A request has been put to Bryan and i to investigate the dark and hidden world of the shortstackers.Having witnessed various shortstackers being verbaly abused at the tables we thought we would go into disguise and find out for ourselves exactly ,whats going on.We,d start at the 2p 4p tables working right on up to where our moderate roll would take us.So on went our 40p min buy in ,within seconds we were faced with,"hey scouse ,u broke you old****,go steal some car radios and bring some proper money to the table".This pattern continued as we put 80p on the 4p 8p tables,with similar hate and abuse and even bullying on the bigger tables like the £1 £2 tables,where they didnt seem to want to tolerate such lowlifers as they seen us.Bryan and i lost much sleep that night,so we just sat up in bed and tried to work out why ,and where this pent up anger and hatred came from.We went to our local bookies and we put a 25p e/w bet on a horse and were smiled at and offered a free cup of tea.Minutes later we put £5 e/w on another horse and were treated the same ,with a pleasent smile,less the cup of tea bearing in mind we hadnt quite finished our first one.Lance the owner of the bookies didnt seem to have any prejudice against us in any way, on either bet.We went to our local corner shop and bought a lucky dip for the lottery,we again were greeted with a big smile,5 mins later we returned and put 10 lucky dips on,smile and off.This had to be a poker thing, we both concluded.The next day we went to see "youve got a chance with Lance" and put the question to him ,asking if it bothered him punters puttin loads on or little on,Lance told us it was all the same to him,""moneys money"! he said,"ill take it all".Why do the poker players fear the shortstack so much,surely they should be more intimidated by the large stack bully type,but it appears not to be the case.David v goliath syndrome is now a recognised mental poker illness we have found ,with no known cure in the immediate future.High blood pressure,anger,a sudden rush of rudeness followed by tourette like grunts are all symptoms of this modern and now somewhat widespreading disease of the mind.If on reading this investigation you find yourself relating to some of the above symtoms,your in luck,Bryan and i have found a solution to cure your goodselves.Pack in the poker baby,s ,its part of poker life.Till next time,kind regards Bryan and i
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the less money people bring to the table, the less there is to win
imo, if your gonna play cash it is in your best interests to load up to the max to get the most from each big winning hand. whats the point of flopping quads and then only winning a few quid from a shortstack with a boat? you want the maximum...
Private Investigator Bryan ..your the main man ..

Love it...
" and don't listen to Gregg, the 'short stack' are the curse of the 'C' bet and 'check raise' merchants.. throws them off their stride," ...
"I love the short stacker's, and like to consider myself an honourable member," ..... "just love to hear the screams from the big stacks as they 'top up' !"
Keep up the good work Bryan ..classic reading
I make most of my money from shortstacks as they are usually the worst players on the table, i do agree though that pro shortstackers ruin the games,but have you seen any good shortstackers on sky at 50 nl and below?......i know i haven't :-)
I only do it in omaha on 25p 50p tables. Fullof big time charlies that bet big without a hand. Sat down the other day with £6, got it up to £18 in ten mins. Left table and came back 40 mins later. Sat down with £6.Again the big time charlies were calling off - its only £6. Got it up to £57 in 15 mins and promptly left. They were screaming abuse blaH blaH threats of heads up play and all sorts. LOL BEST FUN EVER. To all big time charlies abusing shortstackers...........I am in ptofit over two yrs playing...........so BITE ME!
I think I'm going to like you being around