WAHEYYYY! had a nice few weeks break from online pokerr, after gettin beat by bad beat after bad beat after bad beat and so onn.... come back tonite,,, fort fook it ill give it a bash, things started well hit quad 9's twice within like 10 handss lololol ive never seen quads twice in a week never mind 10 hands :P yeh got down to final 6 wasnt hittin a fish pushed fairly low with k j

got called by 10 queen :O my K held up sumhow

then had a little discussion over his rash call with 10 queen :S he sed it was the same as shovin with K J, but sumhow i fort it was okay to shove with k j makin a squeeze they call it right?? not callin off 3/4 of ur stack with 10 queen :S
anyway i picked up A K i was like maybe my lucks in tonite but the silly boy called with ace 9 yesss goodbyeee suckerrr flop 5 5 2 turn 8 , 9!!!! on the riverrr, then he rips outaa me lololol so anyway off agen sky dun me in agen, im a quality poker player u shud see my BR on other sites but not sky lolol put my remainin BR on here on an accumulator lol returns like 200k hahahaha wish me luck!! chow xxxx
I prefer sky to the others personallly but each to their own