Sky, aren't you tired yet of people taking the **** out of your Satellite system for SPTs?
2 minutes before start, 8 runners, mass unregistering, fails to start, people take their profit from SPT all in.
Answer, only run all in satellites after SPT satellite starts. If it does not have enough runners, it and all satellites get cancelled. If its running, only those with genuine aspirations to take part enter.
You're welcome
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you cant hate players for exploiting a chance to make money that is what we as poker players are supposed to do.
you can blame the system and by all means can talk about how to edit it. the all in sats after the event wouldnt work the game just would not start. I mean one way to fix it may be to eliminate the whole structure all together and have a different one like eliminator free rolls or something similiar to win entry either to the event, or to the satalite of the event then people are registered by the system once prizes are announced at a later date and then its use it or lose it. That may be a suggestion for future SPTs and the details could be ironed out.
I know there are SPT events I cant make so I dont touch the sats unless I looking to just take the money rather then the entry to the £55 sat. if for example when we had the glasgow spt I could win entry but put it to and spt i can make then I would be more likely to be seen in the £55 when glasgow spt sat for example.
I think having an earlier Quarter-Final (7.25pm) with two Guaranteed seats, as well as the 8.25pm one would be good.......
and to stop folks winning a seat to Semi and de-reg'ing to take the Ca$h....... don't allow any de-registering
The £6 sat's are a total waste of time, and never run
I've actually given up trying to win a seat because of what's been happening ......which is sad ........ and I know hypocritical, 'coz I've played the sat's to win Ca$h before ...... but I defo won't any more
GOOD LUCK in Manchester every one...... sad I won't be there, but hope to see you in Brighton next Year ...... esp as my daughter is going to Uni there
Removing the all in sats is an option but this is penalising those who genuinely wish to play the semi and would make the semi even less likely to run.