ill play in this also, why not, gotta defend my freeplay crown after takin down webbys heads-up tourney! maybe make it a heads up tourney again fa cup style draw?
In Response to Re: THE PORKERMAN CASH FREE PLAY MTT / WHO IS IN? : merenovice this is a good idea and one not to be discarded lightly, but for the other people who enter they know that they can reload there 1000 at anytime? so maybe lets crank it up a notch and say the winner gets 3000 poker points, yes you heard right 3 thousand points, this would enable the players to enter some freerolls and maybe win some decent cash Posted by porkerman
Sorry, I think that I didn't make my point very clearly. I meant to say a prize pool of £1000 play money but £3000 play money would be better. This would be very tempting for those who want to take the play money tables seriously. Humble apologies.
In Response to Re: THE PORKERMAN CASH FREE PLAY MTT / WHO IS IN? : ok no probs we stick to free game , only fair on the porkerman god . hope your ok with that mickyblue ! Posted by IRISHROVER
no probs im still in m8, err isit a heads up thing like webbys or a torn??how about a 100pp stt password protected game???? maybe a £10 prize pool(rich???)
In Response to Re: THE PORKERMAN CASH FREE PLAY MTT / WHO IS IN? : no probs im still in m8, err isit a heads up thing like webbys or a torn??how about a 100pp stt password protected game???? maybe a £10 prize pool(rich???) Posted by MICKYBLUE
Hey Guys, Sorry for the late response on this (I've been out of the office for a couple of days). As always, i can't make any concrete promises but let me see what i can do. I'll update this thread when i have some news. cheers! Posted by Sky_Rich
No problem, Rich, thank for trying to sort this one out! It would be a great forum special for a new LEGEND of Sky Poker! Hope you can make the dream come true!
Hey Guys, Sorry for the late response on this (I've been out of the office for a couple of days). As always, i can't make any concrete promises but let me see what i can do. I'll update this thread when i have some news. cheers! Posted by Sky_Rich
I'm only asking because I'm useless at "cash", I much prefer "tournaments".
Just waiting for the Twitter freeroll to start, hope I get drawn on porkerman's table as I feel I could learn a thing or two.
Actually, I could learn a lot as I'm playing like a sick kitten at the moment
Count me in lol .
ok skyrich i sent you a pm ,
no worries if you dont get a result for us ,
you are still a topman !
I meant to say a prize pool of £1000 play money but £3000 play money would be better.
This would be very tempting for those who want to take the play money tables seriously.
Humble apologies.
check your inbox mick ,
i sent you a copy of the email i sent to rich ,
have a look and let me know what you think ?
Nice one! Love heads up...
Sorry for the late response on this (I've been out of the office for a couple of days).
As always, i can't make any concrete promises but let me see what i can do.
I'll update this thread when i have some news.
Work shifts so would depend on day and time.