hi all! just a bit of advice dont know who to speak to but my missus just played in the 12 o'clock freeroll i think it was within the first 10 hands 2 people go all in and my missus calls the all ins and she wins the hand and knocks out a player and his response was
XXX. which has upset her she hasnt been on this site for long and it has really annoyed me!! this player needs to be banned so he doesnt do anything like this again it not a nice thing to see when u beat someone fairly... if this player doesnt get banned for this then something is seriously wrong. I have come across some really nice people on this site and so has my missus so why do people like that have to ruin it...
any advice much appreciated 
Edited - SKY Rich.
Please contact customer care and make this report by clciking here. the team will be more than happy to investigate and take the appropriate action.
thank you.
That's completely unaccceptable, what a revolting imbecile.
just reassure her it is a minority, don't let 1 idiot upset her or spoil her enjoyment, do as scotty says they will ban.
Scotty is correct, you must contact Customer Care, all the contact details are at the bottom of the page, could you please edit the details in your post as naming players in it, unfortunatley is not permitted , Thank you
Firstly my advice is to edit your post and remove the players name in question.
secondly report is to sky poker customer services, this can be done via email or go to Online Chat - Start a live chat and explain your circumstances, tell them the players name and the tourneament ID and ask them to investigate the abuse. They are very helpful and any reports of abuse will be dealt with in the proper manner.
Again - Please edit your post and delete the players name and report the abuse through the proper manner.
This kind of thing is unacceptable and I wish you all the best on a speedy outcome
I dont know why the security here is so lax, as well as the chat some of names that players give themselves is unreal..... and they are allowed to play with them.. Ive even seen it when on the TV .. the presenter or analyst is embarrassed and cant say the name...
I'm really sorry to hear about this. please check my edit in your O/P.
thank you.
thanks m8
I played a freeroll last night,I went all in with a pair of eights, and a female avatar called with a 4 and 5 off suit and got a 4 and 5 on the flop and so I lost, I then closed the window .Perhaps the culprit if ? they were on the same table saw that ? and maybe ? when they lost to this female avatar they got a little upset or they might not like getting beat by female avatars??? either way it should be easy to find this dastardly fellow.
Kind regards
Still no need to say what was said u can get upset over the hand but get over it thats poker it happens to everyone u cant stop people calling all in with silly hands u know when u see them calling with nothing they are bound to win the hand.. and the hand she had was A9 hearts and another had 44 and another had Q9 offsuit. The flop came 7d2h6h so both went all in and she went all in having a flush draw after the flop and the turn was blank then ace came on the river so she won the hand with pair of aces.. Maybe she was wrong to call with a draw but i know i would have done excatly the same thing. As she had lost a big pot cpl of hands before so she was short anyway and needed to dbl up..
Its all getting sorted now thanks for all responses
Even if it had been the world's worst call, there is no place for abuse of this kind on Sky Poker (or anywhere else for that matter).
I'm glad that you've reported it and I'm confident that the appropriate action will be taken.