Just wondering if it's just a cooler when you run middle set, into top set (really dry flop)? No real action preflop.
All the money/chips went in before the turn.
Is there any way to get away from this? Or should you always play, as, over time, you'll mainly be against drawing hands, two-pair, or top pair?
Thanks, Dan
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Just about as cool as a cooler gets !
Thanks for the support chaps...

Played it back a few times in my heed, and would have been the world's tightest fold and prob as you say, will win more than I lose.
Had a feeling it was going to be my night in the Open too. Ah well, c'est la vie
In Hold Em it's just a cooler, in Omaha, not so, it's getoffable.
aslong as your opponent isnt folding bottom set it's fine this also depends on how deep you are
i mean if you are a million bb's deep playing a HU tourney and the loser gets shot in the head you could prob fold if he open jams the flop