If you live in the southern half of Britain you may have seen me on leaflets and stuff, like the one below. Cheryl Cole might be the face of L'Oreal, but she's got nothing on me; I'm the face of Milk & More! My ugly mug appears in several Youtube videos too http://www.youtube.com/garylq Posted by GaryQQQ
In Response to Re: Faces behind the avatars!: In Response to Re: Faces behind the avatars! : I'll have 2 pints and a banana yoghurt please ) Posted by BananaDog
Gary, Ive just spent 20 minutes watching you dig up coins! Actully found it quite interesting, but doesnt say alot for sunday night TV! What do you do with the gold rings then? - Get Dale Winton on the blower? "CASH MY GOLD" ??? And the old coins....r they valuable? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
It all stays in my collection. Obviously the gold has scrap value, but most of the of the coins have little or no value. When I first started up I sold a rare(ish) coin on ebay for £60, I really regreted letting it go, so I haven't sold anything since.
In Response to Re: Faces behind the avatars! : I'll have 2 pints and a banana yoghurt please
Posted by BananaDog
Suck out on me again and I KILL YOOOOOOOOO
you look surprisingly like your avatar there dohhhh
Me dishing out the hurt at my other hobby.
OMG U look just like u sound in my head