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  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2010
    Hi Rich and Ed

    Retford is in Nottingham, been througn there a few dozen times :)
  • andsoitis7andsoitis7 Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010
    sparse will win  penguin second  ljamesl  sadly will be out on the bubble going all in with a mediocre pair like 66 55  and coming up against  aj ak aq
  • cookie83cookie83 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    Hi Guys,

    Great show..

    Please can you show the hand ID below


    I gave my opponent some stick in the chat box, Can't beleive he was still in the hand..
    Can you have a look and give me your thoughts... Did I do anything wrong and did he deserve some stick?

  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited April 2010
    I`d love Sky to be forced to take Mickjenn on their hols with them.  Could just see the interview now. 

    `I understand you are chat banned Mick?`

    `Yes, I sneezed while making a button steal and didnt cover my mouth, or say excuse me afterwards`

    gl mick
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited April 2010
    Good luck to all in the vegas final ! But I make no predictions other than that I will be giving it my best shot.

  • silentbobsilentbob Member Posts: 2,137
    edited April 2010
    And then there were 21........

    Good luck to everyone in the Vegas final tonight. There are some seriously good players in there.

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2010
    Hi again guys

    Ed talking about relations of people made me think of this from Spaceballs the movie I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate
  • andyrandyr Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2010
    re on the bubble
    short stack utg with k10 off, all in
    bb with 88 calls and hits a set
    and the winning numbers for the lotto this wendesday are..............
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited April 2010
    Good luck to all in the vegas final tonight. I think a great story for a package win would be Mickjen if it's correct that he has made the final from a £2.85 satelite and also sparce after just missing out on TP.Good luck.
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited April 2010

    p.s if you do make it and sky film you in vegas will it be bleeped out lol

    GL to all :)
  • MYSHARKYMYSHARKY Member Posts: 895
    edited April 2010
    bubble hand  will be a raise 72 by large stack small stack calls with kq loses to a 27k
  • andsoitis7andsoitis7 Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010

    hi guys great show as per usual

    took my son to a trip round anfield stadium and was speaking to the groundsman
    "wow  the grass looks amazing" i said
    "it should do" he replied "it has 70 million quids worth of c r a p on it every week"

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2010
    The bubble will be Ak v 99 :)
  • mabsuemabsue Member Posts: 382
    edited April 2010
    hi guys  i think i played this ok but would like your thoughts hand cheers yours Mark
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited April 2010
    GO GO GO Brother Solack you can do it my preyers are with you :)
  • porkermanporkerman Member Posts: 286
    edited April 2010
    hey richard glad that you on again mate, your proper mint at presenting, ed is a fine specimin too. hope the show goes great for you tonight and maybe you 2 could put up half the buy in each and let ed play the WSOP, and share the prize money? anyway mate as for my question to you guys tonight, i am currently mopping up on the free play tables on sky poker, and i have a few followers in the forum, some like my game and some have no respect for my game, the thing i wanna ask is. do i after move up the levels to gain the respect of the so called big players or should i say, if you want my respect then you come earn it on the free play tables, after all i am winning a few thousand points just lately and sky dont charge rake on the free play so as far as i am concerned i am in a win win situation? maybe the big stakes players are missing a trick here? let me know what you and ed think mate, cheers james
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,669
    edited April 2010

    The bubble hand will defo include AJ (the LML nutz) v something like KK.

    Good luck to everyone in tonights final and a big shout out for MickJen1
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited April 2010
    My prediction for the bubble hand is thus...

    4 players left, one player bets out, someone calls, another player calls, someone raises.  Call, Call, Call.

    Flop comes, it's hard to be specific what these are, but it's defintiely three cards.

    A bet, a fold, a raise, a reraise, a call, a call and a call, hold on that's too many players, take back the last call.

    Turn is a card, possibly paint, or not.

    Checks all the way.

    River is a 7, of spades, or clubs, but it's defintiely red.

    Bet, fold, All in, Call, bubble boy cries until next Thursday.

    Or something.
  • monkey123monkey123 Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2010
    please shout a massive good luck to my mate HITMAN_RV in the vegas final !!!!!
  • andsoitis7andsoitis7 Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010
    My prediction for the bubble hand is thus... 4 players left, one player bets out, someone calls, another player calls, someone raises.  Call, Call, Call. Flop comes, it's hard to be specific what these are, but it's defintiely three cards. A bet, a fold, a raise, a reraise, a call, a call and a call, hold on that's too many players, take back the last call. Turn is a card, possibly paint, or not. Checks all the way. River is a 7, of spades, or clubs, but it's defintiely red. Bet, fold, All in, Call, bubble boy cries until next Thursday. Or something.
    Posted by Machka
    rofl   what u on m8   hilarious
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