So I recently watched a few youtube videos saying how deprived bournemouth has become I knew this anyway have seen it in the streets for a while now. I saw how people were suffering in these videos and etc. So I was getting a coach up to my girlfriend as known we live together but have been living apart for a several weeks now due to her needing to stay away to help out with a friend who has a few problems that i cant mention on these forums.
anyway i was going into the asda at the trainstation to get drinks for the long journey it was early in the morning and i saw some homeless people hiding in a corner, so I thought it cold miserable and they probably suffering. I just thought I could get them a few mars bars as a moral boost pick me up. They really seemed to appreciate it too, which felt good. Until I tried to create a winni pic of this to send to my girlfriend and copilot decided it couldnt allow because anything slightly adult themed with winni gets winni pics banned.
So now I going to have to wait until i can get winni pics again all because I bought mars bars for homeless people.
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The ban is most certainly not for giving Mars Bars to homeless people. It is for using Winni pics as a tool for taking photos that may or may not identify homeless people.
Homeless people, by and large, do not wish to be identified, or to be identifiable. For a whole host of reasons-shame, addiction, debt, abuse and the perceived need for hiding from people.
Are you using winni pics as a method of persecuting these poor people? Probably not. Point is-the owners of winni pics do not know that. So-they are faced with 1 scenario where they get no benefit whatsoever, and 1 scenario where they may be aiding and abetting all sorts of criminal offences and breach of privacy.
Doesn't matter how likely it is. It's a %age risk v zero reward.
people that are good people don't need to prove they do good things. Also, the fact you're preying on other people's misfortune and struggle as a form of 'pick me up' is (in my eyes) very wrong and makes your actions quite insincere.
Firstly, allow me to commend you on your actions. I know that your social anxieties may well have meant that this was not an action that came easily to you.
Secondly, now you have taken this first step, make a deal with yourself that when appropriate you will do this again. Not because it makes you feel good, and doing stuff that benefits others should give you a warm feeling, but because it's the right thing to do.
Once again sincere kudos for your kind heart and hopefully the plague of winnis will not be too long.
thats seriously when the move happens and sky poker forums shuts? stopping me from having the winni parade pictures megathread?
tbis seems like it was planned these dates dont just coincide by pure coincidence something is suss here very suss
had to have girlfriend get me the winni pic.