So I went to get my hair cut and my beard tidied up and yet again the barber tried to convert me to their religion.
It was not as bad as the one in Preston their is a troll for the preston one me and my girlfriend have discussed but probably best not doing it might not end well.
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Ahh, maybe it's the beard.
Technically depending on your definition of god it could be argued that I do believe in god. I believe we live in a computer simulation based on evidence and also probability. If this is the case our reality had a progammer/designer/creator. If you define god as the creator of our reality and leave it at that adding no other attributes then you can say I believe in god.
However its when we add other attributes that I do not believe like for example claiming Christ or Allah or god been moral or immoral, or perfectionate etc. or even been aware of our existence/caring about us at all.