After you trade away the star player of a coaches team without informing him at all, then publicly boast about the fact the head coach wasnt informed and say you know what he wants. When clearly you dont I mean even I can read Jason Kidds body language he wasn't happy.
Now how can a coach lead a team to anything if the players cant respect him? How can the players ever respect a coach who can take that amount of disrespect and just suck it up and take it and continue with the team?
I am no longer a Mavs fan after this but just observing they cant win anything unless they sack Jason Kidd Immediately.
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"Luka Donic is not good enough for the mavericks or even fit to lick the dirt of the shoes of the very back of the back bench players. However further he is not good enough for the bench of the worst team in the G league let alone the NBA."
To add further insult to injury they have traded him to one of the NBA rig teams.
I dont like that Luka has handled this all professionally I want the situation to blow up properly and for it to destroy the Dallas franchise. Luka is too professional for that but there is hope in Kyrie just got to hope Kyrie can do it.
anyway the Mavs are now my southampton of the NBA Winni will be actively booing them every game so @TheEdge949 gets his wish and the NBA thread is back with winni going to every mavs game to boo them.
I dont know where I stand on the NBA now can I route for Luka when he plays for one of the big rig five?
I dont know can I really get on board with that? I mean it would be nice to have ref decisions rigged for my side rather then against them but it just feels wrong to route for one of the rig teams but I am a Luka fan and he has been done dirty here I dont know.
anyway looks like Winni has arrived to boo them tonight.
I mean hes optmistic I am not sixers are not doing much this year sadly I think this will be an easy win for the Mavs but I want to be wrong. of course we have a few seasons to go to see if Nico gets vindicated I really hope he doesnt. but we cant really say for sure if this worked after this season let alone a game or two I think after three seasons we can say it failed or succeeded etc.
i probs quit out after half time or third quatre when mavs up by 20 or so and game clearly over. But I watch until its either clear its over or if by some unlikely fluke 76s blow out the mavs then I watch in full if mavs down by 50 and game over I will watch it all and savour every moment.
sadly this back stab betrayal looks like it will ruin lukas career when he was loyal and this is how they betray him. Trying to say that not only is he not good enough for the NBA or G league but that he isnt good enough the BBL.
I hope they lose tonight and winni has arrived to route for houston already but sadly I am not optmistic on that one.
looks like good win for lakers which now my team as I am a luka fan winni was seen arriving at the airport to watch the nuggets vs suns game hoping for a nuggets win so they can keep their position ahead of the mavs
poor innocent Luka who was horribly betrayed by the evil Mavs management vs the mavs.
Winnis from far and wide have been arriving in La to route for Luka.
now personally everyone is predicting Luka to go off and drop 50 not me. I think the Mavs management are at war with Luka right now and want Luka to look as bad as possible so I expect Luka to not be double teamed but tripple teamed. This would open up Austin Reeves and Lebron.
So I have Lakers winning this hopefully but with Luka scoring less points but more assists and Lebron and Austin Reeves scoring more points then normal.
I also have Jaden Hardy put on under instructions to try and delibrately injure Luka, he is struggling and mavs management are ruthless and really going after Luka hard I expect them to tell Hardy if they havent already
"its Luka Injured or your career destroyed you decide"
hopefully they dont manage to injure Luka though.
They over gaurded Luka because of Mavs management anti Luka which opened up the entire rest of the team just like I predicted would happen. A nice Lakers win though.
Sadly I dont think Luka has long left as I think the Aldersons will have him assinated within the next few years so hopefully Luka wins a title to stick it to them before then.
I mean I am now booing the mavs its more I dislike the management and owners I actually like most of the players the players are victims in this but I boo the team now. I cant route for evil exploitative billionaires hopefully if Kyrie ever plays again he can find a new team and hopefully Lively and Anthony Davis can move to other teams in time as well if they dont get permentally injured.
but for now I want to see the Mavs lose badly and the franchise fall apart. this has taken my focus away from booing southampton.
Even my pessimism though cannot believe that the Mavs can win against a dominant bucks team. Too many innocent players have been driven to serious injuries and now the evil billionaire slave drivers are fielding third tier benchers an old has being and G leaguers (the league the NBA pulls hopefulls and reserves from) sure there will be hunger but they at this point they are playing a squad of players who dont belong in the NBA or would struggle to maintain their spot there, away against a very dominant Bucks team. Most of their team will fight hard because they are desperate to break through into the NBA so they wont lack the fight but they are drastically outmatched and the Winnis are predicting a decimation and are turning up in their droves to see this.
the sort of obscure rules that are die hard fan trivia which most think would never be relevant.
I normally post a Winni pic to sum up the first quatre or first half but this time I think this video sums it up nicely.
it is the decimation.