"MTT traffic was OK, especially the £6,000 Main (£7,170), & the £1k Quickdraw did exceedingly well for the 2nd straight night, £1,960. Perversely, the nightly £200 PLO8 came in at just £220, which is the lowest I can remember. Go figure.
It's time to keep an eye on @Awoken who won last night's Sharpshooter Main, just 5 days after 1st place in Monday's Marksman Main. Further successes last night included 3rd in Mega & 2nd in Turbo. Won a BWBH last month too, & has several wins in Mega & 7 @ 7. Seems to be improving rapidly.
@hoult08 plays the Mini a few times per week & precious little else, in fact 7 of their last 8 MTT's have been regular Minis, the exception being a Main event satellite. They were 6th in a Mini two weeks ago & got the coveted top spot last night. Probably helped that his alias began with "h" as that applied to 4 of the 6 finalists - @hoult08 (1st) @Harrald2nd (2nd), @HomerJS (5th) & @heed2000(6th). Shame we don't have a statistician on the Forum who can work out the odds of that. Incidentally, the alias of @Harrald2nd who finished 2nd really is "Harrald2nd". Don't even ask.
@MattE17 makes their thread debut having won last night's 7 @ 7, which was just their 21st MTT in 8 years here, has barely played any DYM's or cash either.
A nice win double for @goeasyonme who won the £1k Rebuy BH and followed up by taking a £500 BH later in the evening. 2nd in the Rebuy BH was The Notorious @gobbleoff.
There was also a double for FTT regular @jawtho who won Mega & remarkably was still on site to play & win an 03.00 £100 Turbo BH this morning.
1st place & £232 was a personal best for @lukeee742 when winning 9 @ 9 for the 2nd time, has a 7 @ 7 win on their CV too.
Despite the England game, MTT traffic was quite frothy, with just £100 of overlay (BWBH) across the featured events & numbers generally way above their recent run-rate. Doing especially well were Rebuy BH (£1,495), 9 @ 9 (£1,026) Reload (£1,803), Turbo (£1,530) & Quickdraw (£1,700). All good, & fingers crossed more of the same over the weekend. The clocks go forward next weekend = longer days (so to speak), so we'll start to see traffic do it's seasonal decline soon. Then the usual Negative Ninnies will say "RIP Sky Poker", normies will ignore it, & then, come the Autumn when the numbers start to rise again, no more will be said. As a society, we seem to be be told all the negative stuff & but positive stuff is rarely mentioned. Weird.
Avenger Main went to a good & long-standing mate of mine, @Doooobs & I could not be more pleased for him. When he won Turbo last Saturday I remarked that due to ever-increasing family commitments - he has two daughters who I believe must be teens by now or almost so - he does not get to play here as much as used to be the case, & in fact this was just his 36th MTT on Sky Poker this year. Despite not playing very much at all, has a very impressive "Live" poker CV, the best of which is £62,600 for winning a GUKPT Main at The Vic, although his "Hendon" shows him as 2nd, but I believe they did some business & he got the most. I don't ever recall sharing tables with him in the UK, but it's rare that a year goes by when we don't share tables somewhere in Vegas, usually in WSOP or Golden Nugget PLO8 &/or Big O events. He has 6 WSOP cashes, 4 of which are for PLO variants, & he ran 2nd for $16,000 in a Golden Nugget Omaha Mix. He'll be in Vegas in early June I believe, so will I, & hopefully we'll share tables & maybe one of us will have a deep run or two. (Probably him...). 2nd place last night went to@abhouston who has shown useful form in the past, including 1st place in a Sharpshooter Main just over a month ago, so he was very close to winning 2 Mains inside 5 weeks.
@Archie8888is a very infrequent MTT-er these days & when he plays it's usually the Mini. Exactly two weeks after finishing 8th in Avenger Mini, he went all the way last night. In 4th was @rancidwho sadly (for me) is no longer visible on Sharky, with @UnEuropean who only returned after a 4 month break a few weeks ago in 5th.
Arsenal fan & Backwards Baseball Cap Bloke @Alvez11 won BWBH. Keen observers will have seen that he's currently leading the Week 3 Las Vegas Leagues leader board, having finished 2nd in Week 1. And if you wondered where all his volume comes from, yesterday alone he played over £2,600 worth of Heads Up SNG's & DYM's, including 9 £100 Heads Up games & 2 x £200 Heads Up duels. And won BWBH on the side. Some folks make it all look so easy.
In winning 7 @ 7 @Frankson8 completed the early evening (£800 BH, 7 @ 7 & £1k Rebuy BH) hat-trick in just over a fortnight which is a rare achievement, so full marks to him. I said a few weeks ago he'd enjoy his poker more if he played less, & I stick by that, less is so often more in terms of pleasure, satisfaction & even profit. He currently leads - albeit only by a handful of games - the 2025 Sharky Sky Poker "COUNT" Leaderboard with the player in 3rd a whopping 600+ games in arrears. On average he plays 29 games a day, every day, though many - most - are All-In Sats & the like. Don't get me wrong, I've got that T-Shirt, but eventually I learned that it's hard to enjoy the scenery if you drive at 100mph.
@samsandu06 is becoming something of a Rebuy BH specialist, winning it for the 2nd time last night having finished 2nd in it a few weeks ago. Later in the evening he was 6th in a Turbo BH then 2nd in an early morning Timed. 2nd in Rebuy BH was @craigcu12 with @chrisdonkb back in 5th.
A third 2025 Mega win for @RobRenziwho, historically, has some great scores here including 1st in an Avenger Main, 2nd in a Sunday Major & 3rd in a UKOPS "Main" Main.
@potgrothas been here less than a fortnight & played just 30 MTT's so far. Exactly a week ago they made their thread debut after making the Rebuy BH FT, last night they registered their first Featured MTT victory.
In that Rebuy BH FT that @potgrot made last Friday, the winner was @snoxx11 & he was back in the winner's circle last night, Turbo this time. With over a week of March remaining, this month's haul of wins for the Snoxxster already includes Turbo (twice), Reload (twice) & 9 @ 9. Also ran 2nd in Avenger Main last Friday.
Big Boy watch? Usual schmusual, with victories for @Morris707 (9 @ 9), @Natnug (Quickdraw) &@Sharki0 (MidEx).
That's more than enough for a Saturday morning.
Oh, let's finish with a little quiz. Last night at DTD I shared tables with this man (red top bloke). Name him.
Clues? Played for 20 different clubs - including at the very highest (English) level - & scored over 100 goals in his career.
This day last year
"MTT traffic was OK, especially the £6,000 Main (£7,170), & the £1k Quickdraw did exceedingly well for the 2nd straight night, £1,960. Perversely, the nightly £200 PLO8 came in at just £220, which is the lowest I can remember. Go figure.
It's time to keep an eye on @Awoken who won last night's Sharpshooter Main, just 5 days after 1st place in Monday's Marksman Main. Further successes last night included 3rd in Mega & 2nd in Turbo. Won a BWBH last month too, & has several wins in Mega & 7 @ 7. Seems to be improving rapidly.
@hoult08 plays the Mini a few times per week & precious little else, in fact 7 of their last 8 MTT's have been regular Minis, the exception being a Main event satellite. They were 6th in a Mini two weeks ago & got the coveted top spot last night. Probably helped that his alias began with "h" as that applied to 4 of the 6 finalists - @hoult08 (1st) @Harrald2nd (2nd), @HomerJS (5th) & @heed2000 (6th). Shame we don't have a statistician on the Forum who can work out the odds of that. Incidentally, the alias of @Harrald2nd who finished 2nd really is "Harrald2nd". Don't even ask.
@MattE17 makes their thread debut having won last night's 7 @ 7, which was just their 21st MTT in 8 years here, has barely played any DYM's or cash either.
A nice win double for @goeasyonme who won the £1k Rebuy BH and followed up by taking a £500 BH later in the evening. 2nd in the Rebuy BH was The Notorious @gobbleoff.
There was also a double for FTT regular @jawtho who won Mega & remarkably was still on site to play & win an 03.00 £100 Turbo BH this morning.
1st place & £232 was a personal best for @lukeee742 when winning 9 @ 9 for the 2nd time, has a 7 @ 7 win on their CV too.
Reload went to @TRAX aka "Cheers Lad".
Think I'll have to stop now. Shorter than ideal, longer than intended, & suddenly, Sunday morning has been and gone."
Despite the England game, MTT traffic was quite frothy, with just £100 of overlay (BWBH) across the featured events & numbers generally way above their recent run-rate. Doing especially well were Rebuy BH (£1,495), 9 @ 9 (£1,026) Reload (£1,803), Turbo (£1,530) & Quickdraw (£1,700). All good, & fingers crossed more of the same over the weekend. The clocks go forward next weekend = longer days (so to speak), so we'll start to see traffic do it's seasonal decline soon. Then the usual Negative Ninnies will say "RIP Sky Poker", normies will ignore it, & then, come the Autumn when the numbers start to rise again, no more will be said. As a society, we seem to be be told all the negative stuff & but positive stuff is rarely mentioned. Weird.
Avenger Main went to a good & long-standing mate of mine, @Doooobs & I could not be more pleased for him. When he won Turbo last Saturday I remarked that due to ever-increasing family commitments - he has two daughters who I believe must be teens by now or almost so - he does not get to play here as much as used to be the case, & in fact this was just his 36th MTT on Sky Poker this year. Despite not playing very much at all, has a very impressive "Live" poker CV, the best of which is £62,600 for winning a GUKPT Main at The Vic, although his "Hendon" shows him as 2nd, but I believe they did some business & he got the most. I don't ever recall sharing tables with him in the UK, but it's rare that a year goes by when we don't share tables somewhere in Vegas, usually in WSOP or Golden Nugget PLO8 &/or Big O events. He has 6 WSOP cashes, 4 of which are for PLO variants, & he ran 2nd for $16,000 in a Golden Nugget Omaha Mix. He'll be in Vegas in early June I believe, so will I, & hopefully we'll share tables & maybe one of us will have a deep run or two. (Probably him...). 2nd place last night went to @abhouston who has shown useful form in the past, including 1st place in a Sharpshooter Main just over a month ago, so he was very close to winning 2 Mains inside 5 weeks.
@Archie8888 is a very infrequent MTT-er these days & when he plays it's usually the Mini. Exactly two weeks after finishing 8th in Avenger Mini, he went all the way last night. In 4th was @rancid who sadly (for me) is no longer visible on Sharky, with @UnEuropean who only returned after a 4 month break a few weeks ago in 5th.
Arsenal fan & Backwards Baseball Cap Bloke @Alvez11 won BWBH. Keen observers will have seen that he's currently leading the Week 3 Las Vegas Leagues leader board, having finished 2nd in Week 1. And if you wondered where all his volume comes from, yesterday alone he played over £2,600 worth of Heads Up SNG's & DYM's, including 9 £100 Heads Up games & 2 x £200 Heads Up duels. And won BWBH on the side. Some folks make it all look so easy.
In winning 7 @ 7 @Frankson8 completed the early evening (£800 BH, 7 @ 7 & £1k Rebuy BH) hat-trick in just over a fortnight which is a rare achievement, so full marks to him. I said a few weeks ago he'd enjoy his poker more if he played less, & I stick by that, less is so often more in terms of pleasure, satisfaction & even profit. He currently leads - albeit only by a handful of games - the 2025 Sharky Sky Poker "COUNT" Leaderboard with the player in 3rd a whopping 600+ games in arrears. On average he plays 29 games a day, every day, though many - most - are All-In Sats & the like. Don't get me wrong, I've got that T-Shirt, but eventually I learned that it's hard to enjoy the scenery if you drive at 100mph.
@samsandu06 is becoming something of a Rebuy BH specialist, winning it for the 2nd time last night having finished 2nd in it a few weeks ago. Later in the evening he was 6th in a Turbo BH then 2nd in an early morning Timed. 2nd in Rebuy BH was @craigcu12 with @chrisdonkb back in 5th.
A third 2025 Mega win for @RobRenzi who, historically, has some great scores here including 1st in an Avenger Main, 2nd in a Sunday Major & 3rd in a UKOPS "Main" Main.
@potgrot has been here less than a fortnight & played just 30 MTT's so far. Exactly a week ago they made their thread debut after making the Rebuy BH FT, last night they registered their first Featured MTT victory.
In that Rebuy BH FT that @potgrot made last Friday, the winner was @snoxx11 & he was back in the winner's circle last night, Turbo this time. With over a week of March remaining, this month's haul of wins for the Snoxxster already includes Turbo (twice), Reload (twice) & 9 @ 9. Also ran 2nd in Avenger Main last Friday.
Big Boy watch? Usual schmusual, with victories for @Morris707 (9 @ 9), @Natnug (Quickdraw) & @Sharki0 (MidEx).
That's more than enough for a Saturday morning.
Oh, let's finish with a little quiz. Last night at DTD I shared tables with this man (red top bloke). Name him.
Clues? Played for 20 different clubs - including at the very highest (English) level - & scored over 100 goals in his career.
£5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£940)
188 entries
@elvisg1972 376000 1 £126.90 + £52.13 Head Prizes 10
@oilyrag 0 2 £76.61 + £18.46 Head Prizes 4@BAT722 0 3 £46.30 + £27.99 Head Prizes 10
@Moonshinez 0 4 £36.42 + £11.84 Head Prizes 5
@OXBOWLER 0 5 £31.02 + £7.76 Head Prizes 1
@ozzymufc 0 6 £25.85 + £17.77 Head Prizes 6
£7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£700)
94 entries, £42 overlay
@Frankson8 188000 1 £105.73 + £62.95 Head Prizes 9
@Rxxaviuk 0 2 £65.30 + £21.14 Head Prizes 6@MaloD 0 3 £40.44 + £5.26 Head Prizes 2
@kidgrimsby 0 4 £32.65 + £14.15 Head Prizes 3
@LUTONTOWN 0 5 £27.27 + £7.71 Head Prizes 2
@JammyFker 0 6 £23 + £17.09 Head Prizes 4
£5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,495)
111 entries 126 rebuys 62 addons
@samdansu06 722000 1 £208.93 + £155.67 Head Prizes 11
@craigcu12 0 2 £127.45 + £25.78 Head Prizes 6@OllieDog 0 3 £78.49 + £33.27 Head Prizes 8
@Dan2022 0 4 £63.16 + £12.67 Head Prizes 4
@chrisdonkb 0 5 £53.82 + £30.75 Head Prizes 5
@davtherav 0 6 £46.34 + £54.93 Head Prizes 9
£22 entry £6,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£6,720)
161 entries 111 rebuys 64 addons
@Doooobs 800000 1 £915.60 + £568.92 Head Prizes 9
@abhouston 0 2 £549.36 + £258.33 Head Prizes 13@LBoarder 0 3 £336 + £193.37 Head Prizes 8
@Claytov 0 4 £263.76 + £103.71 Head Prizes 3
@Froozle 0 5 £225.12 + £171.80 Head Prizes 7
@GFKIJKLL 0 6 £189.50 + £46.88 Head Prizes 4
£5.50 entry £3,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter (£3,615)
291 entries 279 rebuys 153 addons
@Archie8888 1752000 1 £471.76 + £115.89 Head Prizes 8
@Fabraclass 0 2 £278.36 + £66.89 Head Prizes 10@Dalwan 0 3 £167.19 + £28.92 Head Prizes 3
@rancid 0 4 £132.31 + £16.54 Head Prizes 5
@UnEuropean 0 5 £112.06 + £69.85 Head Prizes 10
@kingsplz69 0 6 £93.09 + £44.18 Head Prizes 9
£22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,200)
60 entries
@RobRenzi 600000 1 £180 + £121.50 Head Prizes 5
@boronis14 0 2 £120 + £63.40 Head Prizes 7@Mars58 0 3 £72 + £38.90 Head Prizes 4
@Swifteyyeu 0 4 £60 + £74.78 Head Prizes 7
@bigfish19 0 5 £48 0
@rooster666 0 6 £39 + £21.56 Head Prizes 1
£110 entry £4,000 Big Weekend Bounty Hunter (£4,000)
36 entries 3 rebuys £100 overlay
@Alvez11 195000 1 £820 + £625.03 Head Prizes 7
@Jscorgie 0 2 £512.50 + £75 Head Prizes 2@GFKIJKLL 0 3 £307.50 + £403.28 Head Prizes 9
@lummers 0 4 £225.50 + £37.50 Head Prizes 1
@Sharki0 0 5 £184.50 + £113.08 Head Prizes 2
@Fabraclass 0 6 £112.50 Head Prizes 3
£9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£1,026)
114 entries
@Morris707 342000 1 £143.38 + £76.65 Head Prizes 7
@Eddly666 0 2 £87.47 + £56.05 Head Prizes 12@Super_Oli 0 3 £53.87 + £12.81 Head Prizes 2
@tranmere23 0 4 £43.35 + £20.55 Head Prizes 4
@THETANK 0 5 £36.94 + £10.59 Head Prizes 2
@meme4ya01 0 6 £31.81 + £12.48 Head Prizes 2
£3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,803)
211 entries 246 rebuys 144 addons
@Potgrot 1634000 1 £242.14 + £72.28 Head Prizes 10
@Nero543 0 2 £144.51 + £43.52 Head Prizes 6@Judski 0 3 £86.18 + £60.18 Head Prizes 10
@bless1 0 4 £67.79 + £41.61 Head Prizes 10
@Fabraclass 0 5 £57.70 + £30.38 Head Prizes 7
@SnakeyLake 0 6 £48.32 + £10.05 Head Prizes 2
£33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,530)
42 entries 9 rebuys
@snoxx11 255000 1 £283.05 + £151.70 Head Prizes 5
@Callmeaf 0 2 £168.30 + £107.76 Head Prizes 6@Bauer 0 3 £114.75 + £54.84 Head Prizes 4
@DUTCHESS62 0 4 £84.15 + £11.25 Head Prizes 1
@ozzieowen 0 5 £61.20 0
@GSmith13 0 6 £53.55 + £22.50 Head Prizes 1
£22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,700)
39 entries 22 rebuys 24 addons
@Natnug 218000 1 £297.50 + £282.90 Head Prizes 8
@bigfatfish 0 2 £187 + £110.99 Head Prizes 6@wineli 0 3 £127.50 + £35.63 Head Prizes 2
@miniraise 0 4 £93.50 + £62.81 Head Prizes 4
@Jscorgie 0 5 £76.50 0
@ozzieowen 0 6 £68 + £33.75 Head Prizes 2
£22 entry £1,000 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£1,320)
66 entries
@Sharki0 198000 1 £198 + £129.82 Head Prizes 7
@Sboy1986 0 2 £132 + £22.50 Head Prizes 3@Super_Oli 0 3 £79.20 + £9.38 Head Prizes 1
@FlynTimber 0 4 £66 + £66.30 Head Prizes 6
@JohnDoo 0 5 £52.80 0
@ughx3000cx 0 6 £42.90 + £30.82 Head Prizes 2
£5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£310)
62 entries
@1234dave 186000 1 £46.50 + £33.69 Head Prizes 7
@Histo 0 2 £31 + £23.20 Head Prizes 8@Bingo321x 0 3 £18.60 + £9.94 Head Prizes 3
@harper256 0 4 £15.50 + £7.98 Head Prizes 4
@tonybets1 0 5 £12.40 + £5.64 Head Prizes 3
@Krililnik 0 6 £10.07 0
SPT Vegas Quarter (10 entries)
@HANSON 27228 1 SPT Vegas Semi
@MARBLEFLAW 2772 2 SPT Vegas Semi
@breakbad 0 3
@Super_Oli 0 4
@wineli 0 5
@blindpoet 0 7
@Natnug 0 8
@carravagio 0 9
@gregos619 0 10
£1,000 Rewards Freeroll (578 entries)
Top 20
@matlyls 1156000 1 £100
@Batman007 0 2 £60@Sour_Botty 0 3 £60
@SpigZ 0 4 £40
@HerbieG 0 5 £40
@raylpool 0 6 £30
@golden8als 0 7 £30
@scousesk18 0 8 £30
@ELGRINGO 0 10 £20
@Cfcpat 0 11 £20
@hanson1234 0 12 £20
@Loopy55 0 13 £20
@BoyDove 0 14 £20
@Joflow74 0 15 £20
@Kadoom 0 16 £20
@LUCKYVIN24 0 17 £20
@Rich569 0 18 £20
@garden 0 19 £20
@marshy5328 0 20 £10
Sunday Major Freeroll (128 entries)
@Bigcazzzo 110627.50 1 £10,000 Sunday Major
@kettle9930 74582.50 2 £10,000 Sunday Major
@barnet99 70790 3 £10,000 Sunday Major
Ha, yes, pretty amazeballs that. Life must have been very confusing at home some days.