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Running bad?

cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
You don't know the meaning lol.....  Last 3 days i could have wept...  So, to increase the pain i searched some HH's.  Won >25bb's and lost >25bb's in last 2 days.  The losses when in front and called by people without odds and/or behind allin:

55<78 on 536 flop
AA<J7 in 3bet pot
AK<A6 3bet pot
AJ<A8 3bet pot
AQ<KQ 79Qsss flop Allin he hit's 2outer
99<53 3bet pot
QT<J4 Allin commit JJK9 brd
QQ<57 3bet pot
JK<44 KJ4 cooler flop
KQ<J5 8JQ9 brd
Another 5 coinflips allin pre lost

OK... now on to the winners where i behind preflop or on flop......

TT />KK allin pre
Unfortunately, that's it!

FU variance?  Well i say variance...... nearly all of the above came from unknown non-regs who seemed to be cleaning up.  I've never witnessed anything like the way sky gives out such a runbad EVERY month at some point.  Anyone else notice this to a weird extent or is it just me needing a tinfoil hat?

Maybe time to give this wh*re of a game up or look for pastures new.


  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    yes im getting it tonight m8 and had it in the past similar beats as well. only way to get round it is to stop for a couple of days or play low stakes so the loses dont hurt so much but yea it sucks big time. seems to happen one game after another aswell not over a number spread out but one after another. I personaly dont think its totaly random online and think software always has faults but its not aimed towards you your just sat in the wrong seat lol but thats my view and i still play online but you just have to play the site sometimes not the player lol

    lots of people have different opinions on it and we shall never know. But as i said take a break for a day if it continues stop and wait another day. It can also go your way and you get a winning streak aswell just sucks in the mean time.

    i play with my laptop in the micro wave instead of a tin hat works for me :)

    also dont go all in pre flop they might look good but if you get called you cant really complain about the beat your better off raising and seeing where you are and bet acordingly before making any decisions any two cards can win and pre flop all ins are only ok if you have a bigger stack than opponant or blinds are just to high and you have no choice. AK is only favorite slightly until you hit even then it can bust you fold big hands if you think your behind.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited March 2010
    Ive had it last week or so just comming out of it now Cottlad, however im a tournament player ive came to expect bad weeks and months and hopefully cover it all in the good times, which i have been doing.

    However as you stated in these hands above, alot of them seem to be outdraws. the QT one for example your drawing when the bet appears to be made and hes hit trips already, so i cant see any complaints about this one. TT v AK well sorry to say im calling with AK preflop and if i walk into a pair as long as its less than KK i have 6 outs to it. If its suited then i have a slight more outs depending. JK v 44 again yes its a cooler but it happens, its a race that you unfortunetly lost, the opposite of your TT v AK hand. Again i can see why moves are made so i will ask with the JK did you make the shove or did your opponent. KK v AK i can understand this, this is a horrible way to lose. eve worse AA losing to AK which i have seen happening. 99 v 53, was his 53 suited, this is the only justification for your opponent being in this hand should it have been raised preflop which i expect you will have done. the 55 v 78 hand. Im guessing most of the chips have went in on the flop you making the shove your opponent calling. In tyhis instance he has two overcards to the board (not to know you have trips) which is 6 outs, then on top of that he has an up and down straight draw which grants another 8 outs, thats 14 outs. Im calling here again.

    There the only real ones ive noticed. the rest i can understand, the KK to AQ is another sore one but again he has that over card and if your PP is less than Queens he has two overcards so i suspect a race was expected which unfortunetly wasnt the case but the ace came (i may be wrong).

    However my advice which is the advice many have given me is take a few days break, i found on my blip the more i got outdrawn the more i went on tilt or i tightened up which isnt the best way to play poker. You may react different but if you take a couple of days break you will feel a little refreshed and hopefully back in the money.
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited March 2010
    I always seemed to go on a bad run towards the end of the month chasing points.  I could get through £80 -100 just trying to get an extra £20 bounus.  Was ridiculous.  I dont really do it now.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    i played live cash first time ever other night, and my luck couldnt have been more out lol, and the standard of play was terrible, so im looking forward to when i next go and hopefully i dont run bad because i should be able to make a fortune lol
  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    Ive had it last week or so just comming out of it now Cottlad, however im a tournament player ive came to expect bad weeks and months and hopefully cover it all in the good times, which i have been doing. However as you stated in these hands above, alot of them seem to be outdraws. the QT one for example your drawing when the bet appears to be made and hes hit trips already, so i cant see any complaints about this one. TT v AK well sorry to say im calling with AK preflop and if i walk into a pair as long as its less than KK i have 6 outs to it. If its suited then i have a slight more outs depending. JK v 44 again yes its a cooler but it happens, its a race that you unfortunetly lost, the opposite of your TT v AK hand. Again i can see why moves are made so i will ask with the JK did you make the shove or did your opponent. KK v AK i can understand this, this is a horrible way to lose. eve worse AA losing to AK which i have seen happening. 99 v 53, was his 53 suited, this is the only justification for your opponent being in this hand should it have been raised preflop which i expect you will have done. the 55 v 78 hand. Im guessing most of the chips have went in on the flop you making the shove your opponent calling. In tyhis instance he has two overcards to the board (not to know you have trips) which is 6 outs, then on top of that he has an up and down straight draw which grants another 8 outs, thats 14 outs. Im calling here again. There the only real ones ive noticed. the rest i can understand, the KK to AQ is another sore one but again he has that over card and if your PP is less than Queens he has two overcards so i suspect a race was expected which unfortunetly wasnt the case but the ace came (i may be wrong). However my advice which is the advice many have given me is take a few days break, i found on my blip the more i got outdrawn the more i went on tilt or i tightened up which isnt the best way to play poker. You may react different but if you take a couple of days break you will feel a little refreshed and hopefully back in the money.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Absolutely agree when you look at each hand individually none of them are massively horrific, although some of the 3bet pot hands leave me wondering at times lol.  It's the fact all these hands were back to back coolers, outdraws and suckouts.  When i says b-2-b i mean without a comparable amount of hands holding up.  I haven't done the maths but i'd guess i was 65% favourite on average when commited to the above hands yet didn't win any of them at showdown.  The hands i did win in the same time period were either non showdown hands or i was way ahead all the way.  Other than the TT v KK hand.

    I know nobody enjoys bad beat stories but i see this incredible run EVERY month at some stage and am beginning to wonder if it's just me.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : Absolutely agree when you look at each hand individually none of them are massively horrific, although some of the 3bet pot hands leave me wondering at times lol.  It's the fact all these hands were back to back coolers, outdraws and suckouts.  When i says b-2-b i mean without a comparable amount of hands holding up.  I haven't done the maths but i'd guess i was 65% favourite on average when commited to the above hands yet didn't win any of them at showdown.  The hands i did win in the same time period were either non showdown hands or i was way ahead all the way.  Other than the TT v KK hand. I know nobody enjoys bad beat stories but i see this incredible run EVERY month at some stage and am beginning to wonder if it's just me.
    Posted by cottlad

    I ran worse this month fwiw. :-p
  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    I think a lot of regs have had a bad month this month after speaking to a few.. we getting crushed by Donk-a'-Longs!
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010

    Sick run m8 - after that session last Saturday when we both ran so bad against that guy who hit runner runner constanlty, I have taken a break from nl100 - you may need a small break m8, just chill out for a couple of days or just play a few MTT's to re group, play for fun again!! You know your a great player so I know you aint going anywhere - and I don't feel comfortable giving you advice cos your the daddy at that level m8 and you will know what's best for u m8 :)

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    I think a lot of regs have had a bad month this month after speaking to a few.. we getting crushed by Donk-a'-Longs!
    Posted by ChirpyChip
    hmmmm I've had my best month ever :) lol! Must be guilty as charged
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited March 2010
    meh i think ive been stealing everyone elses run good this month.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    I think a lot of regs have had a bad month this month after speaking to a few.. we getting crushed by Donk-a'-Longs!
    Posted by ChirpyChip

    If you want to run good you've got to run bad. There are alot of swings in poker that have nothing to do with skill or luck, tis just the way the game works.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    meh i think ive been stealing everyone elses run good this month.
    Posted by offshoot

    I actually know where my run good goes, i've worked it out. When I run bad CoxyLboro runs like god and when he stops playing I go back to breakeven loooooool. MBN for him!
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : If you want to run good you've got to run bad. There are alot of swings in poker that have nothing to do with skill or luck, tis just the way the game works.
    Posted by beaneh

    What about lolufold?

  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : hmmmm I've had my best month ever :) lol! Must be guilty as charged
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    Atleast some one is running Hot! O well bring on new month I say... btw Beaneh you run like god! You destroying everyone on Sky atm.... at every level lol!

    You are my God
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : What about lolufold?
    Posted by Cowgomoo

    lol jealous much?? He gets dealt the same amount and type of cards and has the same odds of hitting as us, maybe he just knows when exactly to click the buttons to get extra lucky!?
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : Atleast some one is running Hot! O well bring on new month I say... btw Beaneh you run like god! You destroying everyone on Sky atm.... at every level lol! You are my God
    Posted by ChirpyChip

    lol you should have seen the first 3 weeks of this month, roughly 50 equity in about 40 pots and I didn't win one. Kings into Aces 15 times and not win one, all for full buyins near enough all at nl100-200 :-(

    I found Aces when others had kings 4 times, got it in pre and won 2 lol silly game (evens out my ar se!)
  • CowgomooCowgomoo Member Posts: 749
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : lol jealous much?? He gets dealt the same amount and type of cards and has the same odds of hitting as us, maybe he just knows when exactly to click the buttons to get extra lucky!?
    Posted by beaneh
    I certainly am.
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : lol you should have seen the first 3 weeks of this month, roughly 50 equity in about 40 pots and I didn't win one. Kings into Aces 15 times and not win one, all for full buyins near enough all at nl100-200 :-( I found Aces when others had kings 4 times, got it in pre and won 2 lol silly game (evens out my ar se!)
    Posted by beaneh

    Sklansky lied to you! Report 2+2 publishing to trading standards and demand a refund...
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    In Response to Re: Running bad? : Sklansky lied to you! Report 2+2 publishing to trading standards and demand a refund...
    Posted by BrownnDog

    He just sit's there touching parrots whilst counting bags of monies, laughing at all us morons trying to live our lives with sklansky buxs. More worthless than the Deutsche mark during hyper inflation!!!

    And cowgomoo jealousy is good lol. V important skill!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Running bad?:
    I think a lot of regs have had a bad month this month after speaking to a few.. we getting crushed by Donk-a'-Longs!
    Posted by ChirpyChip
    2nd that
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