I was in an Italian resturant the other night, and for dessert, the waiter brought out tiramissu and a blind-folded horse. I said "No. Mascapone." But I'm getting off track. Anyway, my mains was brought out, some sort of pasta thingy, and the waiter asked if I wanted some parmazan, and of course I said "Yes, please", "Say when" etc. etc.
So, anyways, this massive lump of parmazan fell onto my plate as he was grating, and I thought "Right". So I ate it whole, and it was a massive letdown. It tasted just like cheddar.
So, anyways, the last couple of months I've been trying out these different cheeses. I took it easy to begin with, y'know, Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, that sort of thing. Then I went a bit dutch with some Edam, and some emental and what have you, and it's all cheddar to me.
So, anyways, on to my question. I don't to jump in at the deep end just yet with that blyue mouldy stuff, the crust scares me. So does anyone know what my next move is, remembering that I want to get away from cheddar?
P.S. No Dairylea dunkers.
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Was The horse Blind...and folded over... singing Peters & Lee songs, wearing dark glasse's, Or was he a 'normal' horse wearing a 'blind fold', because if he was a 'White Horse' called 'Whisky', as opposed to the other way round, or folded, so to speak, in my limited experiance, in this situation, you should NEVER, I Repeat, Never.....
Fold your Blind!! Hope this is clear and concise!
I Thank You
The Hitman
P.S try Camenbert first as a mild introduction to the more wicked cheese's like Bishops finger, always with a decanted fine Bordeaux, that has been left to breathe for an hour or two, followed by a tall slim blonde of experiance!
*photo not been approved yet again*
Your kidding right?
Semi hard goats are not as common as some people think, mainly because the are de-horned when young.
Me i would go for smoked Austrian.
2. Green Thunder
3. Bouncing Berry.