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UKIPT - Cov - Updates



  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited April 2010
    ul Dylan and the other fallers.
    gl to those still standing.
  • smiler271smiler271 Member Posts: 197
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: UKIPT - Cov - Updates:
    Just got in and saw this so thought I would give an update. Of the sky players only me, James and Will have survived to day 2, which commences at 2pm tomorrow. Chips counts are: Me: 20k and some change James: 19,700 Will: 15k
    Posted by BrownnDog

    all the very best of luck to you all

    Kind regards

  • IMAROCKIMAROCK Member Posts: 135
    edited April 2010
    thts a shocker dylan,,,  was he somewhere a day early and wanted to play poker to kill some time and this event fitted his schedule... thats so bad
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited April 2010
    All the best guys
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: UKIPT - Cov - Updates:
    Nice updates Doh lol!! Yes "tamping" is a Welsh word for "fuming", and yes I was tamping when he made the call with 5's or 4's whatever it was - but hey that's poker - I wanted the call when I saw his cards and unfortunatley lady luck wasn't on my side today :( The event itself is pretty soft to be fair, some great players but a load of weaker opponents who have never played live before which was evident with some of the play I witnessed today. Dan somehow managed to get down to 7K at one point (how he didn't lose his stack i don't know) he flat called every street I think when he had KK on a Q high board - villain had AA!! Myself, I thought I played very well - made some big lay downs - especially the 99 hand - I was the aggressor and lost 4K in total but could havve been a lot worse if I hadn't slowed down on the turn and folded. My 7set also knocked 4/5K off my stack - the guy checked call me on flop and turn and when he checked the river with a big grin on his face - I said to him "you have JJ or QQ in your hand don't you" - his smile went and he went as red as a beetroot, so I check and see the QQ :( Grinded all the way through, and eventually found a spot to get 5K with 10 10 on a 865 2 board - I raise pre flop 2 from the cut off, button flats, after flop I bet 1.2K - he flats, on turn I bet 1.8K and he re raises to 4K - I tank for a minute and shove the rest of my stack in and he instantly folds :) Won a couple of other 1/2K pots - just targeted the inexperienced ones (if they hit the flop they bet and check when they missed) so took a few of them to get me back to 17K - and then the QQ hand... I was the button in this hand - UTG raises to 1.2K, guy next to me flat calls and I re raise to 3.8K, UTG folds, guy next to me re raises me to 8K (He had over 50K i think), I think the hand through and the plays he had made in other hands and decide that he hasn't got AA or KK, hard to describe how I knew that - it was easy at the time but I can't describe the reads I had on this player - anyway I shove the rest of my 17K in the middle fully expecting him to fold and I would happily take what was in the middle (around 10K of the other players money including the Binds) anyway the guy tanks it and his response to me was " I feel lucky mate and I think you have AK so Im ahead" and calls with his 44's or 55's - I don't remember - 4 on the flop - goodnight me - 36K pot that would have got me through to Day 2 easily - but hey ho, that's the way it goes. Back tommorrow to rail the other guys and hope they can go deep into the cash :)
    Posted by dylan12
    Thanks for this Dylan

    Sounds like you had an eventful day, and that you were reading players well and playing well but what you cant account for is those pesky poker gods. (sometimes they are with you sometimes not) Another time youll go deep in one of these Dylan im sure.

    Please wish the others well from me.



  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited April 2010
    Wish I was there, sounds like my kind of tournament. Unlucky Dylan mate ! And good luck to James,Will and Dog.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,669
    edited April 2010

    JAMES out in 64th. Well played anyway. DOH!......where are your updates mate? many get paid etc etc???
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2010

    Ive had no messages today!!!!

    Dylans probli gone out last night, ended underneath a Nottingham Naughty and aint got outta bed yet !!
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