moving onto another day, remembered to do match 5 so far this week and 13 free spins currently in the bank. These last 1 week so providing i dont need a cash imput will have a late sunday / early monday mega spin.
2 x 50p bets paid for from a £2 rewards cash.
Todays play. micro to qrt SPT 20:00 £2.20 BH and however many DYMs that bring 3 losses.
Putting a positive spin on it, 5 dyms is all it took to get the 3 losses yesterday. Nothing from the other games or bets leaving the £2 rewards as the only return.
Today starting balance £3.93 enough for a little football interest. Not enough for a spt micro today until somehow we manage £4 in the free roll, so it’s just the 55p micro and let’s go for up to 5 dym losses.
With 100 points already there for next week, the best thing to do following disappointment last night is to jump back on the horse. Enough for one more SPT micro attempt and 3 shillings left over.
Not even sure how many spins i have saved for next week about 26 I think, though hard to keep track of.
update 18:14
another 8 complete.
4 win 4 loss 34 points to go Balance £2.40
update 18:51
another 8 complete.
4 win 4 loss 26 points to go Balance £2.16
update 19..42
another 8 complete.
4 win 4 loss 18 points to go Balance
never mind tomorrow is a new week.
something to work with? lets see.
Balance £10.11
Good to have a plan too, so 20:00 Bounty Hunter with the token earned yesterday alongside 28p DYMs for points. maybe throw in a plo8.
20:00 BH token - returns £0.00
20:15 £1.10 plo8 - returns £0.00
11 x 28pDYM. won 2 lost 9.
Balance £6.93
Rewards freeroll
£2.60 micro to qrt SPT
£2.20 21:45 BH
50p bet
5 x 28p DYM
leaves 23p to work with tomorrow if it all goes wrong.
3/11 in the spt, for a £2.40 return and not sure i can make the later BH. so another SPT attempt and a £1.10 plo8.
More of the same tomorrow.
Balance £8.13
2 x 50p bets paid for from a £2 rewards cash.
Todays play.
micro to qrt SPT
20:00 £2.20 BH
and however many DYMs that bring 3 losses.
Nothing from the other games or bets leaving the £2 rewards as the only return.
Today starting balance £3.93 enough for a little football interest. Not enough for a spt micro today until somehow we manage £4 in the free roll, so it’s just the 55p micro and let’s go for up to 5 dym losses.
well deserved for the seat winners GL.
4/5 results in the football bet.
another daily loss in the DYMs despite winning more (6) than the losses (5)
Balance from the challenge down again to £2.75 at least the 100 point barrier has been broken for next weeks token.
Enough for one more SPT micro attempt and 3 shillings left over.
Not even sure how many spins i have saved for next week about 26 I think, though hard to keep track of.
Match 5 for the weekend. All 5 this week.
Off to the rewards freeroll and SPT micro.
Good luck all
another £10 in the rewards, so back into the final SPT micro of the night and throwing in the 20:00 £2.20 BH and £1.10 plo8.
Balance if no return from these £4.25
a solitary bounty in the BH followed by going 1 better in the plo8 than last time out.
Balance £15.00.
Tomorrow is satellite day with
3 x £2.60 SPT micro to qrt
4 x £1.60 Sharpshooter sats to semi
which leaves this
for a possible 5th Sharpshooter attempt
All goes wrong and its back to the start, but then there is always next week so no need to worry.