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Ok guys, having on of those horrible days. Just feel so hated lol, lost with AJ J45(2 hearts on flop) make a pot sized 780 bet on flop, onther opponent re-raised all in with J8 and we got called by 22 turn is a 2 river 2. Later in a differnt tournament raise pre-flop with AK flop K35 raise pot size again, 7 on turn and K on river, yeap id been called by 64. Not in freerolls this was in £5.25 buy in half 12 BH and half 1 BH scary. I just feel so bad losing two hands as quick in an hour. Is it just not meant to be?
Happens to us all mate
last nite - 2 hands did my buyin.
AK lost on A high flop after opponent got trips on turn
then later QQ allin got called by 92 suited who flopped a flush which held.
You get on the wrong side and right side - I've won hands I thought I was ahead but wasn't and then won on the river.
Some days you get the rub, some you don't
Its why we love (and hate) poker
from 50-30 plaerys left leading tikay £5 buyin - 429 players) with 51,000 got 99 - hit - he called allin and hit runner runner for 20+ thou , then nxt hit str8 on flop after calling raise with 34 and got put all in and player hit runner runner again - was left with about 8,000 and finished 20+
rant over
Secondly think of the times when not so much you made the wrong decision but found yourself in the position where you are not favourite, and still came through. Whenever a hand goes against me ( I refuse to say bad beat because what most people call bad beats I dont
15 Players left I'm chip leader have AQ, put in a standard raise and get called by guy with 2nd most chips. Flop is AKQ. I C bet and get raised all in. A call will leave me with about 2k in chips, a fold will leave me somewhere around the money bubble. I agonise for what seemed an age, and make a reluctant call, followed by a number of expletives as he turns over pocket kings, and I'm now sat there thinking why have I put my tourny in jeopardy.I then got lucky in that turn and river dealt a ten and a jack so we ended up with a split pot, and I had a massive sigh of relief. I ended up winning that tounry, and whilst there were hands that I played a lot better and got paid off in, within the same tourney, that hand that I ended up splitting was the defining moment, and is always the hand that I feel allowed me to go on and win.
Every player gets lucky at some stage in poker, due to either bad play, a mis read or whatever, you just need to remember that you want to be in those positions against players with inferior hands and accept that now and then, the community cards will run against you. If it gets to a position where it seems to be happening a lot more frequent, then take a break for a day or two, wash the car, walk the dog, and then come back refreshed.
Bad beats are like the common cold, there's no known cure, but it's only a temporary condition that's not fatal.
Just carry on playing your normal game, if you let the beats affect your decision making you will go on tilt and make the situation worse. The only known therapy is to drop stakes until the run of bad luck has ended.
If you think you're running bad just have a look at this lot;