@StayOrGo @rabdeniro @zadoc @SidV79 @MAXALLY @vaigret @thefall @JoMalone @Accipiter @wynne1938 I just wanted to summarise the new process in a separate thread so that it didn't get "lost" or interfere too much with the selections thread of Terry's. Plus you can always go here for the links if needed.
The form for submitting your selections each day,
will always be the same, and the link is listed below:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfg74fE7oYJrLTuDmS5BwwD7e-RL7Rvj9Syva7BiradWWY-Hw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0Once you have done your selections: (ALL CAPITALS PLEASE) you can
check here that they were received by the "system" in the "interim" sheet below:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQxO2aktNpfyJ3FtyiONP4Sl76m9H8FW_VAfqht7QQOG0hPwXwId3jpUbbvqebEArD5ApSAv0ldcu4g/pubhtmlFor now Non Runners will be dealt with as they were before, but we can look to change this if desired. When
@vaigret is comfortable with the new "form based" process then we can potentially stop having to put them on the forum too.
The forum will still be used as before, for putting up the sheet links etc, and for
@vaigret summary of results and write ups etc, plus my ONE NAP results post etc
The process for transferring the selections from the "auto generated" interim to the main sheet will be done by admin.
I will do that for now, and also explain how to do it to
@vaigret and/or
@MAXALLY when they are ready. It is a very short process of just a few clicks, but needs to be done right, to make sure everyone's selections are in alignment.
I hope you like the new system. Sorry for it's rushed entry, but I wanted to get going with it ASAP, so we know that it is "fit for purpose" to use on other NAPS comps too that
@vaigret is running.
All the best!
I also thought, to see it working here, would give you more confidence about it's use for WINTER SERIES.
I may not always be able to have the drop down lists of the horses names (unless I get get a volunteer helper?) for when I am not around.
Probably takes 15 minutes to do (depending on the number of runners) so if anyone fancies the job now and again, would be much appreciated. I can explain how to do it.
Any volunteers?
What are people's thoughts on the drop downs? Useful or just as easy to type in?
One advantage is that it ensures people don't enter the wrong runner for the wrong race, and they'll also be in CAPS, plus just ease of use.
Is it worth the 15 minutes set up time each day?
I will do Optimum for Friday and Sat