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What the heck was this?

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
So I went to tesco after finishing work early for once (yay), anyway just doing generic shopping nothing exciting there except I got some nice extra bits I suddenly spotted which I wasnt planning on getting but just stood out and looked nice.

Anyway I go to pay and in front of me is the hulks 16 year old son. I have no idea how old the dude was he looked very young but had Muscles that looks like he dumbell curls one of me on each arm as a pre morning warm up before he does his actual work out then eats my weight for his morning breakfast to sustain his muscle form.

Anyway I dont like the self service machines there always issues with it, and I prefer the old way of paying. this dude steps in front of me trying to block my path acting like a bouncer and asks me if I am paying with cash or card. I hesitate because I am like well who the heck are you to ask but i dont say that because looks like he could kill me in one flick let alone punch. He then tells me this line is cash only. Which is absolutely not true i just have a perplexed look on my face then before I can respond his boss or mum interjects and says he was just joking. I say mother or boss because not sure if he was the ladies bodygaurd or the ladies son but dude got with a lot older if that was his partner.

anyway they then proceed to get out like £2000 in cash I mean I didnt count but it was a lot of £20 notes and 100 £20 notes is a fair estimate they are wearing lots of what looks like expensive jewlery both of them, and expensive clothes but for some reason which i cant explain are buying several coats and packs of what I think was after shave at the till with premium food items.

Well far be it for me to suggest how others should spend there money, but it just seemed odd that they wear such expensive cloths and jewlery carry such large amounts of cash only buy the premium foods but for some inexplicable reason are buying several packs of cheap aftershave and coats from tescos. Then they proceed to recount the money several times clearly advertising to anyone near by "her everyone we have a lot of money" then ask the check out person what ethnicity he thinks they are?

Seriously they actually asked him that and tried to insist he guesses? how fair is that I mean I am far from socially intelligent but even I know no good can come from answering that question and it does not seem fair to put a Tesco worker likely on min wage in that position. They then seem to ask how much the reciept costs and seem suprised to find out the reciept is free they say they are from Dubai in the end. (to the tesco worker not to me there wernt anymore words said to me just a dirty look stare down from the Hulks son)

Others have told me when i mentioned this that this is Dubai mentallity? what, what does that even mean? The whole time the Bouncer/bodyguard/son is giving me a proper dirty look.

I am there to buy my groceries not to mug his mother/boss. Which I guess he thought he was protecting her? but like if your so nervous about been mugged how about dont flash it?

I mean I never would, and I never would condone but whole scenario proper creeped me out and I ended up getting a Taxi home because the Teenaged son of the Hulk scared me.

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