I am pretty sure though not 100% sure this is not the first time I have mentioned this happening on the forums because it is not the first time it has happened.
I got woken up at 10am this morning by some lady that believed in a very evil ideology (christianity ) after I had been up till 6am watching the basketball. She started the conversation mentioning the elections in an attempt to make out god was better then the politicians. hate to say it but if it was an election between Yahweh or Rishi Sunuk I would have to vote for Sunuk.
To put it clearly if (I would never do this) I had decided to physically drag the women into the property and me and my partner spent the next 40 years torturing her in vengence for the inconvience, we still would be morally better the Yahweh. Who decided to punish most of human kind for all eternity to the maximum extent possible because some people who were made not knowing the difference between good and evil ate an apple.
I mean its obvious nonsense but as I pointed out to the lady, the very fact people believe this stuff and worship it and justify it proves that the holocaust could happen again.
She did not get a polite reception, now it does make me wonder whilst obviously I would never do what I mentioned earlier because I am not an evil **** like the fictional being Yahweh however if I decided to keep water bloons and a super soaker by my door for self defence against the inconveince of these religious nuts would that be considered reasonable?
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