So in the past I have worried about war with Russia and the UK people been enslaved. I still think this is a realistic possibility that could very well happen. However it is not definitive.
We can argue about the potential likelihood of this scenario playing out however we wont come to agreement.
I seem to be at a deadlock of understanding with both people on these forums and people in the office and people in my circles and etc.
The issue seems to be people keep telling me not to worry about things I cant change. well that seems true for a number of things I cant do anything to change.
However for the things that I am not directly involved in which I cant change I can do one thing, I can change how I prepare for it or what I do etc.
Eg Online poker gets killed did I just spend the last ten years making my sole income from online poker? do i have any savings? if yes to the first question and no to the last question I am kind of screwed. I cant change what happens in the industry but I can change what position I have left myself in.
War the UK been invaded Nuclear war etc sure I likely cannot stop this happening, maybe it does happen maybe it doesn't However what i can do is decide whether to remain in this country or whether to leave. If by the time Russia invades the UK I am in a different country I am less likely to be captured and enslaved.
So I thought about it I can't wait until we know for sure because at that point it will either be impossible to get out due to planes been shot down boats been sunk etc etc. or tickets for seats would be ridic expensive like £30,000 a pop or more.
So I would need to get out when I saw early warning signs before everyone else clocked it and I have noted a few signs to look for.
1. After Trump forces Ukraine to hand over 25% of their territory to appease Putin, Putin will soon go after his next target likely a baltic state not in NATO or Ireland. Now to draw attention away from Russia, Putin will likely stir up stuff with Argentina for them to go for the Falklands, there are a few reasons for this. Reason (A) it draws attention away from Russias next land grab Reason (B) it commits UK forces and military equipment elsewhere limiting our support for the invaded country, Reason (C) it is a test to see if NATO and or America will back the UK or not. If America and NATO do not back the UK with direct military support when Argentina goes for the Falklands it will be a clear sign that we are on our own and no one will defend us when Russia comes at that point if its not too late its time to leave immediately by whatever means necessary with whatever I can Muster.
2. large Russian Navy units decide to conduct a training exercise just outside our borders. at this point its likely to late to get out but if I can flee immediately.
See in these scenarios I cant stop the war happening but what I can do is change where I will be and the position I will be in if we are invaded.
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Whilst you are trying to not to worry about things you cant change.
What about including not worrying about scenarios you have made up in your head ?
Not being aggresive here but if you look at all the people you say that you can't reconcile your views with, the forum, the office, your circle of winnis, then maybe YOU are the one with the problem.
I have suggested , as have others that you need to seek professional help regarding your anxieties, but you just seem happy to be King Canute and sit on the shores of denial hoping to turn back the inevitable.
You are incapable of understanding both reason and fact. The fact that you believe a ten bob outfit like North Korea is a threat to anybody or that Russia is somehow capable of enslaving the UK merely reinforces opinion that you are not on speaking terms with reality.
As for where you go may I suggest Central or South America, the Indian Subcontinent or Africa. There are a lot of choices of countries to live in in there, and none are really as safe as where you are now.
Your ultimate option could always include a bunker, complete with padded walls. After all that'd help cushion the blast from those North Korean IBMs.
A lot more than RYANAIR I'm sure...... unless you're taking a suitcase ' Full of Winnie's '
'You related to Private Pike?'
Don't tell 'im @Doubleme!
Particularly liked the ones on dogging and OFSTED.
Sinead-bit lacking in the humour department. But one of the truly great voices. Her version of "The Foggy Dew" is one of my favourite songs.