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Middle East On The Brink.



  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 157
    Genocide IDF shooting anyone and beating's and shooting in the West Bank . BEGGARS BELIEF . Saying that they've done it for decades now . the bullied become the bully . That government off Israel are as guilty as the Nazi's were off GENOCIDE . This is worse
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 157
    Scum horrible scum .. so glad my government does not support them .. they men in the street .. treated like that .. scum off the earth .. ethnic criminals .. how can anyone support that .. or try to justify it .. excuses about pictures .. filmed for there laughs .. sick scummy bas t ards ..
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,579
    edited December 2023
    "Through earthquake and starvation shall the Warlord arise".

    "Terror, death, destruction pours from the Eastern sands".

    Just a brief look at two of the prophecies of Nostradamus, which maybe, unsurprisingly, reflect quite closely some of the portents for End Days revealed in Revelations.

    Now I am NOT for a moment suggesting that old Nostradamus is correct or indeed that the end is nigh. However it would appear that the Four Horsemen are galloping somewhat unchecked throughout the world.

    Descriptions vary slightly but they can be categorized as Pestilence, War, Famine and Death and whilst it is easy to argue that these afflictions are, and have always been, ever present, one cannot dispute the marked increase of said indicators as we move forward.

    Just a wake up call to anybody thinking that world events don't really affect us.
  • legascaaclegascaac Member Posts: 157
    Did you watch that ISRAELI cu nt at UN COUNCIL and the shi te coming out his mouth .. SICK EXCUSES .. pathetic examples off other wars ..every one off the Israeli government are war criminals .. disgraceful treatment off innocents .. mass murder .. there's no excuse .. especially when the land is not and never will be there's .. with that right wing genocide supporting government .. sick land thief's oh sorry settlers beating people killing people and kids .. excuses for arrests .. as always with Israel excuses for brutal treatment off the people off Gaza and West Bank in there country .. from an invading ISRAEL .. no wonder they get attacked .. they shouldn't be there .. Hamas no better .. using people as cover ..
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited December 2023
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    Israel blows up ‘subterranean city’ in Gaza where Oct 7 massacre was hatched
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    Hamas says Israeli airstrike kills at least 70 people in Al-Maghazi refugee camp
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited January 3
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    Israeli police kill Palestinian girl when responding to ramming attack - emergency services
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 8,501

    Every bit as much a Terrorist as the extremists within Hamas.

    The 2-state solution is the only viable way forward.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
    edited January 20
    Essexphil said:


    Every bit as much a Terrorist as the extremists within Hamas.

    The 2-state solution is the only viable way forward.

    And has been for 75 years.

    The horrific Hamas attack in October obviously could not be ignored.
    Yet his actions since have probably secured the future of Hamas for the foreseeable.
    Almost 25,000 dead Palestinians, most of them innocent.
    Including many women, and children.
    Many more have been maimed.
    Large parts of Gaza have been reduced to rubble.
    Creating huge numbers of homeless Palestinians.
    I have never heard any suggestions of a viable alternative solution.

    I lost patience with our politicians.
    Surely the first priority that every uninvolved observer of any war should advocate is a cease fire.

    His actions probably equate to the RAF bombing housing estates in Ireland/NI during the Troubles, in case some IRA/Loyalist paramilitaries were hiding out in them.
    This could never have happened, as absolutely nobody would have stood for it.

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 34,846
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,760
    edited February 1
    Ok i've been off this thread long enough , i've had other things going on such is life
    I've gone back 10 pages on the Israel thread on The Oatcake which is where i get my info from , such an interesting and informative read , this is from the 15th Jan
    It makes the South African involvement seem a bit ironic tho they're doing their best

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