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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
River_Fox | Small blind | 30.00 | 30.00 | 3755.00 | |
ROBINAYR | Big blind | 60.00 | 90.00 | 9790.00 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
Corey98 | All-in | 680.00 | 770.00 | 0.00 | |
skyfly | All-in | 80.00 | 850.00 | 0.00 | |
River_Fox | All-in | 3755.00 | 4605.00 | 0.00 | |
ROBINAYR | Call | 3725.00 | 8330.00 | 6065.00 | |
River_Fox | Show |
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Corey98 | Show |
| |||
skyfly | Show |
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Flop | |||||
| |||||
Turn | |||||
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River | |||||
| |||||
ROBINAYR | Win | Flush to the Queen | 8330.00 | 14395.00 |
The people who have gone all in before you have 11BBs and 1BB respectively so JK should always be in with a decent chance for a bounty or two.
I don't like the idea of flatting here with this hand, as this just encourages the big blind to come along with a very wide range, given that there's 2 bounties available. By shoving, the BB shouldn't get to call very wide at all. Obviously didn't stop them though.
I'd have probably played this hand the same way.
Its the early stages.
You have almost doubled up.
There is a mad player behind you with a big stack.
You are losing to too many hands.
I think you can only justify it with hindsight, looking at the hands that were actually played.
Even if the 65 had folded, you would have lost almost 700 chips to the 4s.
Certainly do not have more knowledge but here's (or are) my two cents (Grammar's not my strongsuit so apologies in advance).
Corey98 ships first to act with very little fold equity and 2 big stacks still to act. Range is probably pairs realistically proably 55+ but not discounting 22+, suited blockers that have some ways out of a tight spot if dominated but also block hands that should dominate them thus potentially giving himself live cards. A45s, A8s+ ATo+ given the 65s call potentially K7s+ Q8s+ J8s+.
The 1bb range, any suited hand that can make a straight or decent flush if not 'straightable', piggy backing on the tiny fold equity corey98 has.
Your hand although in good shape vs corey98's range, the jam caps your range and eliminates QQ+ from it (or so I think, I don't imagine you'd iso aces there).
In your position (with hindsight into the 65 call) I'd flat JKo and play accordingly post flop. Without the hindsight, I'd fold JKo flat JKs fold to any aggression from Robin.
My reasoning is that JK especially off does not respond well to aggression. Considering you could be sharing outs with the first two guys. Robin shipping any pair could have you in bad shape but more than that, your jam forces him to play perfectly and call with hands that would have you dominated. Taking that into consideration. When you jam and get called, you're almost always praying for a miracle.
Corey has a stack that can afford to wait an orbit, your specific hand maybe in bad shape vs the specific hands he is likely shipping when he opts not to wait.
A broken clock is right twice a day. Given the 65s call, it is likely there was a lot more of that going on and if that's the case, your stack affords you the patience to wait for a more favourable spot. whilst the bounties are very enticing and delicious, at that stage of the tournament. It's a little bit of meat on a big bone. You have a stack and a clearly a player that is willing to pay you when you are ready so I wouldn't rush the situation. Maybe he collects the bounties, good for him, more confirmation that what he is doing is working, no reason to stop it. Which means your opportunites of actually getting a double up when you're ready are increased.
Let's not forget that the short stacks themselves also have equity and could both win the hand and you could have a goal when the situation is favourable.
Just a thought. Block out the other hands in the future and reveal them once you've gotten some feedback you're satisfied with. I could be wrong but I imagine this would force the reader to really puut themselves in your shoes without hindsight (Block out the result of the hand too)
Please note that these are just opinions on what would be going through my mind, including the seemingly contracdictory points there maybe. As I said at the start, I don't profess to have more knowledge. That said, at the very least, I hope something I've said sparks a new thread of thought in how you review this hand and many more going forward.
Also, how do you get a copy of hands like as you've shown above?
click my sky poker tab
click hand history
all hands are shown, find the hand you want and click details
the hand will show with a copy tab at the bottom , click copy
Start or go onto the thread you want to show the hand on , click paste in the reply box , it'll look funny and disjointed in the reply but when you post it'll come out like the above
My reasoning behind re-shoving was that it is only costing us 1/6 of our stack for potentially 2 bounties (assuming BB doesn't call if we re-shove). As others have said though, it's early in the tournament so can understand a more cautious approach.
And if the BB is going to call off with hands like 65, then great - we'll be in good shape against them a good portion of the time with KJ. And even if we were to lose to the shorter stacks, I think we'll still end up gaining chips if we beat the BB's hand.
I'm not very knowledgeable in these spots either, but always happy to give an opinion and learn something new if I end up being incorrect.
I think the fact that he called the shove with 65, is evidence of the likely outcome of a flat call.