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Please Help: chat abuse of recreational players

I have run into one player recently who is persistently abusive in chat to extremely recreational players. I actually complained to the site a week ago it was so bad and this week they were back abusing the extremely recreational players.

I don't have exact screenshots of everything but it is along the lines of:

'You are a moron', 'You are so bad', 'You must be trying to give away your money', 'You play so terrible', 'Stop playing like this idiot', 'I know I'm toxic, its a deliberate strategy'...

I'm not sure if Sky is OK with me posting their SN publicly but I will DM it to Tikay.

In this case it is what I would estimate to be a moderately losing recreational player abusing massively losing recreational players.

FWIW this isn't about me / my ego at all, if some random punter wants to trash talk to me that's completely fine. I have never complained to a site before about chat abuse and I have played online for 10 years.

What is completely unacceptable is abusing the biggest net depositors. That just can't be tolerated or the entire site dies.

Happy Holidays and for the love of Jesus stop tapping the **** tank.


  • Angela124Angela124 Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2024
    Don't see anything wrong with it personally we are all Adults, It isn't over the top personal insults, you hear much worse Live and from pro's. Might not be to everyone's taste but if it gives you an edge and its within the limits of the rules then fair play.
    Your example is hardly bad by any stretch of the imagination, Helmut, Matusow, Kassouf, Schwartz (The list is endless) Would have been thrown off the poker circuits years ago going by your rational.
    Turn off chat if you cant handle trash talk at the tables its a completely legit strategy.
    If its aimed at a losing/break even/profitable player it makes no difference. No players should get preferential treatment.

    Maybe the players it actually involves might have other thoughts I don't know but it sounds like you do not care about the other persons feelings its more about protecting the players you can exploit which is a bit disingenuous
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Angela124 said:

    Don't see anything wrong with it personally we are all Adults, It isn't over the top personal insults, you hear much worse Live and from pro's. Might not be to everyone's taste but if it gives you an edge and its within the limits of the rules then fair play.
    Your example is hardly bad by any stretch of the imagination, Helmut, Matusow, Kassouf, Schwartz (The list is endless) Would have been thrown of the poker circuits years ago going by your rational.
    Turn off chat if you cant handle trash talk at the tables its a completely legit strategy.
    If its aimed at a losing/break even/profitable player it makes no difference. No players should get preferential treatment.

    Maybe the players it actually involves might have other thoughts I don't know but it sounds like you do not care about the other persons feelings its more about protecting the players you can exploit which is a bit disingenuous

    Hang on , so everybody should just put up with it , not everyone want's to turn chat off , some people like to chat
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2024
    I'd like to think that most players don't hold Helmut, Matusow, Kassouf and Schwartz up as role models for their own table demeanour.

    I presume you mean Luke Schwartz but the famous clip of another Schwartz, Justin's antics in the 2015 WSOP main event will live long in my memory. An unkempt, greasy, unwashed youth calling his opponent a disgusting human being for daring to have set over set against him was surprising only in the fact that it got him neither a talking to by the floor or a punch in the nose from his opponent, both of which would have been thoroughly deserved. Of course we can all hide behind our keyboards online though.
  • Angela124Angela124 Member Posts: 100
    @stokefc its a hazard of the game.....Not everyone wants to listen to 2 people flood the chat about non related poker stuff either but its not up to us what is put on the chat so we gotta live with it. Turn it off if it bothers the complainer so much the choice is theres.

    Do you agree with @EmmaWatson that there should be some action taken on the example she/he has given?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Me , it wouldn;t bother me and i'd take as a challenge , other people are different
    As for action that's up to Sky , if it's been flagged up then it's a decision they will make
  • Angela124Angela124 Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2024
    @Enut I agree with everything you said, i certainly wouldntb hold them up as role models (I never suggested that either)
    My point is its a part of the game like it or love it and going by the example Emma put up its hardly worth looking into imo...
    What are your thoughts on it? @Enut

    And yes I agree about Justin Schwartz id find his personal hygiene more offensive than his trash talk if i was sitting at that table
  • Angela124Angela124 Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2024
    stokefc said:

    Me , it wouldn;t bother me and i'd take as a challenge , other people are different
    As for action that's up to Sky , if it's been flagged up then it's a decision they will make

    I agree with you....My point is Emma ain't doing it out of concern for the player. Only its a losing player she doesn't want to get upset and be scared away. Reading between the lines altho she never said it im guessing its ok to trash talk profitable players just not players she can win against.

    And i think asking for action to be taken against the players going by what she said is a bit out of order and disingenuous Imo
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Angela124 said:

    stokefc said:

    Me , it wouldn;t bother me and i'd take as a challenge , other people are different
    As for action that's up to Sky , if it's been flagged up then it's a decision they will make

    I agree with you....My point is Emma ain't doing it out of concern for the player. Only its a losing player she doesn't want to get upset and be scared away. Reading between the lines altho she never said it im guessing its ok to trash talk profitable players just not players she can win against.

    And i think asking for action to be taken against the players going by what she said is a bit out of order and disingenuous Imo
    I pretty much agree though the last line won't really matter because the action taken won't stop them playing they will just get a chat ban
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    If we are going down the no hurty words, snowflake, woke path, then poker is well and truly finished.

    It's hard enough to get an edge anywhere online and it's even harder live due to the paucity of games, If I want to play DtD or Junction 10 it's an overnight hotel job, so if a little needle helps then so be it.

    As long as it isn't hate speech then alls fair in love and war.

    FWIW I feel @EmmaWatson is more concerned with the easier money being driven away before she can partake of the feast.

    Calling for a player to be banned to increase her own chances !. Hmm, that's more of a Kassouf, Schwartz move isn't it ?
  • PKRParPKRPar Member Posts: 2,261
    I think we should all give @waller02 an opportunity to respond to these allegations.
  • raggy94raggy94 Member Posts: 166
    edited January 2
    Majority consensus (on other threads I've read) has always been that small but consistent depositers are the lifeblood of the site (as that is the money we play with and for day in day out).

    Occasional high depositers are not particularly important as their money tends to always get hoovered up by one or two regs.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    PKRPar said:

    I think we should all give @waller02 an opportunity to respond to these allegations.

    Yer wantae square go?
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