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The next one

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,270
so I realize I need to start applying myself better and procrastinating less so am limiting civilization games, forum posts and some other stuff and thus realized i had a number of threads i had thought of but cant make them all without wasting huge amounts of time so have to just choose one topic and go for that. the ideas I had are

1. why I think we are not done with the **** we never were and we are waiting for a rude awakening when underground Nazi movement comes out in force. how they have been moving behind the scenes to set the stage for their big return.
2. why aliens would likely have very little interest in us or our planet unless they were to enslave us and use human brains as mass computing units
3. the ongoing trans debate with my mum who is very right wing and seems obsessed about going after the trans movement and the ongoing argument I have been having with her.
4. Why I have total disdain for religion and why I am so vocal on speaking out against religion
5. the big question of if I could save humanity would it be immoral to do so?
6. why I have strong resentment for the royal family
7. the constant ridicolous crud I have been recieving after signing up to the labour newsletter its basically just email after email trying to ask for money in the most stupid ways.

anyone got any thoughts on which one to go for?


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,767
    1, Define a Nazi. Go on try it. Nazism, Fascism, Right Wing and Patriotism are all different.

    2, Why do you assume that all aliens are automatically smarter than us. maybe there are other life forms out there that are really backward and therefore unable to develop a space program.

    3, The whole LGBTQIA scene is what it is as long as it's voluntary and not compulsory I'm fine with it. There are far more serious issues to argue with your mother about. Your Winnie The Poo fixation for one.

    4, Your personal choice dude. Although speaking out so often and blaming events on something you don't believe in would suggest a glitch in your wiring.

    5, Why would you want to save humanity, assuming you could and that humanity needs saving. Yes it would be immoral because if you only believe in evolution then maybe at some point humankind dies out as part of the natural order.

    6, That's ok. The UK is used to people who several generations down from the original settlers have disdain and dislike of the heritage, history and customs of the country that took them in. Did you not allude to the fact that your family were originally Israeli Jews in other posts.

    7, Well that was silly of you wasn't it fella. Imagine signing up to a political newsletter and then getting annoyed when they ask for contributions to the party.

    Personally I was hoping for a section on disreputable drinking dens or Southampton FC, angry neighbours, terrible bosses, NBA refs, dodgy takeaways, sex crazed girlfriends, the rise of the machines and A. A. Milne.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,270

    1, Define a Nazi. Go on try it. Nazism, Fascism, Right Wing and Patriotism are all different.

    2, Why do you assume that all aliens are automatically smarter than us. maybe there are other life forms out there that are really backward and therefore unable to develop a space program.

    3, The whole LGBTQIA scene is what it is as long as it's voluntary and not compulsory I'm fine with it. There are far more serious issues to argue with your mother about. Your Winnie The Poo fixation for one.

    4, Your personal choice dude. Although speaking out so often and blaming events on something you don't believe in would suggest a glitch in your wiring.

    5, Why would you want to save humanity, assuming you could and that humanity needs saving. Yes it would be immoral because if you only believe in evolution then maybe at some point humankind dies out as part of the natural order.

    6, That's ok. The UK is used to people who several generations down from the original settlers have disdain and dislike of the heritage, history and customs of the country that took them in. Did you not allude to the fact that your family were originally Israeli Jews in other posts.

    7, Well that was silly of you wasn't it fella. Imagine signing up to a political newsletter and then getting annoyed when they ask for contributions to the party.

    Personally I was hoping for a section on disreputable drinking dens or Southampton FC, angry neighbours, terrible bosses, NBA refs, dodgy takeaways, sex crazed girlfriends, the rise of the machines and A. A. Milne.

    on point 1 I mean the 1940s nazi I do their ideology was much like a religion and that does not die off as quickly as it supposodly did. There are religious people who do deconvert sure I was one of them. However you also have religious people that will never deconvert and are fully commited. Since Nazism had many simalarities it never made sense that the entire movement just dissapeared. I believe that they secretly continued with large numbers in a secret society like structure hoping one day to rebuild fully and come back in force. I think that day is nearing.
    Note this is not something I want, I tick many boxes for their undesirable category and would be sent straight to the camps if they succeeded.

    2 I dont get where you got that assumption from me, I actually would assume that the vast majority of alien life would not be civilization building, most would be single celled organisms I assume and most of the multi celled organisms I assume would be on a similiar intelligence level to animals on our world. In regards to intelligent civilization building aliens I do not assume all of them would be more intelligent then us, I would assume any that are capable of reaching us would be though. Those are the only relevant ones for now.

    3. There are things with my life and family stuff me and my mum have argued about, but thats not stuff I would bring to the forums. In regards to arguing about political or international events I fully agree that Trans and LGBTQ stuff should be well down the list but for some reason this is where it always ends up.

    4. What other people believe and how they live their life is their preogrative however when it leads to them telling other people how to live that is an issue. We have women been denied health care in america because those with a certain religious believe, want to mandate how others can live their lifes. We have women been killed for not wearing veils in Iran. We have a ridicolous holy war been fought today which whatever side of the debate your on stands a real chance of igniting a world war.

    5. your actually thinking along similiar lines to my take but I think you have a different intepretation. Humans have warred with each other since the dawn of civilization and this seems inherent in our DNA at this point. corrupt hostile violent the logic dictates that as we advance we eventually kill our selves with more advanced weapons most people think nukes but maybe AI or zombie virus or something no one has fought of yet. Maybe this is cosmic evolution maybe the more evil and violent intelligent species kill themselves off, and the more peaceful ones unify and spread. If this is the case saving humanity would inflict a violent hostile species on the peace loving universe that would not have happened had they just be left to go extinct. Of course there is also the possibility that the universe is mostly empty of intelligent life in which case we should try and preserve and spread what we have.

    6. Whilst I dont have a lot of patrotism my disdain for the royal family is not hatred for this country and its kind of ironic you take it that way. Linking this to point 5 I see no evidence that I could save humanity or the likes which is not a massive diss on myself I think that can be said for almost anyone.
    However what really bothers me is if we just run the thought experiment that I actually could and did save humanity. say I stopped world war three ended world hunger stopped climate change and made mankind an interstellar species. Making me the most successfull, intelligent, and benifical for humanity human being that had ever been born, it would then supposodly be considered a great honour for me to meet the King or Prince. in such a scenario surely it should be the King who is honoured? What does he achieve except been lucky enough to be born into the right family that is what I resent.

    7. expect to be asked for money if I sign up to a political parties news letter thingy but I also expect to get actual updates on their policies and what they stand for. If they are going to ask for money do it in a sensible way not the sheer utter nonsense I have been recieving.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,376
    edited June 2024
    not the sheer utter nonsense I have been recieving.

    A Lesson I remember from my first school........

    i before e.... except after c :)

    I agree with Mark @TheEdge949

    ......I'd go for

    Disreputable Drinking Dens

    'coz Tony @Tikay10 loves alliteration ;)

    ..... or

    terrible Bosses

    .....'coz we all know one or two of those :D
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,270
    edited June 2024
    MISTY4ME said:

    not the sheer utter nonsense I have been recieving.

    A Lesson I remember from my first school........

    i before e.... except after c :)

    I agree with Mark @TheEdge949

    ......I'd go for

    Disreputable Drinking Dens

    'coz Tony @Tikay10 loves alliteration ;)

    ..... or

    terrible Bosses

    .....'coz we all know one or two of those :D

    I could go off on a list of terrible bosses the worst was a guy who tried to have me work 14 hour days 6 days in a row in a kitchen with the idea that anything I broke I would be fully liable for. That may or may not seem reasonable to you but when your working as a kitchen porter and you are been shouted at constantly to keep going faster and treated like crud its very easy to break the odd plate or etc. Especially if your over worked and sleep deprived he offered me cocaine to push me through. I could go on even more, but suffice to say I did not take cocaine, I have taken energy drinks previously to get through a shift and that has had health effects in itself. I can entertain that at a push but I am never going to take cocaine to get through a shift.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,376
    Very wise o:)

    Sounds like @HAYSIE wasn't too bad after all ;):D

    .....tho' half the Seasons staff were on Coke of one form or another :s
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