so another weird dream in this dream Tikay and Misty4me were working for the council to hoover the local park, they had hoovered 1 quarter of the park and then me and my girlfriend volunteered to hoover another quarter of the park. for some reason it was then decided to leave the park only half hoovered.
and the hoover was put back in the van and they drove off. Now this makes little sense for a number of reasons, firstly I doubt any hoover has an extension cord that long, and also with my local park I dont know how the cord is not getting stuck on trees and the like.
also why would anyone hoover the park that makes no sense.
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You yearn to be Park warden and keep the Park clean & Tidy your Girlfriend likes to wear Pooh outfits and has Hoover Fetish blow rather than suck, you never completely ask her to marry you and confuse her with name dropping Poker Players.
Dreams are decipherable and can reflect a troubled mind, stress or worries.
Get checked out by these Guys......