Hey all!!
...That clearly doesn't involve good grammar (Sorry Vince, I know it hurt to read that title 
Just a wee reminder of our monthly Cash for points promotion!!
If you are anything like me then your bankroll can use all the help it can get and let's face it who doesn't LOVE a little something for nothing?!!
If you've not heard of it then all the info you need is right HERE
I am appointing myself your Cash for points advisor right now so any Qs you may have, feel free to post and I will do my Sky Pokering best to find you the answers!!
Yes I will track down the correct info and report straight back!!
Basically the more you play, the more points you win... The more points you have.. the more free cash we deposit into your account at the end of each monthly period.
As always with these promotional thingymajigs there are those terms and conditions that may be worth having a Gander at too.
Ya feel me Rood Bwas? (Or whatever it is the kids on the street are saying these days)
Oh before you say there are some £20 freerolls, 'I know that' !!
Anyways Ive asked before to SkyRich, SkyBernie, TK, ..nobody has an answer ...
So as you the hostess with the mostess ... gimme some .....(answers that is )
Oh PS, That photo of you in the army uniform, was that you getting ready for a part in 'Foyle's War' ?
Anyway you , you never answered my question ...
Was that uniform photo from your screen debute in 'Foyle's War' ?
Sunday evenings at 8 00 on the other side ??
Oops didn't let the cat out of the bag did I ...
Mind you, you as an American police officer would go down well ................
in 'Hill Street Blues' !!
Byeeeeeeeeeeeee Lisa, don't leave me waiting and wanting now,... Shucks you girls, you do like to keep a fella hanging on .....................
many thanks ... lol Benny
Anyways were off the track ...Im doing an investigation into that Army corporals uniform, and a little 'birdie' tells me it's from a film set, and because of your reluctance to answer the question, I think it's fair to assume you have something to hide or you've been rumbled ....
Oh, and one other question, do you have a butterfly on your right upper thigh ?
Right i'm off choc's away ..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj73NTO8144
Cor blimey Lisa, I wouldn't want you as my lawyer if my appeal had failed and they wanted me extradited ....
I think this might be what you are looking for
Ah Haaaa ...........Miss Jasmine Lee
So Lisa, is there any chance BEFORE your barge trip ...
some answers to the surplus points, or have you been got at.............
to keep quiet by the .............. 'slippery ones'
Miss Lisa has been nobled by ( no names just yet) however...
Of course we dont blame you Jasmine..errr sorry Lisa, You weren't to know what a devious conniving bunch of point pincher's you were working with just because ive got the FLU and i'm a bit 'cabbage' looking doesn't mean to say i'm that green tell em
Ok corporal Lee thanks for your efforts, I'll have to find another way to make them confess....they are keeping them for themselves along with the extra 5p rake charge 1 00 and 2 00 sit n go games ..