letter for A and E for urgent tests to heart, blood, lungs and can I take her because it's quicker than the doctor calling an ambulance.

    It's now 18.30 and by 18.45 she is at the A n E Dept of Royal Stoke and a mass of tests follows. Heart rate of 160, BP 157 / 92, Oxygen Sats 88 and it's looking slightly dodgy and I'm so glad she can't see what she looks like because she looks terrible.

    I'm trying to stay calm and reassuring but looking at her lying there, hooked up to oxygen and monitors, I am transported back 7 years to a hospital in Menorca watching my Father lose his battle and it's a real struggle to keep my **** together. I have a real need to pray but if she sees me doing that she will only panic more, so myself and God have a quiet time in my head and I'm left feeling slightly less anxious.

    The hospitals problem is they don't know what they are dealing with at this stage and so it's a continuous battery of tests until they have answers.

    Eventually by midnight she's a lot better, the HR is 130 Oxy sats 94 and the results of the blood tests show that she has an infection of the lungs which they can deal with easily enough, Thank God for Alexander Fleming.

    The upshot was that she was allowed to come home with a party pack of Antibiotics and a list of markers to watch for. That's great because I still have her and it's her Birthday on Thursday which would have been a bummer if she'd still been in Hospital.

    So eventually I crawled into bed at 03.15 and the plan for this mornings weight session was shelved in favour of sleep and cuddles.

    Not training at the gym for the rest of the week as I'm taking Alison away for a few nights to Llandudno, so some hillwork on the Great Orme beckons, then its back to a full schedule next week until Easter Sat sees a return to North Wales for a weeks holiday.

    As for the Route 66 Challenge, well just let's say I've given the pacer a real head start and by the time I resume in earnest I will be reeling in some 240Km of distance to pass him.

    So today guys, be thankful for all you have, don't worry about things that you can't change, change the things you can and live in the moment yeah.

    Live, love, laugh and stay safe.


    Llandudno! Hasn't she suffered enough? :)

    Seriously, wishing you both a happy time
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,776

    Another tough week by the sounds of it. Keep battling Mark, times like this are when we need to show our mettle.

    Attending A & E is a tough gig these days. I had reason to attend one last Thursday, & upon arrival at 9pm I was greeted by these signs on the plasma screen. Credit where credit is due, they were remarkably accurate...

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Hi all, managed to get a crafty hike in this morning although it would have been easier if I hadn't missed a track and created a huge climb early doors. Still it's all good training yeah.

    Went up the Great Orme via Happy Valley as far as the Summit Complex then returned via the road past St Tudhoes Church and graveyard, down the zig zags and then back to the Grand Hotel.

    Two things to note is that although now regularly training, my hill fitness is cr4p and that when hiking new routes pay attention to surroundings.

    Anyway the figure courtesy of FitBit are as follows.

    Total time 2.51
    Distance 7.89 Km
    Steps 11,739
    Cals used 1,734.
    Total Elevation 420m
    Weather heavy showers, wind 10kmph gusting 28kmph temp 7C - 10C

    Underfoot was a mixture of tarmac, grass, rock, stone and mud.

    Ok I'm off to have a soak and try and get loose

    Live, love, laugh and take care yeah.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 18/04/23

    Ay up and welcome back. I bet you missed me eh?. No. Oh well, that's ok I wouldn't miss me either.

    Had some time away from both the gym and the strict calorie deficit as I've had a holiday and decided to just use the time to reset and unwind. However, with only 3 weeks until the start of trek 26's own training plan it's all a case of back on it with a vengeance as yesterday heralded a massive legs session then last night saw me posting a 20Km ride for Route 66.

    The holiday has seen the pacer get some 400 Km ahead of me so it's time to start reeling it back if I'm to hit my Christmas Day finish and with a huge increase in hill training and endurance work the strength aspect of training will soon be more of a secondary consideration.

    Also the fundraising is going to become more of a priority as the focus shifts from gym to hill, but that's going give more opportunity for photos and filming as my gym is very strict on filming inside. I already have a few ideas for getting small business some exposure in exchange for a small donation.

    So that's about it really, I will find a suitable Slimming World by month end to keep me accountable with the weight loss and then I will post weekly updates.

    The rest of the week looks like this,

    Today. Wigan at home then 1hr 30 bike after.
    Weds. AM. Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms. PM. Pads class 30 min, 1hr bike
    Thur. AM. Hill intervals 10 x 90 secs. PM. 1hr 30 bike
    Fri. AM. Functional training 1hr 30. PM. 1hr bike
    Sat. OFF - Cardiff away - possible interval sprints LOL
    Sun. PM Mixed Steady State Cardio 2hr 30 (bike, row, ski, Xtrainer, treadmill )

    Should be a fun week, whatever you're doing enjoy yours. Live, love, laugh and stay safe yeah.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    edited May 2023
    Hi everyone and welcome to the latest update.

    Ouch, oof, argghh.

    With the official training plan starting on the 22nd of this month, I have upped the pre programme training with a sense of purpose and some degree of success.

    Unfortunately that also equates to a modicum of soreness as legs start to get accustomed to hard, regular walking and the muscles feel it necessary to complain robustly.

    Setting a 210Kg PB on the leg press

    Getting the miles in at Trentham Quarry

    Running on empty in the Peak District

    The Long and Winding Road

    So September 9 looms large on the horizon and the hope is that the body continues to improve and evolve, nutrition is on point and that I start to actually believe that I can undertake the trek with a reasonable hope of completion.

    So today is a recovery day, tomorrow will be an upper body day, Friday legs and a 1 hr hike, Saturday between 5 and 10 km depending on the terrain and Sunday a 3hr walk.

    There will also be at least 3 cycle sessions for the Route 66 challenge.

    Ok, that's me done for now.

    Live, love, laugh. Stay safe and be happy.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 173,776

    That looks tough Mark, but after each session, once you get your breath back, I bet it feels real good.

    Keep it going, you are making progress.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Tikay10 said:

    That looks tough Mark, but after each session, once you get your breath back, I bet it feels real good.

    Keep it going, you are making progress.

    Thanks Tony. Really want to get this nailed. Sometimes it's as much about the mind as it is the body.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Update 05/06/23

    Ok so that's week 2 of the official training plan completed and it's going well. The body is now recovering faster from the really hard sessions and that gives me the desire to push harder, further and faster in training.

    Since the last update I have done 2 easy walks, 3 moderate walks and 2 strenuous hikes and incorporated those around short recovery walks, swims and also strength sessions in the gym, plus the ever present stationary bike.

    Strength wise I have set numerous P.B.s although the strength training will now be scaled back to just 2 sessions a week, and the cardio element has improved markedly. It now takes more effort to get the H.R. over 130, my recovery time is quicker and I have increased stamina and endurance.

    So it's all looking good yeah ? Erm, well no, not exactly. What this has shown me is just how difficult this is going to be. Even though I am absolutely determined to do this I feel like I'm still behind where I should be, such was my level of unfitness prior to January.

    Little things like being sent the gradient profile of the trek don't help either. As someone used to seeing and interpreting these things from my younger days mountain walking, one glance was all it took to understand that a profile resembling a Toblerone means OMG it's going to hurt. Still if you're asking people to sponsor you it shouldn't be easy right.

    However, some little things really help, like bumping into somebody you haven't seen for 10 years who comment on how well you're looking and then upon hearing about the challenge pull out a wallet and make a donation with the line "Well you can't back out now Mark" and a big smile.

    So there you have it. 14 weeks of training to go, the first of the donations are starting to be made / pledged and I can actually feel myself getting fitter, stronger and more able.

    Have a great week and remember, live, love and laugh.

    Stay safe.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    edited July 2023
    So it's nearly 8pm on the 7th of July and I'm nearing the end of week 7 of the training plan. The problem is I'm on crutches for the next 2 weeks and then have to slowly begin to build up my fitness again but I'm never going to be able to make it up in time.

    The culprit, a dislocation of the left kneecap during a routine squat due to poor form, and omfg the pain was intolerable. Fortunately the kneecap went back fairly routinely, albeit painfully, and no lasting damage has been done.

    However, the lack of any training until the swelling has gone down and the subsequent loss of endurance gains has put me firmly behind the clock.

    I am determined to make this fundraiser happen, especially after reading some of your personal stories regarding dementia on an earlier thread. The current weight of opinion from the doctors and the coaching team is that the option of doing the 13 mile trek is perhaps a, manageable b, doable and c, sensible and so with this in mind I have contacted the organisers to see if I can switch to the shorter event.

    As far as the Route 66 Challenge goes, that's not important really. It's just a challenge against myself with no fundraising element, so if I over run the finish time then it's no biggie.

    The Trek26 / Trek 13 is the important one so any and all training when it can recommence will be focused solely on that to the exclusion of all other challenges.

    I'll keep you updated.

    Stay safe. Live, laugh, love.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,772
    Hi everyone and after a week of emails, text messages and phone calls, I can finally confirm that I shall be doing the TREK 13 for The Alzheimer's Society and Dementia research.

    Apart from the distance not much changes as the day and time remain the same except that I start later at 8.30 am rather than the 06.10 slot I had got for the 26. The other slight difference is that the amount I have to raise is reduced, not that that will make any difference. The original target still stands and that's what I'm going to raise, even if I have to sponsor myself to make up any shortfall.

    I can recommence training in a week and the training plan has been amended to ensure that I have the best chance of completing the 13 miles come September 9th. Happily the knee is recovering well and should be as good as ever after the physio has finished with me.

    That aside there is little to report, I have met some resistance to the change, mainly from the more hard core gym element amongst my friends who see it as a weakness, but I'm happy and comfortable wit the decision, albeit it's not one I've taken lightly so they can go swivel.

    So hope that you are all well and have had a great weekend.

    Live, love, laugh and stay safe.


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