"As predicted yesterday, the absence of televised football meant that the Main came in at £5,460, although that included a 10 seat Freeroll. Even so, at this time of year it would normally struggle to make Guarantee, & could easily come in at around £4,200 or thereabouts. Same situation tonight, no televised football of note, unless Women's Champion's League floats your boat. I'm going to give it a try - not because I want to, but I just like to watch a live game on TV in the evenings. Having said that, on Tuesday's the Gold Rush Main tends to perform well so hopefully it will be fine.
The Main went to @Awoken & it was the first time he's won it. Only been here 6 months and has already won 2 Megas, a 7 @ 7 &, best of all, a BWBH last month, so seems to be finding his stride nicely now. 2nd was @RAKKKI& that was his best result here in 2024, though worth noting that he's played just a dozen MTT's on Sky Poker since the turn of the year. In 3rd was @steveysee who won his seat in that "surprise" 10 seat Freeroll which replaced the Sunday Major Freeroll last night.
A fabulous result in the Mini with @Asho28grabbing his very first Mini victory, best results in Minis previously was 2nd & 3rd in the Sunday version. Best result was 1st in a Hitman Main back in '22, and has run 2nd in a UKOPS PLO8.
There were two interesting doubles. First off, @bakersdoze won the 9pm 9 @ 9 & followed up by also winning the 9.30pm Reload. Then Paul Gascoigne lookalike @MikeyW94 took over, winning the 10pm Turbo & then the 10.30pm Quickdraw. Well done lads, that's outstanding double binkage.
A double of another sort arose when @cidul won the £1k Rebuy BH, as it was the second time he'd done so in 4 nights.
Pretty much every night @wiggywoo11polls up & 1-tables the £1k Rebuy BH. On Sunday he ran 6th & last night he went all the way & booked the win.
@BBORU7 is coming along nicely & won 7 @ 7 for the 2nd time in just under 3 weeks. Other notable recent wins include a Hitman Main & the £1k Rebuy BH.
If ever there were a standing dish, it's surely @Shire40 in the Mega - he won it last night for the fifteenth time. Can anyone better that?
@shemeli22 is not high volume, probably logs on & 1-tables MidEx 2 or 3 times a week. Does OK though, at the back end of February he ran 2nd, & last night he went one spot better.
Finally, I must make mention of @Amarie who was 2nd in the 717 runner Rewards Freeroll. Well done MOTHERRRRRRRRR
MTT traffic was a bit thin, though overlay was limited to £270 across 3 events, £200 of which arose in the Major.
@Bigmortsmust have been a huge price to win the Major. Been here 18 months, had not played for 51 weeks prior to last night, and that game last March was his first for 6 months, & he's played just 5 MTT's here. His debut was in a November 2023 UKOPS in which he ran 15th, then he won a tenner DYM, & that's about it really. And now he's a Major winner. Fair play to him, but if we could bet on who would win the Major, the Bookies would have had a skinner last night. The other podiumates were@destinycod & @ValueJL so no great surprises there. 24 hours after winning Sharpy Main, @breakbad was 8th, while @ChipDiddy0 who has had 4 (FOUR) wins this week was 9th.
The Mini saw a solid FT too with the Notorious @gobbleoffbeating @loololollo and in 6th was the near ubiquitous @ughx3000cx. 9th was @breadbin who won reload 10 days ago.
Here's a thing. This is the entire chat transcript of one player in last night's Mini Major. In fact, I could have chosen ANY MTT he's played, because he gives it the same schtick in every single MTT he plays.
Rigged What a joke Joke Fu F off F off Foff
Leaving aside his undoubted eloquence - I bet he's much in demand for dinner parties - remember, we are talking £2, £3, £5 & £10 MTT's here. Imagine getting THAT exercised over smallball MTT's, or having that complete lack of self-awareness to realise how stupid it makes him look. And why would you play poker as a recreational if it upset you that much? Nothing makes sense any more. I know one thing. Put me in charge for a day & I'd ban the **** off anyone who behaved like that in the chat box, & they can return when they've learned to handle standard poker beats in bowl comps like an adult. Meh.
The Major is always tough, but arguably the £5k BH had a tougher FT, with the svelte Scot fitness fanatic @roddy28 getting home ahead of a plethora of very highly-rated players.
@ILIKE2FISH won the £800 BH, & two seats to the £5k BH in £1.80 All-In sats. Never mind all that though, in the Vegas Semi he won his seat to the first Vegas Final next Sunday.
The Rebuy BH had an interesting FT, with the win going to the personable @Morris707. 2nd was the much-improved @mumbledore who won Thursday's 7 @ 7 with serial small-stakes winner @chkngeorge completing the Podium. Then came @FckwivKatz who narrowly failed in his quest to win it on consecutive nights, with Friday's Avenger Mini winner@BttrThnHec in 5th. Not a bad line-up for a fiver affair, was it?
@sharpelbow played exactly 1 MTT - 9 @ 9 - & won it. His previous 6 games were all tenner DYM's & he won 6 of the 6. When I see an alias like "sharp elbow" I instantly think of @Haysie.
@fiers5527 has hot a bit of form, & after 4th in Turbo on Friday, he won last night's Reload.
24 hours after finishing 2nd in MidEx, @7omos went a spot better. How good did that feel? He's very much a late night specialist, especially in MidEx.
We have our first 2025 Vegas Final next Sunday & 5 more qualified last night - @ILIKE2FISH@tai-gar@MD_575@Fat5tack5 & @Super_Oli. Just missing out ("bubble bubble" so to speak) was @MAXALLY. He seems to run so bad in Vegas quallies.
That's it, I'm done. No "Live" televised football at all today, there's a thing, so traffic might be decent. There were supposed to be two World Cup Qualifiers - Tanzania v Congo, & the huge clash between Zambia & Eritrea, but both have been cancelled by FIFA for political reasons such as "Government interference". WTF?
This day last year
"As predicted yesterday, the absence of televised football meant that the Main came in at £5,460, although that included a 10 seat Freeroll. Even so, at this time of year it would normally struggle to make Guarantee, & could easily come in at around £4,200 or thereabouts. Same situation tonight, no televised football of note, unless Women's Champion's League floats your boat. I'm going to give it a try - not because I want to, but I just like to watch a live game on TV in the evenings. Having said that, on Tuesday's the Gold Rush Main tends to perform well so hopefully it will be fine.
The Main went to @Awoken & it was the first time he's won it. Only been here 6 months and has already won 2 Megas, a 7 @ 7 &, best of all, a BWBH last month, so seems to be finding his stride nicely now. 2nd was @RAKKKI & that was his best result here in 2024, though worth noting that he's played just a dozen MTT's on Sky Poker since the turn of the year. In 3rd was @steveysee who won his seat in that "surprise" 10 seat Freeroll which replaced the Sunday Major Freeroll last night.
A fabulous result in the Mini with @Asho28 grabbing his very first Mini victory, best results in Minis previously was 2nd & 3rd in the Sunday version. Best result was 1st in a Hitman Main back in '22, and has run 2nd in a UKOPS PLO8.
There were two interesting doubles. First off, @bakersdoze won the 9pm 9 @ 9 & followed up by also winning the 9.30pm Reload. Then Paul Gascoigne lookalike @MikeyW94 took over, winning the 10pm Turbo & then the 10.30pm Quickdraw. Well done lads, that's outstanding double binkage.
A double of another sort arose when @cidul won the £1k Rebuy BH, as it was the second time he'd done so in 4 nights.
Pretty much every night @wiggywoo11 polls up & 1-tables the £1k Rebuy BH. On Sunday he ran 6th & last night he went all the way & booked the win.
@BBORU7 is coming along nicely & won 7 @ 7 for the 2nd time in just under 3 weeks. Other notable recent wins include a Hitman Main & the £1k Rebuy BH.
If ever there were a standing dish, it's surely @Shire40 in the Mega - he won it last night for the fifteenth time. Can anyone better that?
@shemeli22 is not high volume, probably logs on & 1-tables MidEx 2 or 3 times a week. Does OK though, at the back end of February he ran 2nd, & last night he went one spot better.
Finally, I must make mention of @Amarie who was 2nd in the 717 runner Rewards Freeroll. Well done MOTHERRRRRRRRR
That's it for today."
MTT traffic was a bit thin, though overlay was limited to £270 across 3 events, £200 of which arose in the Major.
@Bigmorts must have been a huge price to win the Major. Been here 18 months, had not played for 51 weeks prior to last night, and that game last March was his first for 6 months, & he's played just 5 MTT's here. His debut was in a November 2023 UKOPS in which he ran 15th, then he won a tenner DYM, & that's about it really. And now he's a Major winner. Fair play to him, but if we could bet on who would win the Major, the Bookies would have had a skinner last night. The other podiumates were @destinycod & @ValueJL so no great surprises there. 24 hours after winning Sharpy Main, @breakbad was 8th, while @ChipDiddy0 who has had 4 (FOUR) wins this week was 9th.
The Mini saw a solid FT too with the Notorious @gobbleoff beating @loololollo and in 6th was the near ubiquitous @ughx3000cx. 9th was @breadbin who won reload 10 days ago.
Here's a thing. This is the entire chat transcript of one player in last night's Mini Major. In fact, I could have chosen ANY MTT he's played, because he gives it the same schtick in every single MTT he plays.
What a joke
F off
F off
Leaving aside his undoubted eloquence - I bet he's much in demand for dinner parties - remember, we are talking £2, £3, £5 & £10 MTT's here. Imagine getting THAT exercised over smallball MTT's, or having that complete lack of self-awareness to realise how stupid it makes him look. And why would you play poker as a recreational if it upset you that much? Nothing makes sense any more. I know one thing. Put me in charge for a day & I'd ban the **** off anyone who behaved like that in the chat box, & they can return when they've learned to handle standard poker beats in bowl comps like an adult. Meh.
The Major is always tough, but arguably the £5k BH had a tougher FT, with the svelte Scot fitness fanatic @roddy28 getting home ahead of a plethora of very highly-rated players.
@ILIKE2FISH won the £800 BH, & two seats to the £5k BH in £1.80 All-In sats. Never mind all that though, in the Vegas Semi he won his seat to the first Vegas Final next Sunday.
The Rebuy BH had an interesting FT, with the win going to the personable @Morris707. 2nd was the much-improved @mumbledore who won Thursday's 7 @ 7 with serial small-stakes winner @chkngeorge completing the Podium. Then came @FckwivKatz who narrowly failed in his quest to win it on consecutive nights, with Friday's Avenger Mini winner @BttrThnHec in 5th. Not a bad line-up for a fiver affair, was it?
@sharpelbow played exactly 1 MTT - 9 @ 9 - & won it. His previous 6 games were all tenner DYM's & he won 6 of the 6. When I see an alias like "sharp elbow" I instantly think of @Haysie.
@fiers5527 has hot a bit of form, & after 4th in Turbo on Friday, he won last night's Reload.
24 hours after finishing 2nd in MidEx, @7omos went a spot better. How good did that feel? He's very much a late night specialist, especially in MidEx.
We have our first 2025 Vegas Final next Sunday & 5 more qualified last night - @ILIKE2FISH @tai-gar @MD_575 @Fat5tack5 & @Super_Oli. Just missing out ("bubble bubble" so to speak) was @MAXALLY. He seems to run so bad in Vegas quallies.
That's it, I'm done. No "Live" televised football at all today, there's a thing, so traffic might be decent. There were supposed to be two World Cup Qualifiers - Tanzania v Congo, & the huge clash between Zambia & Eritrea, but both have been cancelled by FIFA for political reasons such as "Government interference". WTF?
£5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£895)
179 entries
@ILIKE2FISH 358000 1 £121.94 + £64.57 Head Prizes 13
@Zola11 0 2 £73.17 + £8.89 Head Prizes 3@Chrissydee 0 3 £44.75 + £30.69 Head Prizes 8
@fishhhhh 0 4 £35.13 + £18.20 Head Prizes 4
@SpaceMaff 0 5 £29.98 + £18.09 Head Prizes 6
@bazab 0 6 £25.24 + £3.27 Head Prizes 1
£7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£742)
106 entries
@chkngeorge 212000 1 £103.69 + £52.87 Head Prizes 8
@rainman215 0 2 £63.26 + £23.41 Head Prizes 5@bulgy 0 3 £38.95 + £29.68 Head Prizes 6
@Pete433 0 4 £31.35 + £11.98 Head Prizes 4
@CLARETBOY 0 5 £26.71 + £12.95 Head Prizes 3
@Darts170 0 6 £23 + £23.83 Head Prizes 7
£5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,475)
129 entries 94 rebuys 72 addons
@Morris707 734000 1 £206.13 + £87.98 Head Prizes 7
@Mumbledore 0 2 £125.74 + £40.94 Head Prizes 6@chkngeorge 0 3 £77.44 + £55.41 Head Prizes 6
@FckwivKatz 0 4 £62.32 + £24.67 Head Prizes 3
@BttrThnHec 0 5 £53.10 + £15.45 Head Prizes 4
@Mallaz 0 6 £45.73 + £15.95 Head Prizes 4
£33 entry £5,000 Bounty Hunter (£5,340)
140 entries 38 rebuys
@roddy28 890000 1 £734.25 + £253.87 Head Prizes 7
@ozzieowen 0 2 £443.22 + £74.81 Head Prizes 4@fishhhhh 0 3 £272.34 + £93.96 Head Prizes 4
@FlynTimber 0 4 £216.27 + £190.37 Head Prizes 7
@DunkinFish 0 5 £184.23 + £161.02 Head Prizes 9
@PokaBayb9 0 6 £154.86 + £116.73 Head Prizes 6
£110 entry £10,000 Sunday Major (£10,000)
85 entries, 13 rebuys, £200 overlay
@Bigmorts 980000 1 £2850
@destinycod 0 2 £1650@ValueJL 0 3 £1000
@Froozle 0 4 £800
@Cursleyy 0 5 £690
@mcg899 0 6 £590
@ego_death 0 7 £490
@breakbad 0 8 £340
@ChipDiddy0 0 9 £270
@Fearnie 0 10 £220
@Blaiseee 0 11 £220
@LIAM92446 0 12 £220
@grinddd 0 13 £220
@peiratis88 0 14 £220
@Alvez11 0 15 £220
126 entries£11 entry £1,250 Mini Major (£1,260)
@gobbleoff 630000 1 £346.50
@loololollo 0 2 £201.60@8wizard8 0 3 £114.66
@Salv06 0 4 £89.46
@hotshot94 0 5 £76.86
@ughx3000cx 0 6 £64.26
@BaggyMonke 0 7 £49.14
@SQUIRE82 0 8 £31.50
@breadbin 0 9 £22.68
@toosa 0 10 £17.64
@MightyMole 0 11 £17.64
@blablabla 0 12 £17.64
@FlynTimber 0 13 £17.64
@Stickleb1 0 14 £17.64
@Higgy_baby 0 15 £17.64
@rancid 0 16 £16.38
@lilzane 0 17 £16.38
@mainspring 0 18 £16.38
@PoignantBo 0 19 £16.38
@JammyBee 0 20 £16.38
@scottie73 0 21 £15.12
@terrier922 0 22 £15.12
@Kingcole 0 23 £15.12
@Bauer 0 24 £15.12
@kingpkl 0 25 £15.12
£22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,280)
64 entries
@grinddd 640000 1 £192 + £172.03 Head Prizes 11
@davtherav 0 2 £128 + £55.33 Head Prizes 4@Sharki0 0 3 £76.80 + £38.43 Head Prizes 4
@loosecamel 0 4 £64 + £48.40 Head Prizes 5
@snoxx11 0 5 £51.20 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
@bigfatfish 0 6 £41.60 + £13.59 Head Prizes 1
£55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,400)
21 entries 7 rebuys
@ScottMo1 140000 1 £259 + £264.94 Head Prizes 6
@heellloooo 0 2 £175 + £131.25 Head Prizes 7@Tedson 0 3 £105 + £52.73 Head Prizes 2
@ChipDiddy0 0 4 £84 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1
@ozzieowen 0 5 £77 + £48.34 Head Prizes 2
@NChanning 0 6 0
£9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£846)
94 entries
@sharpelbow 282000 1 £120.56 + £85.87 Head Prizes 10
@CRV 0 2 £74.45 + £23.20 Head Prizes 5@killbill1 0 3 £46.11 + £22.63 Head Prizes 5
@Myles7 0 4 £37.22 + £23.02 Head Prizes 5
@LukeyB24 0 5 £31.09 + £25.32 Head Prizes 6
@Bensons22 0 6 £26.23 + £14.44 Head Prizes 3
£3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,500)
172 entries 191 rebuys 117 addons, £60 overlay
@fiers5527 1311000 1 £212.55 + £99.84 Head Prizes 14
@bongo69 0 2 £127.53 + £14.28 Head Prizes 5@Morris707 0 3 £78 + £38.48 Head Prizes 8
@halbert01 0 4 £61.23 + £65.16 Head Prizes 19
@TamL 0 5 £52.26 + £19.88 Head Prizes 6
@9marty 0 6 £43.99 + £5.69 Head Prizes 2
£33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,000)
28 entries 5 rebuys, £10 overlay
@destinycod 165000 1 £252.50 + £177.20 Head Prizes 7
@ego_death 0 2 £151.50 + £50.62 Head Prizes 4@snoxx11 0 3 £101 + £36.56 Head Prizes 3
@Tedson 0 4 £36.56 Head Prizes 2
@AndyN90 0 5 £56.25 Head Prizes 4
@bigfatfish 0 6 £11.25 Head Prizes 1
£22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,320)
30 entries 17 rebuys 19 addons
@Natnug 170000 1 £244.20 + £292.13 Head Prizes 10
@bigfatfish 0 2 £165 + £48.05 Head Prizes 2@destinycod 0 3 £99 + £22.50 Head Prizes 2
@Sharki0 0 4 £79.20 + £15 Head Prizes 2
@TIMBER 0 5 £72.60 + £40.90 Head Prizes 2
@Tedson 0 6 £7.50 Head Prizes 1
£22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£820)
41 entries
@7omos 123000 1 £151.70 + £116.42 Head Prizes 6
@Bauer 0 2 £90.20 + £27.19 Head Prizes 2@bless1 0 3 £61.50 + £39.38 Head Prizes 4
@Pokerpi 0 4 £45.10 + £37.50 Head Prizes 5
@Callmeaf 0 5 £32.80 + £41.26 Head Prizes 5
@SPRING29 0 6 £28.70 + £72.78 Head Prizes 9
£5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£305)
61 entries
@county 183000 1 £45.75 + £45.30 Head Prizes 12
@safc71 0 2 £30.50 + £14.10 Head Prizes 5@Katelli 0 3 £18.30 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1
@Weeman67 0 4 £15.25 + £7.15 Head Prizes 3
@BAZLMAC 0 5 £12.20 + £15.21 Head Prizes 6
@weecheez1 0 6 £9.91 0
SPT Vegas Quarter (12 entries)
@madprof 27210 1 SPT Vegas Semi
@gixxerk4 8790 2 SPT Vegas Semi
@NIHIGHGUN 0 3 £33.20
@loololollo 0 5
@gr0wapear 0 6
@bigfatfish 0 7
@TommyD 0 8
@gregos619 0 9
@sjl1973 0 10
@Natnug 0 11
SPT Vegas Semi (15 entries)
@ILIKE2FISH 23420 1 SPT Vegas Final
@tai-gar 21010 2 SPT Vegas Final
@MD_575 11570 3 SPT Vegas Final
@Fat5tack5 4000 4 SPT Vegas Final
@Super_Oli 0 5 SPT Vegas Final
@blindpoet 0 6
@666bumpy 0 8
@carravagio 0 9
@loololollo 0 10
@madprof 0 11
@Ravishaw1 0 12
@gregos619 0 13
@chuckles22 0 14
@gixxerk4 0 15
Sunday Major Freeroll (170 entries)
@tai-gar 144055 1 £10,000 Sunday Major
@alexmck13 120750 2 £10,000 Sunday Major
@johno09038 75195 3 £10,000 Sunday Major