Yes indeed, just look at all those bright shining Capital letter. It fair warms the cockles of my heart to see them there.
But WHAT do they MEAN exactly?
Well Master Richard of Orfordness had declared his BR challenge and after witnessing his erm.. imaginative and somewhat SPEEDY drop to £2 (ish) I though I would take a slightly different tack. Not that I'm worried mind. Nope. Quite the contrary in fact!
I am a veritable paragon of Bank rolling virtue. As such I shall be topping up my personal account to £100 and unlike Mr Orford I shall give myself no such chance of being an unmitigated LOSER (Love ya Pal).
I shall achieve my BR challange using only the power of DYM's and the lyrics of the great and mighty erm Snap.. 'I've got the power'... yeah yeah yeah... I'm also going to throw in a few freerolls and Tourneys as well just to keep me motivated!
I shall start with the £2.20 and move up the levels as my BR swells and sparkles like a giant Golden Christmas Bauble.
For this I will need YOU!!
Yes YOU!!!
Come and play with me. Join with me and use the mighty DYM to increase your Bank Roll, Restore your dignity and, well, IMPROVE your POPULARITY!! OK.. There's no Science for that bit.
Take £50 of your BR and use it for the DYM challenge.. let's see if we can make it to £500 by the end of JUNE!! I'm aiming for £1000 with my £100 and I feel the meaty monetary goodness coming on!
I will Blog weekly to keep you updated and use this thread to let you know when and where I shall be online.. TOGETHER WE WILL PREVAIL!!!
Please also use this thread to keep me abreast of your DYM BR challenge progress.. Good or bad!!
Oh. and Orford.. I will be expecting you.
If you're not happy about it join the rest of us posting on Oynutter's 'idea to get players to stay with sky poker' thread in the community suggestions section.
Good luck anyway.
problem with DYMs is that we don't get famous playin them! maybe with lisa joinin us we'll get more airtime
good luck LM
read Oynutter's thread they should join the debate on this issue.
DYMs at lower levels help pass the time for not much outlay, they can provide good practice.....but they don't represent good value.
Ughhhhh 3 words that should be deleted from the dictionary, at least when being used in conjunction with eachother.