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I know...another right or wrong moment...?

Ads2kukAds2kuk Member Posts: 582
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceletsplay11Small blind £0.15£0.15£14.42iantaxiBig blind £0.30£0.45£25.71 Your hole cards
  • A
  • A
   Ads2kukRaise £1.20£1.65£38.70welpFold    MrWh1teFold    iklejackCall £1.20£2.85£38.83letsplay11Call £1.05£3.90£13.37iantaxiFold    Flop  
  • Q
  • 3
  • Q
   letsplay11Bet £1.95£5.85£11.42Ads2kukCall £1.95£7.80£36.75iklejackCall £1.95£9.75£36.88Turn  
  • 6
   letsplay11Check    Ads2kukCheck    iklejackBet £4.88£14.63£32.00letsplay11All-in £11.42£26.05£0.00Ads2kukFold    iklejackFold    letsplay11Muck    letsplay11Win £25.08 £25.08


  • BlackFish3BlackFish3 Member Posts: 2,418
    edited March 2010
    3 way, turn check raise, player to act after you who has already bet... a fold is fine.
    Or the short stack could have like a pocket pair and be donk betting out on flop to take the pot, then checking after getting 2 callers, then when seeing the weak turn bet decided that they just want to get it in.

    Fold is fine imo.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited March 2010

    fold is ok here I guess.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2010
    tbh here i am calling. Yes it is four ways but it seems to me everything is weak, my opponent here may want to end it on the turn however if i have trip queens/FH here im milkn the pot. It isnt letting me see suits just colours so im assuming Q3 are either both hearts or diamonds which would be the only justification for a Q moving in here, but then the flop would have been stronger.

    Im just unable to fold my AA here. However if you have a read on your opponent you can make better judgement i often loook at these hands as if i was playing with them and i usually slow play a strong hand but then again it does get me in trouble against draws that hit.

    But this is why im calling. However i can fully understand the fold and i can see why it was made. Although again if the Q3 is suited he may have been on a draw and decided that he was taking it there and then incase he missed he wouldnt have enough money to scare off on the river. Again you have a read on the player i dont so only you can tell.

    Unlucky and your stronger willed than me for folding Aces
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010
    I would be interested in your thoughts this morning Ads.

    You were pretty steaming last night and I was doing my best to be in a pot with you.
    And I know for a fact you lied about some of your hands lol!
  • Ads2kukAds2kuk Member Posts: 582
    edited March 2010
    Morning White,

    I wasn't steaming mate..I was on major tilt from earlier on in the day at Dusk Till Dawn.

    I started with £17 on that table and worked it up to £70 in an hour but there were 2 hands that completely messed me up...One of them being when your A 3 beat my KKs. But it happens..

    Thanks for the replies blackfish, don etc...apparently the guy had 99s which means it was a poor fold but to be honest, I had iklejack to act after me so If I push over the top of the £11 all in then I'm only being called by a better hand...

    Ah well, the lovely words of....thats poker comes in! 
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010

    tilt = steaming, is what i meant.

    yeah i was a bit sorry about beating your KK (but not too sorry i hope u understand), but i had you on ace high and thought i was ahead with my three, when i hit the second one it was pretty standard play.  im not usually a fish, honest, i just read you wrong.

    u will get it back from someone else i am sure :D

  • Ads2kukAds2kuk Member Posts: 582
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: I know...another right or wrong moment...?:
    tilt = steaming, is what i meant. yeah i was a bit sorry about beating your KK (but not too sorry i hope u understand), but i had you on ace high and thought i was ahead with my three, when i hit the second one it was pretty standard play.  im not usually a fish, honest, i just read you wrong. u will get it back from someone else i am sure :D
    Posted by MrWh1te
    No problem man, it happens. Like you said, it was standard when the 3 came on turn...

    Hope to catch you on the felt again soon fella, for me to atleast have the chance to win it back! ;)

  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010
    I am sure we will :D
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