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THE LEAGUE FINAL - Sky Poker slugfest kicks off at 8pm!

Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
edited April 2010 in Poker Chat
 Good evening guys and gals,

I'm brimming with excitement as we gear up for the biggest showdown on Sky Poker. Our £8,000 GTD, 50 runner tournament is on countdown to the inaugural "Shuffle up and Deal".

We have the fabulous Ms Long and Gidzo on hand to guide you through the action - so expect plenty of hi jinx fun with enough stats to make rainman look plain....

In our guest corner we have the fabulous Jason Cundy, who will be taking part in the 20:30 Bounty Hunter, the 9PM £900 GTD and as many Sit n Goes as we can cram in. Expect plenty of chat and we may even have a "screamer" in our midst!

So..... What do I have to give away this evening? How does free entry into the Doublestack on Wednesday grab you?
So... Everyone knows someone who has had their share of travel disaster courtesy of the Volcanic Ash...

What i'm looking for is the best story featuring a poker player as they attempt to make their way to a tournament. It could've been to the San Remo EPT, or the casino that is normally just a quick trip up the motorway...

The funnier, more outlandish the better - but above all we have to believe that they are TRUE. Bluff us with the best story - and you could win yourself free entry into the Wednesday Doublestack.

Competition closing time will be 21:30. So post below or emails us at

Good Luck!


  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2010
    Well I know this guy called Tony and one day he was invited to play a little poker game in Moscow, Tony and his chums won the tournament. They were pleased about that.

    On the way home Tony made a special friend called ImmY Gration, Immy liked to wear lycra.

    **** gotta go get some make-up on..
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,152
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: THE LEAGUE FINAL - Sky Poker slugfest kicks off at 8pm!:
    Well I know this guy called Tony and one day he was invited to play a little poker game in Moscow, Tony and his chums won the tournament. They were pleased about that. On the way home Tony made a special friend called ImmY Gration, Immy liked to wear lycra. **** gotta go get some make-up on..
    Posted by EdGiddins

    I don't really care to be reminded of that! And to this day, when I see a Marigold glove, I break out in a cold sweat.
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited April 2010

     well i dont have a story but just like to wish them all gl !
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: THE LEAGUE FINAL - Sky Poker slugfest kicks off at 8pm!:
    Well I know this guy called Tony and one day he was invited to play a little poker game in Moscow, Tony and his chums won the tournament. They were pleased about that. On the way home Tony made a special friend called ImmY Gration, Immy liked to wear lycra. **** gotta go get some make-up on..
    Posted by EdGiddins
    .. slippery sounding character....
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited April 2010

        no stories at the mo have only played live twice  at my local pub so gl with the show will be watching while playing  dtw
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited April 2010
    I once heard a story about a player who was challenged to a heads up match. 

    On the way to this heads up match he managed to finish one place behind the challenger in a double stack.  Soon after he got a good thrashing in the heads up battle by this top 'free-play' player.

    That was an interesting journey, more for the railers than the 'runner up' though.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2010
    I suppose Phil Hellmuth crashing his NASCAR racer he hired for his big 'WSOP' entrance was karmically beautiful.  (no one got hurt, so it's funny)
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited April 2010
    On a side note -I've heard that scooters were the mode of return transport for some at the recent EPT - and that meant gg 900 euros on a helmet and jacket "to look the part."

    Other's simply chose to go to Monte Carlo - gg £sssss

    But the brave managed to club together buy an old van and travel cross country just to sit in Calais until the Navy arrived....
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited April 2010
    Is it Christmas again?
  • WilhelmWilhelm Member Posts: 1,730
    edited April 2010
    I was on my way to the Rendevous, Southend for a re-buy tournament once.  I was an hour on the train before I realised that I had ledt my ID at home.  Now, for most of tonight's viewers, this would be no problem.  However, I was (and am still) barely legal.  I had to leave my mates with a message to buy me in, while I rushed back to Barking.  I got a cab to my house and back to the station (this time with ID in hand).  However, once back on the train, disaster struck.  Major delays meant that I had to get off at Pitsea, or somewhere like that, and get a cab to the casino. 

    On arrival I noticed that my stack had been blinded down something rotten.  Ihad 4 bigs left.  I decided to shove them in blind, and managed to get called by everyone at the table.  I ended up flopping a boat, and I went on to win it all.  What a great ending you might say.  Perhaps, if it did indeed end there.  Heads-up took ages and we all ended up missing the last train.  5 hours later when the casino closed, and with all profit having been drunk, we made the hardest journey of my life back to the station.  I could barely stand I was so shattered.  What's more, I KNEW the way back, but my mate's i-Phone said different, and who was he going to believe? 

    After half an hour of fighting him on it, I eventually won the toss, and 7 hours behind schedule we boarded the fisrt train back to Fenchurch Street.  Then we had to get back off when the conductor saw our returns from the day before.  After shelling out for another piece of paper, we got on the next train, and decided we would all catch forty winks.  I had worked out that if I set my phone alarm for half eight, I would wake up in time to get off at Barking.  This would have worked a treat, but inexplicably I set the alarm for half nine, and awoke to the sound of a fat knuckle tapping on the window.  We were at Fenchurch Street.  It was another hour and a half before I was in bed. 

    There is a moral to this story, but for the life of me, I can't find it.  : 0
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited April 2010
    Fab post!
  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited April 2010
    Please show hand :252936040
  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited April 2010
    the swallowing comments were classic ed

    lisa also when she realised after a little while what was happening

    fear a long night for miss long ahead with those two boys in tandem
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2010
    Please could you show


    Either a good fold by me or a good bet by oppo, either way wud be a good hand to show
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2010
    Ling can you tell ED I fold the flush draw because I know im behind Stoyles in the hand and had Aaaaces3 not been in the hand i 3 bet the flop - his call on the turn did give me the correct odds to call - but had another spade come out on the river then I still don't know where I stand - you need to remember that the hand was still in the first level and I had no information on the table - after an hour on the table I play it entirely different!!
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited April 2010
    Dylan - have passed on your message.

    Flash and Phil - your hand requests are coming up
  • BrownnDogBrownnDog Member Posts: 729
    edited April 2010
    His hand was so under-repped by his weak bets I thought I could make him fold a bunch of his range. He played it like a scared pair of KK or QQ. If he weak led bet the river in order to get me to come over the top then well played. But something is telling me (especially by the time it took him to call) he was hoping for a cheap showdown. I just thought in a £200 tournament most players would be scared money this early on so I could get him to fold his second and third pairs (KK QQ) and even get him to fold AK this early on. There was just so much money in the pot on the river I just decided to put him under pressure and tournament life on the line and induce a fold from all his 1 pair hands. But he called. oh well. Well played. Good game. I'll be buying in next month! :)

    p.s I was watching that leaders debate at the time so wasn't really concentrating lol
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited April 2010
    So, how to get to San Remo, on the Italian Riviera, on the morning of Monday 19th April?  Step 1: Taxi from south west London to the Eurostar terminal at St Pancras.  Easy.  My train departed for Paris at 10am.We arrived in Paris at 1.15pm local time.  And, after grabbing a quick bite to eat, we boarded our “executive” coach.

    We stopped for dinner at a motorway service station near Lyon.  At this point, we realised we weren’t even half way.  Spirits started to sink a bit.  As we disembarked at 7pm, the bus driver said, in clear English, “We continue at 8.15pm.”  And, true to his word, that’s when the coach left the service station.  But 10 minutes later, we realised there was a problem.

    One of the camera guys had failed to keep an eye on the clock and, rather disturbingly, nobody noticed that he hadn’t got back on the bus.  At first, the driver refused to go back.  When reminded who was paying his wages, he agreed to turn the coach around at the next junction to pick up our lost crew-member.  The 45km diversion cost us the better part of an hour.  The driver’s sat nav estimated our time of arrival in San Remo as 3.45am.  Spirits were now low.  That’s actually an epic understatement.  By 1am, most of us were ready to jump out of the back door!We eventually arrived at our hotel at 4.30 on Tuesday morning: mentally and physically exhausted, after travelling for 20 hours.  And we didn’t have long before we needed to start work.  EPT Live was due to go on air at noon. A long one, so you probably will not read it out

    Loving that dress LM ;)
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited April 2010
    So far Wilhelm is running away with the competition. 5 mins!

    Ohh Ace Barry - you snuck in... can't wait for the decision during the break.
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2010

    could i have a look at this please
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