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Who won what, Thursday 16th January. MRMIAGI is a serial Hitman

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    This day last year

    "Very busy indeed last night, the highlights being £1k Rebuy BH (£1,820), £4,000 Mini Avenger (£4,655), £5,000 BWBH (£6,700), £1,000 Turbo (£1,700) & perhaps most remarkable of all £1,000 Quickdraw (£2,020). Online poker & winter fit like a glove, but soon the days get longer, the weather gets better & peeps go on holidays. And then the cycle starts again.

    The absolute star turn last night was @Super_Oli who not only had 7 FT's, (2 1st, 2 x 2nd, 1 x 3rd, 1 x 4th & 1 x 5th), but he ran 1st & 4th in the two biggest prize pools of the night. I don't really have adequate words to describe that, so here's the bare facts;

    £200 BH @ 17.00, 2nd £57

    £500 BH @ 18.00, 2nd £112

    £500 BH @ 19.35, 3rd, £54

    £1,000 Rebuy BH, 5th, £76

    £8,000 Avenger Main, 1st, £1,545

    BWBH, 4th, £712

    Quickdraw, 1st, £630

    That's around £3,200 (minus reg fees for the sesh), so probably the fat end of £3,000 netto. Not a bad night's work, eh?

    Runner-up in the Avenger Main was @StayOrGo and keeping it in the family, his son @Limp2lose won BWBH for an £1,870 payday. BWBH runner-up was @ILIKE2FISH who had a great night too, as he was also 1st in 7 @ 7, and won seats via satellites to both Mega & BWBH.

    A little annoyingly, I also have to make mention again of the much-improved @NOSTRI who won the Rebuy BH & was 4th in Turbo, these results following his win in the previous night's Hitman Main for around £1,000. Incidentally, it was the third time this month he has won the Rebuy BH, impressive considering he does not play every night & we still have a third of the month left.

    @Tsaaaar is in great nick, on Wednesday he was 2nd in the Main for £440, on Thursday he ran 6th in the Mini, and last night he Nicked the £1k BH. Not a bad three nights that. 5th in the £1k Bh was @bbMike, who was also 5th in the new £500 BH (off a Forum Comp Free Entry) & 4th in the PLO8, so some decent cross-format multi-tasking.

    The Mini winner was @WHO_IS_SHE who took down a Quickdraw this time last year.

    @Doooobs has played very little here so far this year, maybe less than 20 MTT's, and he took his first win of '24 in MidEx. A better result than you might think, as I'd bet good money he was playing whilst watching the Australian Open Tennis on TV, & probably had a little bet or two too.

    @MARK277 enjoyed his first win of the year, taking the 9 @ 9, although he did FT the 7 @ 7 last Saturday.

    Finally, congrats to @claire1973 who only plays the 19.18 PLO8 & nothing else & won last night's renewal. In their last 7 attempts, results have been 1st, 12th, 15th & 1st. Proper PLO8 player that.

    That's it for today, Arsenal v Palace awaits, then World Indoor Bowls, Brentford v Forest later, followed by AFCON & a few hours golf from California. WAL eh?"

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418


    A mixed night for traffic, with a grand total of £320 in overlay, 60% of which arose in Sheriff. Man U on TV did not help, of course.

    Playing an MTT here for just the 2nd time this year - both of them Hitman Mains - @MRMIAGI fought his way to victory. In fact it was his 4th Hitman Main trophy, and from just 343 games he's now won 4 Hitman's, an Avenger, a Sharpshooter, a UKOPS & a Super Roller. All that gives him an average profit of £25 on a £33 ABI, which is impressive by any standards. Intrigued by the curious alias, I went googling, & it seems Mr Miagi is a fictional character in a series of children's films with the fascinatingly original titles of The Karate Kid, The Karate Kid Part 2, The Karate Kid Part 3, & - wait for it - The Next Karate Kid. It's incred how they come up with these film titles, eh?

    A tough FT it was too, with @MrMiagi sharing the podium with @cabbaz & @StayOrGo and with @wineli in 5th.

    In the Mini @ILIKE2FISH prevailed, & later he ran 2nd in a little Turbo Freezeout. Just as well he had those two cashes as he drew a blank in around 20 All-In Sats last night & finished out with the washing in the Main. He does OK overall though, so we don't need to worry about him. Runner-up @FckwivKatz was making his 2nd Mini FT appearance this week, having finished 3rd in Monday's Marksman version. The podium was completed by @Swifteyyeu. In 4th place was @Hawkinni who according to the excellent Main-Mini Leaderboard compiled daily by @Slipwater is the best performing player in 2025 Minis, with 3 Final Tables finishes & 5 Top 20 finishes so far this year. Interestingly, our @Hawkinni friend appears to have a multitude of skills as he won last night's 19.18 PLO8.

    We'll skip past Sheriff, 9 @ 9, Reload, Quickdraw & MidEx as they were all won by serial regulars in the form of @loosecamel @GSmith13 @loololollo @StayOrGo & @Mikeyw94 respectively, all of whom you know all there is to know.

    @hampshy1 just seems to play early evening stuff - perhaps he likes to watch Brookside or Hollyoaks - but he does just fine, & after winning Monday's 7 @ 7 he took the £800 BH last night, with @alemao in 2nd & @mumsie 6th. In 3rd was a fascinating individual, @terrytwomore who would make a terrific case study for a psychologist. Every night without fail he appears to get "somewhat exercised" with the way the cards fall & it's Expletive Deleted City. I would love to help him enjoy the game better, I really would. If going to the pub every night caused you annoyance & angst, you'd soon change pubs or stay at home, right? And yet our friend plays every night & gets completely bent out of shape by the most innocuous of situations. I'm not digging him out, not at all, it just makes me sad to see recreational players not getting the fun out of poker. He's not alone, far from it, lots of players seem to have the same masochistic streak in them. Guess it's fair to say there are some things in poker & life I just can't grasp. Playing poker every night but getting in a huff every time makes no sense to me at all. Poker is such a great test of our character & mettle, & our ability to handle adversity.

    Just about every night @russ66 logs on, plays 7 @ 7, nothing else, then logs off, & he's done that for years. Won it again last night for the umpteenth time, & has made 7 @ 7 FT's galore, including one on January 1st.

    Rebuy BH went to @bungle72 but as he's gone to the trouble of removing himself from Sharky I guess he'd rather we did not go into detail, so we'll leave it at that.

    @gingerblud seems to have a varied portfolio of wins - Mini, Reload, Quickdraw, & he added a 4th last night by taking down the Mega.

    Back in 2018 @Foxyguy85 joined Sky Poker but barely played. No more was seen or heard of him until last month when he played 3 MTT's, best result being 6th in a MidEx. He then disappeared again until popping up last night with a fine win in Turbo, fending off high class podiumates @cabbaz & @loosecamel in the process.

    That's it for today, enjoy your Friday.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£940)

    188 entries

    @hampshy1 376000 1 £126.90 + £48.65 Head Prizes 12

    @alemao 0 2 £76.61 + £12.96 Head Prizes 4

    @terrytwomore 0 3 £46.30 + £16.24 Head Prizes 5

    @SISISI 0 4 £36.42 + £9.86 Head Prizes 5

    @Unreal621 0 5 £31.02 + £15.99 Head Prizes 4

    @mumsie 0 6 £25.85 + £15.90 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£868)

    124 entries

    @Russ66 248000 1 £121.30 + £77.28 Head Prizes 11

    @Reefa 0 2 £74 + £38.47 Head Prizes 11

    @smith1408 0 3 £45.57 + £14.76 Head Prizes 4

    @eon1961 0 4 £36.67 + £28.21 Head Prizes 7

    @elvisg1972 0 5 £31.25 + £7.05 Head Prizes 2

    @Super_Oli 0 6 £26.91 + £5.26 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,540)

    117 entries 125 rebuys 66 addons

    @bungle72 748000 1 £215.22 + £59.15 Head Prizes 5

    @CARPI 0 2 £131.28 + £68.82 Head Prizes 10

    @BeachBody 0 3 £80.85 + £75 Head Prizes 12

    @taylor0313 0 4 £65.06 0

    @glassman60 0 5 £55.44 + £25.37 Head Prizes 3

    @smith1408 0 6 £47.74 + £19.67 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £33 entry £4,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£4,530)

    120 entries 31 rebuys

    @MRMIAGI 755000 1 £633.07 + £308.67 Head Prizes 8

    @cabbaz 0 2 £386.18 + £236.64 Head Prizes 13

    @StayOrGo 0 3 £237.82 + £14.06 Head Prizes 1

    @Mazzybabe 0 4 £191.39 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1

    @wineli 0 5 £163.08 + £56.77 Head Prizes 3

    @paul10 0 6 £140.43 + £120.58 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £5.50 entry £1,250 Mini Hitman (£1,250)

    238 entries, £60 overlay

    @ILIKE2FISH 476000 1 £173.57 + £77.26 Head Prizes 17

    @FckwivKatz 0 2 £103.49 + £24.86 Head Prizes 7

    @Swifteyyeu 0 3 £62.23 + £19.48 Head Prizes 7

    @Hawkinni 0 4 £49.12 + £18.90 Head Prizes 5

    @Gt398 0 5 £41.59 + £11.18 Head Prizes 3

    @TheSwan 0 6 £34.72 + £11.07 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)

    49 entries, £20 overlay

    @gingerblud 490000 1 £188.70 + £138.70 Head Prizes 8

    @ctbn 0 2 £112.20 + £34.22 Head Prizes 4

    @TIMBER 0 3 £76.50 + £45.60 Head Prizes 5

    @Fabraclass 0 4 £56.10 + £43.89 Head Prizes 4

    @MrDooWop 0 5 £40.80 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @Makaka 0 6 £35.70 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,000)

    14 entries 2 rebuys, £200 overlay

    @loosecamel 80000 1 £300 + £245.31 Head Prizes 7

    @Limp2Lose 0 2 £180 + £60.94 Head Prizes 3

    @loololollo 0 3 £120 0

    @AlexaAJ 0 4 £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @GSmith13 0 5 £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @PKRPar 0 6 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£837)

    93 entries

    @GSmith13 279000 1 £119.27 + £61.86 Head Prizes 6

    @THETANK 0 2 £73.66 + £49.19 Head Prizes 7

    @jedinemo 0 3 £45.62 + £42.87 Head Prizes 9

    @squeak13 0 4 £36.83 + £22.80 Head Prizes 6

    @blablabla 0 5 £30.76 + £21.71 Head Prizes 4

    @ScottMo1 0 6 £25.95 + £10.98 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,710)

    184 entries 256 rebuys 130 addons

    @loololollo 1530000 1 £230.85 + £121.79 Head Prizes 19

    @pp2 0 2 £139.37 + £30.50 Head Prizes 9

    @GUNNER01 0 3 £84.22 + £26.04 Head Prizes 6

    @FlynTimber 0 4 £66.26 + £45.43 Head Prizes 9

    @ebb69 0 5 £56.43 + £12.80 Head Prizes 4

    @PapaCool1 0 6 £47.02 + £16.31 Head Prizes 6
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,050)

    30 entries 5 rebuys

    @Foxyguy85 175000 1 £210 + £125.27 Head Prizes 4

    @cabbaz 0 2 £131.25 + £56.96 Head Prizes 4

    @loosecamel 0 3 £78.75 + £25.31 Head Prizes 2

    @POKEOFFU 0 4 £57.75 + £34.80 Head Prizes 2

    @nslater112 0 5 £47.25 + £33.75 Head Prizes 2

    @Missbean 0 6 £37.97 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,000)

    21 entries 13 rebuys 14 addons, £40 overlay

    @StayOrGo 124000 1 £192.40 + £169.20 Head Prizes 5

    @FIRLE 0 2 £130 + £82.52 Head Prizes 4

    @loosecamel 0 3 £78 + £87.65 Head Prizes 6

    @AlexaAJ 0 4 £62.40 + £15 Head Prizes 1

    @BRUTAS 0 5 £57.20 0

    @MikeyW94 0 6 £22.50 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£920)

    46 entries

    @MikeyW94 138000 1 £170.20 + £84.08 Head Prizes 4

    @cyrkielmc 0 2 £101.20 + £11.72 Head Prizes 1

    @Lee_Boy 0 3 £69 + £68.10 Head Prizes 6

    @StayOrGo 0 4 £50.60 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @Calvert630 0 5 £36.80 + £34.27 Head Prizes 3

    @TheSwan 0 6 £32.20 + £13.35 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£265)

    53 entries

    @Hawkinni 159000 1 £49.02 + £29.55 Head Prizes 6

    @jthej 0 2 £29.15 + £14.48 Head Prizes 5

    @Catsnap 0 3 £19.88 + £5.38 Head Prizes 2

    @HOLLYWHIT 0 4 £14.57 + £6.57 Head Prizes 3

    @booker4 0 5 £10.60 + £8.44 Head Prizes 4

    @aub 0 6 £9.28 + £4.22 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (680 entries)

    Top 20

    @BILLBOY3 1360000 1 £100

    @stejamhun1 0 2 £60

    @waller02 0 3 £60

    @Cowboyfish 0 4 £40

    @Gaz6333 0 5 £40

    @leeahick26 0 6 £30

    @MS6109 0 7 £30
    @goldnballz 0 8 £30
    @gixxerk4 0 9 £30
    @dax33 0 10 £20
    @SHINdig321 0 11 £20
    @grandpabak 0 12 £20
    @Knightsy1 0 13 £20
    @tooniepete 0 14 £20
    @BENSON53 0 15 £20
    @badlin 0 16 £20
    @CATCHAFISH 0 17 £20
    @Oldholburn 0 18 £20
    @burns0227 0 19 £20
    @roxburgh 0 20 £10

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,418

    Sunday Major Freeroll (144 entries)

    @elvisg1972 206983.34 1 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @Lil_bexy08 40808.34 2 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @jontov 40208.32 3 £10,000 Sunday Major

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