alright mate, i know you like your heads up poker and i wondered if you want a best of 7 heads up battle with me, i never play heads up due to me being rubbish at it but ive been practising and what better way for me to improve than playing an aggressive heads up player, let me know if your interested. its all friendly of course just had to grab your attention with the title

it cant be tonight as im going out etc but we could make it over a couple of days etc, and the structure will be normal nothing turbo etc as i want it to be a good game.
cheers hurst05
hurst ill happily play ya buddy, wont be on much this week (as im back at work booooo!) but if your about next weekend send me a pm and we can get it sorted. i know im not the same calibre of opponent as dohhhhhhh but reckon i could give ya a good run for ur money and heads up is an area of my game which im looking at right now to improve of 7 say a tenner or twenty quid a game?? upto u anyway mate, if not no worries! lol everybody wants to take dohhhhhhh on, why??? he's not as easy money as u may think! he is actually quite good! stay clear of him!
cool its sorted then. dont worry hurst im not exactly a nit so if its an agressive player you wanted then i believe you've got 1. i work nights mon-fri so i pretty much sleep all day work all night! im on for a few hours early mornings around 4am-6am which im sure is absolutly no use to you at all lol so i would say the weekend is probably gonna be the best time to get this match played if your gonna be free. just let me know times on this thread or send me a pm and ill do my best to be here! cheers - Andy