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booker4booker4 Member Posts: 53
booker4: chat logs got you a chat ban
› Beginning a new hand (1,786,527,932)
skicowboys: gg
Eddiesanob: u did well
› Beginning a new hand (1,786,527,978)
Eddiesanob: no cnut can see a thing i say
skicowboys: no probs, he's got 4 accounts
booker4: now they will get you banned from site
Eddiesanob: from which acc?
› WHATABEAUT has won 5,000 chips
› Beginning a new hand (1,786,528,095)
00:30HELPME13: gingerbo
HELPME13: 🤪🤣🤣
› jthej has won 3,500 chips
› Beginning a new hand (1,786,528,255)
Eddiesanob: i have to b fair. i can be a pri ck,,,but im a fair p rick
00:31skicowboys: i agree u are
HELPME13: you don’t mean any harm just good fun
skicowboys: a p rick
Eddiesanob: ty brother
you are a player that thinks SKY cant stop you cheating the rules, you abuse players, you abuse your chat ban you make a mockery of sky poker.


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