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  • MohicanMohican Member Posts: 1,436
    edited March 2010
    pre flop bad play.
    Min raise post flop bad play.
    Shove on the reraise good play.
    just got unlucky when he hits his two outer.
    You've asked for advice and you don't like what you've heard.
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!:
    pre flop bad play. Min raise post flop bad play. Shove on the reraise good play. just got unlucky when he hits his two outer. You've asked for advice and you don't like what you've heard.
    Posted by Mohican
    ok for one its got nothing to do with not liking what ive heard i can take constructive critisism. What i dont like are stupid comments calling me a donk. and with the min raise not only am i bumping up the pot if i hit and thinning out the field so only 3 players in not 6. I also am showing strength by raising the min without getting commited and losing a large amount if i dont hit. Its an average hand and is beat by a lot pre flop and i was testing the water. I did hit and the point here is not what i did pre flop whether it be bad or good its what happend after the flop. I raised 4 times the blind in total and im not putting any more than that with said hand. Its not how i always play that hand but it was this time. he was a loose player and had gone all in with rubbbish before hand so if i raise to say 300-400 and he goes all in pre ive lost a big chunk of my stack.
  • porkermanporkerman Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2010
    back tracking a bit now dazler, glad we have improved your game anyway, next time you wont make the same play and you know it!!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!:
    back tracking a bit now dazler, glad we have improved your game anyway, next time you wont make the same play and you know it!!
    Posted by porkerman
    no not at all id play that way more often than not in that situation. it did exactly what i wanted and kept me in control of the play.
  • porkermanporkerman Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2010
    ok lol you keep thinking that, it seems you just cant be told
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!:
    ok lol you keep thinking that, it seems you just cant be told
    Posted by porkerman
    certainly not by you. considering you would fold QJ suited on a min raise lol.
  • porkermanporkerman Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!:
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!! : certainly not by you. considering you would fold QJ suited on a min raise lol.
    Posted by Dazler
    cant stop laughing at this, will someone polease tell this bloke that QJ sooooooooooted is rubbish!!!!!
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010

    He played queen jack suited, face up. Its a decent hand, it has great potential, but isn't a powerhouse hand.

    The min raise is "sitting on the fence" - you aren't committing to the hand.

    What are you trying to achieve by the min raise? - Tempting someone to come over the top? - Trying to steal the  blinds? - Hoping to see a cheap flop?

    Your raises need to be consistent, if you raise 3xbb with AA, but 200 with weaker hands, good players will pick up on this and you will get crushed. 

    JQs is a good hand to play deep stacked, with small blinds. Time and a place to play it speculatively, and other times, it needs to be played strongly. I'd argue the example you gave, is a time to play it strong, or not at all.

    Btw Im amazed the pocket tens don't raise you pre flop, maybe he smelt a rat with the min raise (I doubt it as he gets it in on the flop) lol


  • porkermanporkerman Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2010
    the min raise is a total joke, i would encourage my opponents to always min raise me cos its one of the worst moves in poker, apart from a nuts min raise for value on showdown, but hey, old dazler is getting all the info he needed by doing it lmao
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited March 2010

    lol yeh its not a good play really - its like he didn't know what to do so he just clicked raise - it looks so weak - and it is weak...

    Then again what sort of player is Dazler? will he fold to a re raise? If I was in the blind here, and Dazler did that, I would re pop it make it 650 total, with alot of rubbish hands - If I knew he could fold !!

    I he's a station - then no point (deffo wud with my tens tho)
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!:
    He played queen jack suited, face up. Its a decent hand, it has great potential, but isn't a powerhouse hand. The min raise is "sitting on the fence" - you aren't committing to the hand. What are you trying to achieve by the min raise? - Tempting someone to come over the top? - Trying to steal the  blinds? - Hoping to see a cheap flop? Your raises need to be consistent, if you raise 3xbb with AA, but 200 with weaker hands, good players will pick up on this and you will get crushed.  JQs is a good hand to play deep stacked, with small blinds. Time and a place to play it speculatively, and other times, it needs to be played strongly. I'd argue the example you gave, is a time to play it strong, or not at all. Btw Im amazed the pocket tens don't raise you pre flop, maybe he smelt a rat with the min raise (I doubt it as he gets it in on the flop) lol DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    finaly a sensible comment DOHHHHHH i play differnt all the time and mix it up so my opponents dont know what im doing. The min raise did give me a lot of info  believe it or not and can be very powerfull in my opinion. The moves i can make are either -

    # fold QJ suited preflop after only a min raise of 100 with position on the person that made the raise

    # flat call see a cheap flop and hope 4 players after me dont re-raise or they all call which makes my hand weaker and i look weak also anyone could hit anything with 6 players and i wont know where i am.

    #min raise which i did this bumps up the bb to 200 which is 2 times the bb, people behind me either call or fold or reraise again, and this gives me information which it did in respect that i only had 2 callers and no reraise, only 2 players left not 6, and if you can tell what ive got then fair play your a good player but there is no way you could i look stronger than the origional raiser or he would have put in a decent raise after me. If someone shows strength they would have reraised prob and i would have if i held pocket 10s he was worried i had A,k,J or Q? and wanted to see a flop just incase.

    #or Reraise 5-6 times the blind and they all fold and i only make 150, get someone either push call or reraise me again which means im getting overly commited with an average hand pre flop which is going to get me in big doo doo cos ill either have to call or fold. making me lose 600 of my chips without even seeing a flop. Then if i dont hit any of the flop im either going to have to bluff, fold or chase a draw which will end up crippling me or knocking me out or i lose most or all of my stack.

    If im aggresive all the time seasoned players will know this and read me respectively if im always tight they will gather this also. If i make the odd min raise as i did they aint going to know where they are. As i said previously its not how i play every hand but on this occasion i did and i was completely happy with it. In relation to betting big with big hands and weak with weak hands this couldnt be further from the truth i have different tactics and change constantly i dont want people to read me by being consistant. ill raise with 67 suited or worse lol its not always about the cards you hold.

    I posted this on here not to really discuss how i played pre flop but the crazy call. dont forget betting pre flop you still have to think about post flop, turn and river. I was thinking ahead. And how much it would cost me. If i fold after another reraise ive only lost 200 chips. Its my play and ill stick by it at least i would have lived to play another hand.

    The only thing i can think of why he called was he thought that i was holding an A because of my min reraise so didnt believe i held either the Q or J but only he can say that.
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