Hi all
I am looking to get a new laptop after my current one has decided to slowly start packing up...
I'm not big on tech stuff, to be honest I have little idea of what's good etc. Can people post what I should be looking for or any good deals/laptops? Obviously it's going to be geared towards poker so I need something that's going to multi table easily with a large screen...
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what about playing live in a casino instead? save all the fuss
and mirror image the comp screen on to it m8 .
Then split into individual tables
I have a Dell 17" i5core 3gb mem...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
anyway - best £450 ever spent...Dell are notoriously expensive on upgrades though so make sure you get what you need at sale point!
Plus, they have a Dell outlet (also acccesable via the website) which offers wrong orders/colours, return etc at apx 50% off....always worth a look imo
there is very little between all laptops really as long as you get the minimum spec.... one with 4GB memory, windows 7, largest screen possible (incidentally netbooks cut off part of the poker table) but do look at screen quality and set to highest resolution. And even for a laptop get a wireless laser mouse.
mty laptops are hp and packard bell.