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Lobby Timeouts



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,056
    edited May 2010

    Hi Guys,

    I discussed this with the Suits & made them aware yesterday.

    The change was made for very good technical reasons, as part of various meaures to reduce "load".

    The time period is something which Sky Poker can vary as they wish, so reverting is quite do-able.

    What they will now do, based on your feedback, is get it adjusted to time-out once per hour. This will be introduced as soon as they are able to implement - in the next day or two I would imagine.

    Once per hour may not be ideal, or exactly what you would wish, but please give it a week to see how it, & you, settle to it. If it is still a major annoyance, then Post again, & I'll send it to the Suits, & I'm pretty sure they will dial it out to 2 hours, or whatever.

    Does that sound reasonable?

    They are just changing a few things to help make the platform run on less load, & that issue you highlighted was one of scores of little changes they made which will help the site operate more efficienty. All of them are reversible, should the need arise, it's just about strikimg a balance.

    The feedback was excellent, perfect, thank you. 
  • Mr_MiyagiMr_Miyagi Member Posts: 2,031
    edited May 2010
    An hour would be more than enough surely. Especially if you open the lobby at the start so it then closes during the break, you can re-open it after you come back from the loo.

    Thanks Tikay, Rich + Sky.
  • Sky_AdamSky_Adam Member Posts: 419
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Lobby Timeouts:
    An hour would be more than enough surely. Especially if you open the lobby at the start so it then closes during the break, you can re-open it after you come back from the loo. Thanks Tikay, Rich + Sky.
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi
    This change is now live folks

    We've set it to 90 minutes in fact, which should be more than enough time to prevent becoming a nuisance but still provide server load benefit for which it was developed.

    Sorry guys for the inconvenience and thanks for bearing with us for the last 24 hours!

    Best Wishes

  • rawhandrawhand Member Posts: 437
    edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Lobby Timeouts:
    In Response to Re: Lobby Timeouts : This change is now live folks We've set it to 90 minutes in fact, which should be more than enough time to prevent becoming a nuisance but still provide server load benefit for which it was developed. Sorry guys for the inconvenience and thanks for bearing with us for the last 24 hours! Best Wishes Adam
    Posted by Sky_Adam
    Thanks guys
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited May 2010
    Brilliant response, thanks Sky Poker people, whoever started this thread deserves a pat on the back.  No, not from you Cowgomoo!

    I'll add a post to try and justify keeping railed tables open longer in a while, but I'm eating my dinner so it will have to wait. :-)
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited May 2010
    Some quickish calculations as to why timing out the lobby or the railed tables doesn't make sense in terms of network traffic. 

    Here I'm assuming the lobby stays open indefintiely.

    2 Hour Tounry when Lobby Stays Open  
    Action Cost Bytes
    Open Lobby                143,716
    Lobby running for 1m                  15,601
    Lobby running for 119m more            1,856,567
    Total Lobby Bytes for 120m            2,015,884
    Here I'm assuming that the lobby closed after 10 minutes and the user just reopened it.

    2 Hour Tounry when Lobby Closes at 10m  
    Action Cost Bytes
    Open Lobby                143,716
    Open Lobby 11 times more            1,580,871
    Lobby running for 1m                  15,601
    Lobby running for 119m more            1,856,567
    Total Lobby Bytes for 120m            3,596,754
    So over a 2 hour period having the lobby stay open uses about 2MB of data compared to 3.5MB when the lobby times out.

    For the table timings I'm assuming that you are railing a 2 hour period of a tournament.

    Here the Table is staying open indefintiely.
    2 Hour Tourny Railing when table stays open  
    Action Cost Bytes
    Open table            1,672,939
    Table open for 1m                  15,195
    Table open for 119m more            1,808,205
    Total for table open 120m            3,496,339
    Here it is closing after 10m and the railer is reopening the table each time it closes.

    2 Hour Tourny Railing when table closes at 10m  
    Action Cost Bytes
    Open table            1,672,939
    Open table 11 more times          18,402,324
    Table open for 1m                  15,195
    Table open for 119m more            1,808,205
    Total for table open 120m          21,898,662
    So over a 2 hour period a table that stays open uses about 3.5MB of data compared to 22MB when the table times out.

    All this is based on data snapshots across my network taking away background traffic where possible.

    Based on the above I'd say keeping a table open until the table is emtpied after the tourny closes or the players are balanced away makes sense.

  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited May 2010
    All the above is based on this data I captured (each Start is the point I used as the zero):

    Time Received Bytes Comment
    20:55:30 2133895826 Start
    20:56:30 2134069653 After 60s and Loading Lobby
      173827 Bytes used in 60s and Loading Lobby
    21:01:30 2134248715 300s later Lobby left open
      179062 Bytes used in 300s if Lobby left open
    21:08:00 2134459294  
    21:09:00 2134479505 After 60s monitoring background noise
      20211 Bytes used in 60 seconds of noise
      78007 Bytes used in 300s -noise with lobby open
      15601 Bytes used in 60s -noise with lobby open
    21:14:30 2135279054 Start
    21:15:00 2135432875 After 30s and Loading Lobby
      153821 Bytes used for Loading Lobby inc noise
      143716 Bytes used for Loading Lobby -noise
      862293 Loading Lobby x 6
      936084 60 x Lobby open for 60s
      1798377 total bytes used for lobby open 1h opening x 6
    21:25:00 2135747613 Start
    21:25:30 2137430657 After 30s and Loading table
      1683044 Bytes used for 30s and Loading table
      1672939 Bytes used for 30s and Loading table -noise
    21:30:30 2137584639 After 300s of table being open
      153982 Bytes used for 300s of table being open
      30796 Bytes used for 60s of table being open inc noise
      15195 Bytes used for 60s of table being open -noise
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2011
    The Lobby has started timing out again after 10 minutes.
  • Sky_AdamSky_Adam Member Posts: 419
    edited August 2011
    Hi Aaron,

    Thanks for letting us know, i'm not sure how this old setting has been re-introduced during todays outage but i'll pick it up in the morning.

    Its definitely not intended and i'll get this returned to the previous timeout setting asap

    Apologies all for the inconvenience as i appreciate it will be annoying

    Best Wishes

  • tierceltiercel Member Posts: 325
    edited August 2011
     Ditto to all .

    n Response to Re: Lobby Timeouts:
    In Response to Lobby Timeouts : i am one for u, get rid off, was in b/h had good hand then pop up came up, off puttin espeailly in middle off hand hope sky get rid off ??
    Posted by spornybol
  • JananaJanana Member Posts: 164
    edited August 2011
    so this is the reason ive just lost 5.50 on a turbo DYM is it? without any real warning in the middle of a game im booted out and get blinded out of the game, to make it worst 1st hand after being booted was AA lol but im not happy why cant u give a warning? im hardly going to play a turbo DYM if i know theres an outage in a few mins ............ F F S  S K Y
  • Sky_AdamSky_Adam Member Posts: 419
    edited August 2011
    hi Janana,

    No the issue you have described above this afternoon had nothing to do with this lobby pop up timeout.

    I'm really sorry to hear that you were affected by the short outage this afternoon, please accept our sincere apologies as the communication should have been better.

    We've refunded your buy in for the Turbo DYM which was affected

    If you have any further problems or concerns then please get in touch with our customer care team.

    Kind Regards

  • JananaJanana Member Posts: 164
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Lobby Timeouts:
    hi Janana, No the issue you have described above this afternoon had nothing to do with this lobby pop up timeout. I'm really sorry to hear that you were affected by the short outage this afternoon, please accept our sincere apologies as the communication should have been better. We've refunded your buy in for the Turbo DYM which was affected If you have any further problems or concerns then please get in touch with our customer care team. Kind Regards Adam
    Posted by Sky_Adam
    TY adam i appreciate that
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