If you could choose 3 people you would like to see on the Grind one week who would it be? (obviously i have no choice over who actually goes on so no complaints your choices haven't been on lol)
I think for me it would be Cowgomoo,Beaneh,porkerman that would be great for poker and i would love to see porkerman in the flesh i wouldn't bet against him making a nice ROI either lol
Post yours below only rule is they have to be from skypoker..no durrr and iveys please

DOH.....Merenovice and Acebarry
If they're unavailable I'll settle for Liv Boeree, Vanessa Rousso and Sandra Naujoks.
would be good to see DOHHHH / OZZIE08 & IRISHROVER dtw
Ozzie - Offshoot - Boonicon
I shall edit.....as posts been posted while Iwa posting!
I cant play sober....... was tempted to say id do the rind on the fone tonight - but not the same
awesome mix of style
I'd bring all of the Knights of the Oval Table....we'd wreak havoc ;o)