In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : Mother Hen, aka Aittla The Hen, aka Ayatolla Attila, aka Claire is above EVERYBODY, including Des Duffy & Rupert Murdoch. Trust me, don't mess with her, she's an animal when crossed. Many of you will remember her from Las Vegas last year, when she was in charge of all of us out there. A role which she will have again this year, so it looks like I'll have to behave, & 20 hour days will be the daily routine again. Seriously, she's a legend, through & through, with a truly amazing work ethic. I have nothing but respect for her. Which she told me I must say. Posted by Tikay10
Ladies & Gentlemen. Let me introduce you. Sky-Claire = Mother Hen = Attila The Hen = Ayatollah Atilla. Not to be messed with. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Posted by tikay1
But she looks so lovely. I think you just give her a bad press.
In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : Oh, she IS lovely, no doubt about that. But you still don't mess with Attila. When she gives that trademark FLT glare, grown men wither. Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : Mother Hen, aka Aittla The Hen, aka Ayatolla Attila, aka Claire is above EVERYBODY, including Des Duffy & Rupert Murdoch. Trust me, don't mess with her, she's an animal when crossed. Many of you will remember her from Las Vegas last year, when she was in charge of all of us out there. A role which she will have again this year, so it looks like I'll have to behave, & 20 hour days will be the daily routine again. Seriously, she's a legend, through & through, with a truly amazing work ethic. I have nothing but respect for her. Which she told me I must say. Posted by Tikay10
Mr Kendall if I dont keep you busy working you will sit down and fall asleep
In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : OYI OYI ... Doesn't Claire look like Nancy !! I'm pretty busy myself Claire, BUT for you .... If thats an Invite, the pleasure would be all mine ) Posted by bennydip2
The invite is still there, just drop me a pm and we can organise a day
It seems the only person around here who listens to the customer is Sky-Mandy, so with TK asleep somewhere and not replying, Sky-Rich tooooo busy getting 'badges' made (sigh), lets try Sky-Mandy...How about this .. (I posted this in Community Suggestions but no reply) Once a week , Sky Poker could run a series of recorded studio knockout events the same as the old 'Late Night Poker' .. the show could be edited to one hour .. maybe 6 shows with the winner s of each week going through to the final ... To get the 36 players, run some MTT's say 4, where the top 9 qualify get to play in the studio games .... Of course I would expect automatic entry for the idea .... elo !! What ?? Posted by bennydip2
What did I do????!!!
(Is it wrong that I only just read this thread too........was obviously too busy listening to the customers lol).
Seriously though - I do believe you may have me confused with someone else ..........As much as I would love to take the accolade you have bestowed upon me, I can't, because I just occasionally tip up here & badger you into watching, & taking part in, the show - and I very rarely listen :-p. I shall gladly pass your sentiments onto the worthy recipients, ie. Tikay & Atilla....cough cough, sorry, I mean, the uber-lovely Sky_Claire who pays my wages.
Thanks all the same're officially on my Christmas list.
In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : i wasn't aware he needed to sit down to fall asleep!! also i am sure that you are as lovely as your photo suggests Posted by lozgo
In Response to Re: Lets try, SKYMandy : Can i come to the studio 1 day? Posted by BlackFish3
Of course you can as we have guests on the live shows every saturday and sunday night. drop me your details in a pm and I will forward to the Producers
TK, you get all the luck .................
but this gal is tops ,
she sure does own you benny !
(Is it wrong that I only just read this thread too........was obviously too busy listening to the customers lol).
Seriously though - I do believe you may have me confused with someone else ..........As much as I would love to take the accolade you have bestowed upon me, I can't, because I just occasionally tip up here & badger you into watching, & taking part in, the show - and I very rarely listen :-p. I shall gladly pass your sentiments onto the worthy recipients, ie. Tikay & Atilla....cough cough, sorry, I mean, the uber-lovely Sky_Claire who pays my wages.
Thanks all the same're officially on my Christmas list.
also i am sure that you are as lovely as your photo suggests
She does not scare me.*
* Terms & Conditions Apply.
and I've just flopped the 'nuts' ..
Thank you Claire , Mandy and the godfather (TK),
I'll PM you later and see when I can get a day off work ..
many thanks Benny