Hi peepies, I have done the research, and I am about to bring you solid proof that poker is pure skill
there is a way to play poker, and there is a way to win at poker
You cannot lose at poker if you play the game the right way
I can show you all how to play the game in a way that cannot be beaten--- either in the long term, nor in the short term
Stand by lads to learn of a playing method that will change your poker lives FOREVER!!
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I bet all them pro's on 'that other thread' will try to get you in their gang now when you start spending your vast winnings on updating your PC to a flopping top notch one and then go to a highrollers table and flop your massive wad on their exclusive table and flop the nutz again !!!!!
The thing that gets me is, everyone knows a royal flush is the best hand, so why the flop do they sit there for fluppin ages and ages betting on stupid hands like two stupid pairs, and 3 floppin 3s--When are these so called pro's gonna wake up and realise that the best way to play poker is to flop a proper whoppa and pretend to be a little bit weak to induce a bet----FLOPWITS!!
to be fair nutter having being involved in the so called super skilled hand (lol) it was not a tough desicion for me to call your all in bet when I have flopped two pair Aces and Jacks when your were sat with just over two quid in front of you the damage was hardly a massive hit, if however your sat there with 50 quid and put me in the same situation I would probably have to question the strength of my hand and the probability of you having the flush let alone the royal flush.
It was a nice hand to be involved in, to see someone flop a royal flush is something pretty cool and to only lose 2 quid to one is even nicer. Enjoyed playing against you recently on more than one occasion. Take care pal and see you at the tables very soon, and maybe then I will flop a whoppa and call it skill, lmao.
remember to flop Royal Flush!
thanks for the tip
Bet you wished you'd topped up before the hand lol.