After bombing out of DanTB's deepstack and the Primo I could fully concentrate on the excellent 30 min SPT Glasgow review/fillum [I Sky+'d it - is that sad?].
Really looked like good craic and the mention of SPT Swansea whetted my appetite. So, after a bit of research, it looks like it's only a 5 and a bit hour drive from Bingley; result! Never played live however, should I be nervous? Purchase a hoody and mahoosive headphones?
All this assuming I'm lucky/skillful enough to win/earn a place of course.
When will the satellites start to appear?
Will there be a bus from Yorkshire???
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Behave, & just BE THERE, whether you win a seat or not.
Here's all you have to do.
1) Get there. Say hi to me when you first arrive, & I'll introduce you to all the good guys, and to Dylan (he's Welsh) too.
2) Book the same Hotel as everyone else - we try all to stay in the same Hotel, it adds to it somehow.
3) It does not matter if you have a Seat or not - you WILL have a good day. Trust me, the other guys will confirm that.
As to when Satellites will begin, they have not chosen the date yet, & as it happens, the Event is over 2 months away, so no panic. I think, in truth, they (Sky Poker) want to concentrate on Viva Las Vegas for the moment, but that's just a hunch.
See you in Swansea. Right?
Of course, a given, especially given the time/welcome everyone's (your good self incl.) afforded to me recently. Will certainly try. Do I need to have Jaegerbombs for breakfast though...? I'll be there with bells on; qualified or not
See you in Swansea then DTM!
The T & C's for VLV are stringent for good reason, but I do not think your role at Sky Sports would debar you in any way from playing SPT Swansea. The Presenters play it, after all, though to be fair, there's little danger of Orford ever cashing.
What do you do there, if I may ask? I know a few peeps over at Sky Sports, & as it happens, I think they deliver a sensationally good product.
The Sky Sports Website is a thing of beauty - how much traffic does THAT get? (rhetorical!). I occasionally manage to get an article on there, too, though it's right down in the depths, so far down I can rarely find it. The bots & spiders seem to find it though. Very SEO-friendly, one assumes.