how do u improve your sharkscope in mtts i have a rating as a shark and have a rating of 73 but in sit and goes i have a rating of 52 !!! i only play double or nothing sit and goes and have been on a really bad swing losing my br 3 times in 5 mths and i play the 5 pound and 11 ones some times i win 6 or 7 in a row then lose 20 lol but my shark scope never moves
sohow does it go up?
also does this have a impact on what cards we are given on here ive never been shy for telling people about some big losses but lately ive been a head when the chips are all in like kk on a j high board only for the other player to call with ace j may be and either hit another j or the ace so many times i just want to know how sharkscope impacts on this site?
any views welcome
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no i know sharkscope doesnt influance the site what i ment was if people use sharkscope then search info on players on his/her table do they play different against u but i was intersested in finding out how to improve your stats on there
Most players have several sites they use, some more than others, and under different aliases ..
It really is a misconception that that site can give you any real information on an opponent or have any bearing on the cards that are dealt to anyone ...
dont get bogged down with this sort of thing, let others worry about you when you bet 'the pot' and it's their tournament life on the line ...............
sim... im gona be blunt with you... you are obviously not consistently winning, read some books, read stuff online, watch stuff and get better, drop down til you find a level you are winning at... no shame in micro stakes.