Public emergency alerts to be sent to all UK mobile phones until the conspiracy theorists see this, they'll be wetting themselves with excitement. The Great Reset, the Grand Plan, New World Order, WHO, Bill Gates, all the usual suspects.
You won't be able to use your mobile until you have acknowledged the alert.
This will be the biggest boost to con artists ever.
And they are off.
"What do they know that we don't.."
this is not anything new, remember at the first covid lock down, we all got a text telling us to stay in, so long ago i forget the context, but i do remember getting a message.
the conspiracy guys are right to get paranoid about some of the stuff that goes on imo.... big brother is here, snowden gave us the proof, but no one realy cares cause we are all too busy raising kids or working.
^what a great track.
this ones alright tae
Also, people in a abusive relationship who have a hidden mobile may become endangered if the phone goes off.
Similarly, if "Phone users will have to acknowledge the alert before they can use other features on their devices", it will cause a delay before people can dial 999!
If it's a nuke then it doesn't really matter.
If it's also for local events people already know their environment and don't need the government to tell them it's raining and it might flood if you live next to a river.
Bl00dy nanny state.
those guys were rock n roll!
A terror alert would also be useful if it's kicking off somewhere like London Bridge.
And close your curtains.
15 mins to take shelter
Any Phone can be hacked by GCHQ whether on or off, same for landlines. All internet use leaves a footprint although some are very difficult to follow, Dark Web, Deep Web etc.
Every ATM transaction, every store card use, every contactless purchase and the beat goes on.
Why are people still getting uptight about stuff like this and the irony is nearly all of them are on social media.
Just emerged from my bunker and looked in the mirror.....