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had enough

spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
edited March 2010 in Poker Chat
takin a couple days off, had a shockin weekend with bad cards being dealt and being done on river with best hand till then and some of the stupid calls, eg have pair aces raise 4 times blind and someone goes all in with 3 6 off suit and no they were not short stacked nor was i, and they hit 2 pair on river, i mean how can you play against that?? so gl to all, i will be poppin in 2 check on poker chat just 2 c wat loonytoon has been up 2, now i can take my foil hat off lol?


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010
    U shud have cashed in the other night when I was donkin off left right and centre on the 4 quid tables !!!

    Play through the pain ;)
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    now what ya mean m8 been getting same last 2 nights hang in there and come back
  • Donut64Donut64 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited March 2010
    Wish people would call me with 3 6 off suit when I have Aces! It seems when I have aces every one else folds. I know its a sickener when they get beat by idiots but they will be the losers in the end!
  • trevil25trevil25 Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2010
    its good to see you are taking a break,its the best way to keep the white coats away.there will always be the luckers whos calls begger belief.over the years i have found myself going to t.k with steam coming from my ears asking why my aces have been cracked 6 times on the trot,why my winning hand has been cracked on river 9 out of 10 times etc etc etc.all we can do is look at our bankroll over a year and if you are up then pat yourself on the back and take some pleasure in the fact that your winnings have come from the very same person that cracked your aces with 3 6 off   regards brett
  • DAVEPOLO64DAVEPOLO64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2010
    i  think the amount of times you see runner runner on this site is scary thinking of not bothering anymore because of this the cards seem fixed i always seem to go all in miles ahead but gets beaten by nothing
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010
    all losing players complain of the sites being fixed.  all winning players laugh it off
    u know the camp you are in?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,928
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    all losing players complain of the sites being fixed.  all winning players laugh it off   u know the camp you are in?
    Posted by MrWh1te
  • DAVEPOLO64DAVEPOLO64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2010
    im a winning player on every other site you work for sky poker mr white lol
  • mabsuemabsue Member Posts: 382
    edited March 2010
    ok whilst i agree it seems harsh heres a hand from a LIVE tourney Friday night 2 tables left guy  two to my right raises i have button  and A k suited no less so without to much thought i shove on him he was shortish but had fold equity but not with QQ in his hand pretty standard stuff flop comes A k 9  two clubs quick check no clubs in play phew  turn card ten of clubs so i am still thinking give me the chips and then the river ahhh yes you guessed it by now another club..................... ah yes no clubs in play from either player great i think only to take a second glance no no it cant be fix fix its a fix it was the jack of clubs my chips exit stage right  well thats poker and for a change the best hand won but to be fair after the flop i was thininking it was coming to me wheres my foil gone  lol

  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    im a winning player on every other site you work for sky poker mr white lol
    Posted by DAVEPOLO64
    im on many other sites too, same whines come up day after day

    gets boring after a while
  • jubbleyjubbley Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    ok whilst i agree it seems harsh heres a hand from a LIVE tourney Friday night 2 tables left guy  two to my right raises i have button  and A k suited no less so without to much thought i shove on him he was shortish but had fold equity but not with QQ in his hand pretty standard stuff flop comes A k 9  two clubs quick check no clubs in play phew  turn card ten of clubs so i am still thinking give me the chips and then the river ahhh yes you guessed it by now another club..................... ah yes no clubs in play from either player great i think only to take a second glance no no it cant be fix fix its a fix it was the jack of clubs my chips exit stage right  well thats poker and for a change the best hand won but to be fair after the flop i was thininking it was coming to me wheres my foil gone  lol
    Posted by mabsue[/QUO

    Unlucky young man
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited March 2010
    just to add a thought though.....

    people complain somewhere is rigged.  then they keep playing there.
    if you really think its rigged why would you?  that is plain stupidity
  • jubbleyjubbley Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    im a winning player on every other site you work for sky poker mr white lol
    Posted by DAVEPOLO64
    Thats good you win on the other sites obvoiusly proves sky is fixed! Are you for real dave no site is fixed its called POKER it happens
  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    i  think the amount of times you see runner runner on this site is scary thinking of not bothering anymore because of this the cards seem fixed i always seem to go all in miles ahead but gets beaten by nothing
    Posted by DAVEPOLO64
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited March 2010
    i am not saying the site is rigged an anyway ( though i do think my bro might hav been dealer, he hatess when i do win) or that im a sore loser in any way, of course i get a bit peeeved ( puttin mildly) but who doesnt with dum calls but u shrug it off and start again, thats what im doing a couple days off and come back refreshed ( with my foil hat fixed)< so i will see all 2morrow in tko, and tk is going down ( so long bro is not dealin 2 me), so gl to all in all games c u 2morrow
  • tallboytallboy Member Posts: 375
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    just to add a thought though..... people complain somewhere is rigged.  then they keep playing there. if you really think its rigged why would you?  that is plain stupidity
    Posted by MrWh1te
    + 1  As ive said many times look at the regular high stakes cash players, there on here everynight making money Why? Because they make money and can deal with the beats as much as it hurts at the time. The sites not rigged it happens, would a massive organisation like Sky risk there reputation rigging this site? I think not, so if your not happy with it there's plenty more you can sign up with.
  • st4rst4r Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2010
    Bad beats will always happen whether it is live play or online. Bad beats always stand out when you are the loser as inevitibly that is when you have shoved. what most people conveniently forget are all the times they have hit their miracle cards.
    The only way to assess this would be to religously record the outcome of say 10,000 hands and you will probably find that bad beats will probably equal miracle cards.
    In all random selections there will appear natural bias for short periods of time where the odds of probability go off of the scale in in order to adjust back to the true odds. for example the odds say that your chances of a pocket pair are16:1, but how many times do we sit there hand after hand with nothing and then hit pocket pairs twice on the trot (true odds 16:1, probability odds 16x16:1).
    I am not saying that your caller was aware of this but there is always the off chance that he picked up on a bias and was trying for an informed steal.
    Highly unlikely i know, but think, how many times have we all had a gut feeling and not acted on it and would have ended up with a mega disguised hand only to think what if.
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: had enough:
    In Response to Re: had enough : + 1  As ive said many times look at the regular high stakes cash players, there on here everynight making money Why? Because they make money and can deal with the beats as much as it hurts at the time. The sites not rigged it happens, would a massive organisation like Sky risk there reputation rigging this site? I think not, so if your not happy with it there's plenty more you can sign up with.
    Posted by tallboy

    I'm going to let all you guys in on a secret.



    Poker that is not this site. :-)
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited March 2010

    5-6 years ago I went for my train drivers job.  The tests I had to do were pretty rigorous before I got the job.  One of the tests was a reaction test where basically you sit in front of a screen, you have different coloured buttons in front of you, a left and right pedal and some earphones on.  noises in ur ears meant you had to press a certain pedal and colours flashed on the screen and you had to press the appropriate button.

    The test is designed to `run away with you`, ie, you cannot keep up.  It is what you do when you cant keep up that could be the difference between getting the job and not.  We were told b4 the test, if you cant keep up, then stop.  Sit back for a few seconds and start again when you have composed yourself.  Do not chase the colours, as this will lead to getting more wrong.  I was sitting next to someone who was pressing these buttons like a madman.  I sat back and composed myself when things got out of control, but was thinking, omg the guy next to me is superman, there is no way I will get this job.

    Turns out he failed the test and did not get offered a job as he did not take a break and chased the colours.  I composed myself and got back into the stride without chasing.

    I know this may be an obscure analogy, however, I do think it lends itself to poker in this situation.

    I just need to adhere to it myself from time to time lol

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010

    lmao Omaha-oneyO get stuffed!!!!! hahaha

    Honest if I believed it was possible to make summat like this up - I would never believe you.

    Duno about post of the week - how about poster of the week. Takes bonkers to a new level. The new Hartshorn, - start getting genuinely upset about your bad beats, and type in a Yorkshire accent, and u'd get my vote.

    I'd love to see the camera on sornybol as he reads that! - will be doing his Annie Duke impression!!! - brilliant, again! lol

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