According to most (sensible) news sources, the Auditors resigned BEFORE Mr Murrell was arrested.
That's a lot different to....
"SNP auditors quit days after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband, Peter Murrell, arrested in finance probe"
The other point to make is they are supposed to actually audit the accounts. The clue is in the name.
They clearly have a potential conflict of interest moving forward, as it is likely to be alleged that they "missed" the blindingly obvious. From the 100k "loan"/repayments, and the reduction in income as the membership dropped.
They should be more honest, and more supportive, in relation to their former Client. Regardless of any wrongdoing by Mr Murrell or themselves, they had to cease being the Auditor.
They clearly have a potential conflict of interest moving forward, as it is likely to be alleged that they "missed" the blindingly obvious. From the 100k "loan"/repayments, and the reduction in income as the membership dropped.
They should be more honest, and more supportive, in relation to their former Client. Regardless of any wrongdoing by Mr Murrell or themselves, they had to cease being the Auditor.