Right, send me to Area 51.....****, send me to District 9!? Why am I getting outdrawn every single time Im ahead!!? Why am I having the perfect reads on players and there flat calling till the river to hit a card!?!?
Oh Poker Gods....Please shine down on me soon! Somehow I've grinded a stack back up to 1.7k in the Vegas Qtrs....I was on 5k!
Stop playin have a cuppa and an early night and santa poker will bring you goodies in the morning lol
As you know I am regular player on sky poker, and yes. I have suffered the same fate. It was only a short time ago I realised what it was.
Unfortunately, There are a lot of newbies signing up for sky poker and i'm afraid until there poker improves this is bound to happen on a continuous basis. I regularly used to play in the 8.15 deepstack and most weeks the same players entered, these players were regulars and new the game and new me, I new how to play against them and they new how to play against me, however, week after week we continuously had new players entering the tourny until it became a bit of a luckfest.
I dont like it but, you have got to adapt you game to take the newbie players into account. I started by sitting as tight as a ducks bum, in the same tournies I had regularly cashed in. I only played premium hands and most of the time I only played 1 premium hand an hour but raked in as much cash as possible in this hand and it saw me through to the last table.
What I am basically saying is - Its not you that is playing any differently, it is not sky that is giving you bad beats - It is the amount of new players joining sky poker who will continuously call because of there inexperience and the fact that they are new to the game.
You know if you raise 4 x BB most experienced players will fold because they know your game or because a 4 x BB usually means you have poket pairs, unfortunately, the amount of newbies that are joining will call you because of there inexperience, however, once they achieve the same ability as you they will then start to fold to your 4 x BB raise.
My advice is - Sit Tight until you get to know the players on the table and then punish them for their inexperience. but don't forget, just like you and me, the more experienced they get the less likely they will be calling stations.
I personally think it is quite sad to have as many bad beats as we do on sky poker, however, their are a vast amount of new players joining sky poker just like you and me did, but I firmly believe the bad beats are due to the inexperience of new players, we expect them to play methodical poker and fold to our 4 x BB raise, when infact its their inexperience that makes them call to the river and hit with their A High.
Anyway ADS you know you are a good player so just adjust your game and things will work out.
Sky want us to stay - Why - Because we spend money
Sky dont deliberately give us bad beats - Why - Because they want us to stay and spend money
Sky cannot deliberately give us bad beats - Why- Because it is regulated and it and it makes no difference if we win or somone else wins, they make the same amount of money.
Anyway sorry if I couldn't give you a short answer but thats poker!!!!! Good Luck.
Good Luck on the tables m8ty
Although we all enjoy playing with our mates, Sky Poker is not a closed shop for a few friends to play each other. We were all new to poker once and we should welcome new players. Indeed, it would be a dull game if there were no "new blood" constantly arriving.
I, for one, wholeheartedly welcome all new players to Sky Poker.
Not sure how the deepstacks are luckfests with afew new players,you have plenty of time to work out their weaknesses and exploit them.
We all want new players joining the site why wouldn't we?, however because the site is now becoming very popular, a player needs to recognise that inexperienced players are going to continuously call your 4 x BB raise and pot bets to the river with their A high because they can't lay it down. When most experienced players would fold to this type of betting pattern. The sooner we can get a read on this type of player, the sooner we can take advantage of it and reduce our bad beats.
The comments you have highlighted from my post, takes them out of context a little given the fact that the post as a whole was trying to be helpful and not demeaning to sky in anyway.
Summary of my post.
There are lots of new and inexperienced players playing on sky at the moment and a player needs to adapt his game to reduce his losses and bad beats. We will always suffer bad beats that is part of the game however adapting to your opponents and playing selective hands will minimise the risk.
A player of you caliber Mr Mere probably takes this for granted, however, other players need a little reminder when they are down on their luck and I hope my post was at least helpful in someway to them.
Ps. Now if you think you are going to luckbox your way to winning this weeks deepy like you did against Greggers Mr Mere, you is havin a laugh Innit!!! Lol. I have had a word with the poker gods.
One of the greatest "charms" of poker is adapting to different styles of opponent.
If we all played the same way it would be a very dull game indeed.
P.S. You may be right about the "luckboxing". I've had to return the "lever" to Tikay because the rental has run out.
Good luck to you.
Good luck on the tables m8y - not like you need it lol.
What level cash are you playing? and what is standard of play like?
I have played 2p/4p and 4p/8p here on sky, standard is very low which is great but i really struggled to adjust to cash, in tournies (barring deepstacks) decisions are basically made for you because you will have a small stack to blind ratio and therefore stacking off with top pair top kicker is standard... at cash i was initially stacking off way too easily and just being a general donkazoid
Rush isn't poker, nit fest. Just sit there paying rake.