Don't usually listen whilst playing but tonight I ran through a playlist of Foo Fighters, Metallica, Ramstein, Guns and Roses and AC/DC.
However interspersed with those were some Mumford, Fleetwood Mac, Elkie Brooks and vintage Neil Diamond. Even managed to listen to some Earth Wind and Fire.
Hoping to be playin poker all day today, goin to play all the Radiohead albums and see how ah come out at the end of it, here's some of the tracks, a bit depressing to some, but so good ....
that last track is wonderful.
However interspersed with those were some Mumford, Fleetwood Mac, Elkie Brooks and vintage Neil Diamond. Even managed to listen to some Earth Wind and Fire.
That's some eclectic mix there.
Don’t think we’ve had many or any Metallica posts, hint hint**
Couple of tracks to kick start the day
^had not heard that for years, was first on my playlist this morning.
Other tracks that been on
And bringing it down a notch
Have a happy day
Also on the playlist are the classic Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets, Fuel, Seek and Destroy, Ecstasy of Gold and Nothing Else Matters.
^hope you all play that last one a few hundred times, such a wonderful track.
edit*** good job @HENDRIK62
Hibees make awesome music!
The 2nd best anti war metal song. Enjoy.
^that one grows on you, is good in the middle of a playlist imo
im loving that girobabies track.......
looking forward to listening to more!
hope you managed these two classics>
^probly shoulda posted that track in @HAYSIE guitar music thread
^pure poetry